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P&B's Top 40 Films of the 80's


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But Labyrinth???

Plenty better films in the list that didn't make it!!!

Like American Werewolf in London amirite?!

Seriously though, Labyrinth is the epitome of the 80s. Just had to be in the list.

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Like American Werewolf in London amirite?!

Seriously though, Labyrinth is the epitome of the 80s. Just had to be in the list.

Yes, good example, it was 14th on my list and definitely a far superior film to fucking Labyrinth IMO!!!

And no it isn't and no it didn't, but at least you have the right idea about this poll, I really feel that instead of being completely about the 80's that the winners are going to be the same films that we have seen in previous "Greatest Films Ever Polls" an example would be Raging Bull, now this happens to be my favourite film of all time (after Highlander ;)) but I didn't vote for it because I feel it should be regarded as a Timeless Classic and not a product of the era during which it was made, it just doesn't sum up the 80's, it'll probably be Top 3!!!

Just had a reread of the films that didn't make it and I've got three in there but kudos to whoever put in The Natural, I completely forgot about that one and it'll be getting rewatched as soon as!!!

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I voted for Labyrinth. :ph34r:

Rather than trying to pick what were critically the best films, I just voted for ones that I enjoyed or have lots of nostalgia value for me.

I don't think I've watched it since the 80's but might watch it again just to see how pish it probably is.

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Ok, we have a top 40 (40+ given joint positions)

How about a list of the also-ran's first then....see where your favourites placed that didn't make the Top 40...

45= Indiana Jones and The Temple of Doom – 15 points (4 votes)

45= Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior – 15 points (2 votes) 1 first-place vote

45= Mississippi Burning – 15 points (3 votes)

48= Escape From New York – 14 points (3 votes)

48= Good Morning, Vietnam – 14 points (2 votes)

48= Planes, Trains & Automobiles – 14 points (3 votes)

51= Big – 13 points (3 votes)

51= Gremlins – 13 points (3 votes)

51= Local Hero – 13 points (3 votes)

51= Midnight Run – 13 points (2 votes)

51= The Running Man – 13 points (2 votes)

56= Beetlejuice -12 points (3 votes)

56= Who Framed Roger Rabbit – 12 points (4 votes)

56= Withnail & I – 12 points (2 votes) 1 first-place vote

59= Beverly Hills Cop – 11 points (4 votes)

59= Wings of Desire – 11 points (2 votes)

61= The Breakfast Club – 10 points (2 votes)

61= After Hours – 10 points (2 votes)

61= Highlander – 10 points (1 vote) 1 first-place vote

61= The Little Mermaid – 10 points (1 vote) 1 first-place vote

65= An American Werewolf In London – 9 points (1 vote)

65= Fast Times At Ridgemont High – 9 points (1 vote)

65= The Name of the Rose – 9 points (1 vote)

65= Project A – 9 points (1 vote)

65= Scrooged – 9 points (2 votes)

70= Better Off Dead – 8 points (1 vote)

70= Return To Oz – 8 points (1 vote)

70= Revenge of the Nerds – 8 points (1 vote)

70= Teen Wolf – 8 points (1 vote)

70= Trading Places – 8 points (3 votes)

70= The Sure Thing - 8 points (1 vote)

76= Blood Simple – 7 points (2 votes)

76= Brewster’s Millions – 7 points (1 vote)

76= "Crocodile" Dundee – 7 points (1 vote)

76= Honey, I Shrunk The Kids – 7 points (1 vote)

76= The Man with Two Brains – 7 points (1 vote)

76= Police Academy – 7 points (1 vote)

76= Top Secret! – 7 points (1 vote)

83= Akira – 6 points (2 votes)

83= Big Trouble in Little China – 6 points (3 votes)

83=Born on theFourth of July – 6 points (1 vote)

83=Day of the Dead – 6 points (1 vote)

83=Dune – 6 points (1 vote)

83= Lethal Weapon 2 – 6 points (1 vote)

83= Cinema Paradiso – 6 points (1 vote)

83= Stir Crazy – 6 points (2 votes)

91= Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure – 5 points (2 votes)

91= Clue - 5 points (1 vote)

91= Cobra - 5 points (1 vote)

91= Crimes and Misdemeanors – 5 points (2 votes)

91= The Horse Thief – 5 points (1 vote)

91= Porky's – 5 points (1 vote)

91= Stranger Than Paradise – 5 points (1 vote)

98= A Fish Called Wanda – 4 points (1 vote)

98= Field Of Dreams – 4 points (1 vote)

98 =Gandhi – 4 points (2 votes)

98 =The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad! – 4 points (2 votes)

98 =The Natural – 4 points (1 vote)

98 =The Outsiders – 4 points (1 vote)

98= Restless Natives – 4 points (1 vote)

98= Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan – 4 points (1 vote)

98= They Live – 4 points (1 vote)

107= Amadeus – 3 points (1 vote)

107= Chariots of Fire – 3 points (1 vote)

107= City On Fire – 3 points (1 vote)

107= Dead Men Don’t Wear Plaid – 3 points (1 vote)

107= Ladyhawke – 3 points (1 vote)

107= Lethal Weapon – 3 points (1 vote)

107= The Long Good Friday – 3 points (1 vote)

107= Monty Python's The Meaning of Life – 3 points (1 vote)

107= The Neverending Story – 3 points (1 vote)

107= Sex, Lies, and Videotape – 3 points (1 vote)

107= Superman II – 3 points (1 vote)

107= Time Bandits - 3 points (1 vote)

107= Tootsie – 3 points (1 vote)

