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Killie vs St Mirren - 13/09/14

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I must've missed this. I usually meet Killie bird work colleague and pals in the Howard Arms and have always found your fans to be a decent bunch as is anyone supporting your local team.(I've only lived in Ayr about 7 years) Working till 4 tomorrow so wont make it...I'd be happy with a point.

Hope not to see Ngoo in my local again on sunday :lol:


I was in there on Wednesday when shopping with my Mrs. A bottle of Peroni is only bloody £1.75, how skint is Mikey?!

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I must've missed this. I usually meet Killie bird work colleague and pals in the Howard Arms and have always found your fans to be a decent bunch as is anyone supporting your local team.(I've only lived in Ayr about 7 years) Working till 4 tomorrow so wont make it...I'd be happy with a point.

Hope not to see Ngoo in my local again on sunday :lol:


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Sorry, I didn't realise that your ridiculous post deserved an erudite reply. If you're so desperate for one then here you go...

You continue to liken being a footballer to having a "real life" job, yet you mention that a footballer will work for two-hours a day. If my work schedule stipulated that I work ten hours a week, then an "arbitrary day off" wouldn't feel like such a necessity to me. You know because, unlike any other worker, I'm home around midday on any given day.

It deserved an erudite one, it just didn't receive one. And hasn't now.

A footballers official organised training might only be for two hours a day, but it most certainly doesn't mean their work is done. Being a professional athlete is, you know, difficult. These people have to stay incredibly fit. If they kicked a ball for 2 hours a day and then sat on their couch the rest they wouldn't last 10 minutes in a professional game of football.

But this is academic, if their contract stipulates a certain period of days they train per week then you can't arbitrarily break it because the team is doing badly. These people have lives too and may have pre existing plans for their days off. You know, almost like normal human beings.

It's been the case that they can put on double training and have two sessions a day instead of one, this is more common and more likely than saying "give up your two days off, I want to motivate you!!!"

Will I get an erudite reply this time, or do you still want to show off your MS Paint skills?

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It's certainly not a crisis, but then again neither is our bonus fall-out. However, the St Mirren players should be a bit more savvy than to be going out clubbing the week of a league match when they have yet to even score this season. I'd also be questioning why they're getting a Wednesday off when their record has been so abysmal this season - I'd be wanting my players in every day to remedy the issues.

Would have to agree with that. I definitely don't think our players deserve a day off at the moment, extra training if anything. They only train for a few hours a day so hardly a big ask IMO.

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Stick on win for the Saints tomorrow. Any struggling team desperate for points are usually obliged by Killie.

Sorry fellow fans but you know it's true. :-(

No need to worry mate,this Saints team is the worst side we've had since the bad old days of Coughlin. Killie will win this game with ease.

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The points would be nice, but we're forgetting the best consequence of a Killie win...

months free of Lex's inane intrusions onto our threads.

This coming from a poster who's vast majority of posts on this forums are about another team :lol:

I fully expect Kilmarnock to win tomorrow, Magennis to score and the hungover Buddies to lose 3-0.. The current knicker wetting amongst the Saints support will turn into a full blown pampers sponsored waterfall :)

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This coming from a poster who's vast majority of posts on this forums are about another team :lol:

^^^ Telt.


I'm my usual pessimistic self and expecting defray.

Since I only make about 10 games a season I'm normally quite buzzing but with everything else going on I haven't given it too much thought.

Think by the law of averages we'll score though.

2-1 Killie, Ball, Josh and McKenzie.

Wonder if Ngoo will be as hopeless as last time we saw him, another one who I think has got the physical attributes but is never a footballer. Quite an impressive start for Killie though, especially as I think I'm right in saying Miller hasn't played yet.

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