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General Election 2015


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Tory govt will simultaneously fix the economy and drum up SNP support. Win win.

Fix the economy?

f**k sake. It's all based on a lie. A false economy that suits the city of london and shareholders. Working people matter not a jot, other than the value of their house.

This next tory government is going to be ruthless. Communities all over the land are going to be slashed as all forms of public spending are cut.

Gideon and Co will see this as a green light for their systematic dismantling of big government. Phoney austerity is over and the real shit will start now.

It might bring forward independence - but this election result is by no means a good result for Scotland.

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do you write for the national by any chance ?

Never even read it, nevermind written for it.

I know you're not big on details, but did you have a problem with anything in particular?

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The Conservatives will have another go after bringing in English Votes for English laws. EVEL will probably be included in a constitutional reform Bill that will include more devolved powers to Scotland, Wales and Ulster. Cameron may need DUP and UUP support on key votes.

Oh, I don't doubt they'll get it through now.

Just makes you think could have been even worse for Labour if they'd got it through this term. Overall I think any constitutional package will be bad news for Scotland with the cons outweighing the pros.

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Have to say that as delighted as I am about the Scottish result, (Mhairi Black in particular is just such a good news story and Jum Murphy signing-on on Monday of course) can't help but feel a shiver down my spine seeing Theresa (zionist protector of the cash) May still as Home Secretary and all the rest of those self-serving c***s, like Hammond and Gove waltz back into cabinet.

I hope Mhairi totally loses her shit first day and boots George Osbournes balls up round his ears. As if her hero status was in any doubt.

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Tebbit on TV there saying Scotland is on its way to becoming one of the "little boys club like Latvia or Estonia" who "nobody pays much attention too".

Two minutes later he says Danny Alexander will be a loss to the treasury and it's a great shame that a 20 year old could replace him.

:lol: Think that just about sums it up.

That he and folk like him seem to think that this is a bad thing just shows what c***s they are. They're totally stuck in the past and still think that Britain is some sort of glorious empire, despite it being built on slavery and murder.

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Was just looking at the electoral map there and without a word of a lie you could literally travel from the tip of Cornwall to Carlisle without setting foot in a Labour constituency.


You can drive from Lands End to John O'Groats without passing through a Labour seat.

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This isn't really about the Tories for me, I don't see a Labour government as much more preferable, however this is something that is hitting home with a lot of first time voters my age, and second time voters a little older than me, and it's something we should have listened at the referendum.

This is about the fact that Scotland's vote has been completely ignored at this election. At the last election, at least we had 13 MPs in government, and at the three before that the majority of our MPs would sit on the government benches.

I don't really see where we go from here other than giving Alex Salmond a "free role" to be a major pain in the arse in the house of commons, however that probably isn't effective in an absolute majority situation.

I'd love to see someone commission an opinion poll on independence in the next few days.

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FWIW, I'll openly admit I voted No last year, but had no issue voting for Drew Hendry yesterday as I believe the SNP will go down there and put a cat amongst the pigeons and get the Scottish people heard.

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That he and folk like him seem to think that this is a bad thing just shows what c***s they are. They're totally stuck in the past and still think that Britain is some sort of glorious empire, despite it being built on slavery and murder.

It's like Britain's independent nuclear deterrent. As if Britain's nuclear deterrent would ever be used without first getting the approval and go ahead of the UN, NATO and the White House. Independent my arse.

What actually happens is British tax payers pay through the nose to provide a nuclear defence for Poland, Belgium, Germany, Turkey, Estonia and other NATO members while the people in those countries spend their cash elsewhere.

Completely deluded view of Britain and world politics. It's like Suez didn't quite sink in for a lot of them.

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This isn't really about the Tories for me, I don't see a Labour government as much more preferable, however this is something that is hitting home with a lot of first time voters my age, and second time voters a little older than me, and it's something we should have listened at the referendum.

This is about the fact that Scotland's vote has been completely ignored at this election. At the last election, at least we had 13 MPs in government, and at the three before that the majority of our MPs would sit on the government benches.

I don't really see where we go from here other than giving Alex Salmond a "free role" to be a major pain in the arse in the house of commons, however that probably isn't effective in an absolute majority situation.

I'd love to see someone commission an opinion poll on independence in the next few days.

I think it depends on how the Tories act in terms of implementing cuts and also how they behave towards Scotland's MPs between now and May 2016.

They can completely ignore Scotland (via SNP) in terms of the arithmetic needed for commons votes, but that could generate popular resentment as would more deep cuts. With both of these factors, Scottish folk could vote in huge numbers for a 2016 SNP manifesto that has a commitment to an independence referendum in it.

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UKIP voters are thick as shit.

I agree.

But that point is surely a legitimate one? Its not having a go at the SNP - it's having a go at the FPTP system (which is hellishly undemocratic at times).

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