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Jim Murphy


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A quick question. Now that Murphy has lost his seat, and obviously has to wait till next year to stand as an MSP. Does the Labour Party pay him a wage for being leader, or will he be signing on?

Zero hours contract
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I'll take it back if at least two Cowdenbeath posters can confirm/deny. It was actually two Cowden guys who told me this today, the boss and a workie. Excellent work on my mother's extension btw, use Scottish tradesman! He says these Roma are doing odd jobs about Fife, probably also nicking lead off church roofs etc (that last bit is my add on, they didn't say that)


Lib Dems... :lol:

Some facts required. Nobody can just bowl up and take their pick. A written referral from an approved agency is required and even then a maximum of 3 visits is imposed. The food is selected by the staff.

You don't suppose the shopkeepers were being creative for their own agenda do you? After all, if the problem's due to immigrants who are new to the town surely the good people of Cowdenbeath are still shopping there. Or are they away to the German shops in Kirkcaldy?

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Neil Findlay msp resigns from the shadow cabinet,jim is so popular

Orchestrated shouts of "untenable" from various people and unite,all around the same time,knives are out

Where is this happening?

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Neil Findlay msp resigns from the shadow cabinet,jim is so popular

I'd like to see Findlay and his supporters jumping to SNP, one of the few Labour ones I've any time for.

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The fact that he tried to cling on only to be imminently punted is even more pleasing.

Dugdale until their next humiliation in twelve months time IMO.

It will be interesting to see how much the Conservatives benefit next year from Scottish Labour's capitulation.

Ruth Davidson was recently voted the best politician in Scotland which really bodes well in my opinion. I think we're in for a great night.

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It will be interesting to see how much the Conservatives benefit next year from Scottish Labour's capitulation.

Ruth Davidson was recently voted the best politician in Scotland which really bodes well in my opinion. I think we're in for a great night.

I've had a quick look for this best politician claim but can't find anything. Could you provide a link? Cheers in advance

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Sorry, I should have cited the source in my original statement.

It was a straw poll conducted amongst my Facebook friends.

Are they mainly your recent recruits to the Conservative cause?

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Sorry, I should have cited the source in my original statement.

It was a straw poll conducted amongst my Facebook friends.

Brilliant. Not even trying to scramble for relevance.

You'll do well on this forum ya cheeky wee scamp.

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I've had a quick look for this best politician claim but can't find anything. Could you provide a link? Cheers in advance

I think I saw that vote being covered......

It was at the Scottish Tory Party conference. ;)

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Maggie Curran on Twitter saying Jim Murphy is the best person to rebuild Scottish Labour


1. SLab didn't lose in Scotland because they were perceived to be too left wing, they lost against a party who were anti-austerity and anti-Trident. What's the rational for supporting someone who is on the right of Labour?

2. Jim Murphy started off with poor approval ratings and they actually got worse during his time as leader?

3. He's presided over a level of defeat that is beyond all comprehension.

How can anyone seriously argue that he is the best person for the job.

Curran and others are in total denial.

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Sorry, I should have cited the source in my original statement.

It was a straw poll conducted amongst my Facebook friends.

Ah, as you were then. Thought for a minute you might have been talking pish. My apologies

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