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FFS, is this Kincardine guy one of these c***s that just goes round and round either being deliberately obtuse for the sake of an argument or just genuinely thick?

No wonder he gets pelters elsewhere on the board for his performances on BRALT.

The former. He's out to ruin the thread and he'll succeed if folk keep responding to the trolling.

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FFS, Kincardine, are you really this simple? Your club used EBT's to evade deducting Income Tax and NIC's and remitting them to HMRC. That is a crime, as illustrated in my previous post.

So when will Police Scotland be involved?

FFS, is this Kincardine guy one of these c***s that just goes round and round either being deliberately obtuse for the sake of an argument or just genuinely thick?

No wonder he gets pelters elsewhere on the board for his performances on BRALT.

Go on then, chappy. Talk me through how your robbing a bank is in any way analogous to Rangers' use of EBTs.

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So our use of EBTs was criminal? Really? Care to explain? Also care to share why the people who administered the scheme aren't having their doors chapped by Police Scotland?

The old club tried to cheat, not only the taxman but the creditors out of money they had rightly been owed.

You got found out, ironically it was this cheating that in the end killed you in the end.

You have nobody but to blame but yourselves. Get over it.

Yet again you utterly miss the point. I asked if our use of EBTs was criminal. Care to try and dredge a definite response up from somewhere?

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Cosgrove, I know you read this thread. In days of old you would ridicule Mitchell, Wilson et al, but the BEEB have obviously got to you recently.

You surely cant ignore this on Saturday. Time to show you still have some balls.

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Yet again I'm trying to derail a thread, Rather than just accepting the truth that my old club was nothing but a bunch of cheats run by fraudsters

Fixed that.

You're embarrassing yourself now, is all you're going to do is try and ruin threads because the truth has hurt your feelings?

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I simply asked if our use of EBTs was criminal. You can't answer this.

Criminal: informal (Of an action or situation) deplorable and shocking: he may never fulfil his potential, and that would be a criminal waste

Does that help?

Just as well nobody in sport bends and twists the obvious meaning of something to get their own way.

I pointed out it was criminal. Still waiting for your reply.

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Immoral is not the same as illegal/criminal.

Rangers cheated. You know it. Everybody knows it. Your club used EBTs as a tax avoidance vehicle. They were possibly legal and you may even win the Big Tax Case. But whatever we all know it was an extremely sharp practice that amounts to cheating. Plain and simple. Tainted titles, every one.

I for one hope they get stripped.

Your club is a disgrace and I wish the very worst for it.

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