107= WarGames – 3 points (2 votes)

107= Paris, Texas - 3 points (1 vote)

122= The 'Burbs – 2 points (1 vote)

122= Friday the 13th – 2 points (1 vote)

122= Heartbreak Ridge – 2 points (1 vote)

122= Heathers – 2 points (1 vote)

122= The Karate Kid – 2 points (2 vote)

122= Terms of Endearment – 2 points (1 vote)

122= Zelig - 2 points (1 vote)

129= Little Shop of Horrors - 1 point (1 vote)

129= Rocky III - 1 point (1 vote)

129= Rumble Fish - 1 point (1 vote)

129= Pink Floyd - The Wall – 1 point (1 vote)

129= Innerspace - 1 point (1 vote)

8 of my top 10 there. 7 with only 1 vote. Ach well, I've always had unusual tastes... :rolleyes:

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=40 Rain Man (1988)

Dir: Barry Levinson

"I'm an excellent driver"


Our first Academy Award for Best Picture entry. A road-movie-to-redemption movie in which Tom Cruise becomes a better person (and wins a big bag of money) thanks to his autistic long-lost brother. Following 'Top Gun' and 'The Color of Money' etc this was Cruise's vehicle to prove his acting chops, and he does so superbly. The consensus is that both are excellent here, personally i find Hoffman a bit OTT and the use of the autistic character to lead Cruise's 'can't-be-arsed about anyone other himself' brother to be a better man certainly isn't the most sensitive use of learning difficulties in film. Hoffman however walked away with Best Actor at the Oscars so who am i to argue (looking at the other nominations that year though for lead/support Cruise must feel aggrieved not to pick up a nomination also, not the strongest of fields). A feelgood movie that doesn't rely of mawkishness, good job all round. if not, personally, the classic it's often regarded as.

You said: "not a big Cruise fan but he hangs with Hoffman well and the two play-off each other superbly"

Random critic rating: 3/10 (Pauline Kael @ The New Yorker) :lol:

Points - 16

Votes - 4

First Places - 0

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I've seen Rain Man once (about ten years ago) but it was still somewhere in my top 30 of the 80s. I remember it being long but it's a first class example of genuinely compelling and entertaining Hollywood drama, with satisfying visuals, a wonderful mood of optimism and one of the greatest performances from one of my favourite actors.

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=40 Rain Man (1988)

Dir: Barry Levinson

"I'm an excellent driver"


Our first Academy Award for Best Picture entry. A road-movie-to-redemption movie in which Tom Cruise becomes a better person (and wins a big bag of money) thanks to his autistic long-lost brother. Following 'Top Gun' and 'The Color of Money' etc this was Cruise's vehicle to prove his acting chops, and he does so superbly. The consensus is that both are excellent here, personally i find Hoffman a bit OTT and the use of the autistic character to lead Cruise's 'can't-be-arsed about anyone other himself' brother to be a better man certainly isn't the most sensitive use of learning difficulties in film. Hoffman however walked away with Best Actor at the Oscars so who am i to argue (looking at the other nominations that year though for lead/support Cruise must feel aggrieved not to pick up a nomination also, not the strongest of fields). A feelgood movie that doesn't rely of mawkishness, good job all round. if not, personally, the classic it's often regarded as.

You said: "not a big Cruise fan but he hangs with Hoffman well and the two play-off each other superbly"

Random critic rating: 3/10 (Pauline Kael @ The New Yorker) :lol:

Points - 16

Votes - 4

First Places - 0

One of these films I've never seen but always meant to...

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=33 Back To The Future Part II (1989)

Dir: Robert Zemeckis

"Why don't you make like a tree, and get out of here?"


Back To The Future II kicks off right where the first movie ends with Marty McFly and Jennifer (albeit recast) subject to a tirade from Doc Brown. We're off into the future this time (2015), Doc's rant a warning that McFly and Jennifer's future children are in danger. We see the same town as the first movie, square and all, with a futuristic twist. The futuristic stuff still looks good, where other such effects have aged certain films, BTTFII's flying cars and hoverboards and self-lacing shoes look ace. There may well be a bit of 'too much going on' here, and not everything the film tries comes off. It makes for a bit of a mish-mash of a sequel, never sure what it wants to be with plot-holes aplenty. Probably my least favourite of the trilogy (would've been interesting to see how the finale ranked if it'd have qualified for the list release-date wise) but an essential nugget of the story nonetheless.

You said: "Just as good as the original"

Random critic rating: 8/10 (Janet Maslin @ The New York Times)

Points - 17

Votes - 3

First Places - 0

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Part 2 didn't quite make my 10, went for 1 but it remains a favourite of mine.

You're perhaps right that everything didn't come off but the ambition and the originality on the story has to be admired. Don't think there's many sequels were they actually go back into the first film. One of the best sequels ever imo.

Part 3 is easily the worst of the trilogy.

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I prefer part 2. Maybe it's because the future and a dystopic present appealed more than the 50s, maybe it's because it is more nostalgic for me or maybe it's because even as a kid I couldn't understand why George wasn't raging that his son was clearly identical to the guy who helped him and his wife get together and for some reason he decides to keep the guy who almost raped his wife working around his house as a servant of some kind.

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I couldn't understand why George wasn't raging that his son was clearly identical to the guy who helped him and his wife get together and for some reason he decides to keep the guy who almost raped his wife working around his house as a servant of some kind.

I was thinking that whilst watching Part One last week, Biff's a borderline rapist bit we're supposed to see him as a bumbling fool. I'd have had the c**t killed.

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