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P&B Out of the Loop

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He claimed he was a lecturer at the London School of Economics. He also once posted a picture of himself that turned out to be the cricketer Ian Bell. When challenged on his outlandish claims he said that someone in his same street was using his Wi-Fi.

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I got one. It's really a question for the mods rather than anyone else, because although I lurked for ages, I only joined properly this year...

Why delete stuff?

If it's outrageously offensive or slanderous or could otherwise get the site in trouble, fair enough, but otherwise, surely it's best to just lock a thread. I don't like people's past idiocy being deleted from history. Keep it so they forever be tainted by it!

Seriously though, what's it about? I've never in my life come across a site where there are so many references to "that thing so and so said in a now-deleted thread".

A fair few theeads got deleted when the site got upgraded. Pretty sure Div had a cull of old threads a while ago aswell.

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Ha, good shout! As an infrequent poster will be ideal. It's good to have the detail during a full blown "heads gone"

Had a mate at work who used to rave about Dundee Barry when he first started the alternative blog. Was an exceptional effort.

Mate used to read the blogs out to the whole office, he did a pretty good Jocky impression.

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