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The 2016 US Presidential Election


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Trump ten points up on Walker in the latest poll. :o

Surely he has to fall away sooner rather than later? The GOP leadership probably want to tell him to do one but they'll be wary of him exercising the nuclear option and standing as an independent. Such a move would probably guarantee Hillary the presidency. That might still happen because rest assured if/when Trump fails it certainly won't be his fault and there's bound to be a tear stained reaction.

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Ideal scenario is he does a Ross Perot and runs as an independent after falling out with the Republicans and that allows Bernie Sanders in on well under 50% of the vote. This is the first US election in a long time where the favoured establishment drones might actually lose.

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I'm fearing Bush3 versus "Billary" after the primaries. Both will take America into a new war.

...quicker than you can say Mena, Arkansas. What makes me wonder whether things will run true to form this time is that ten years ago that comment would be completely meaningless to the vast majority of the population, but now people find out what's alleged to really be going on from the internet and it is more difficult for the mainstream media to shape and control the narrative.

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Trump's not going to win the GOP nomination. The only reason his poll numbers are so high is because he's getting a lot of exposure in recent weeks. Even if he was to win the nomination he can't win an election, because there is too many skeletons an army of Democrat investigators will be able to dig up in relation to his business dealings and private life.

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Trump's not going to win the GOP nomination. The only reason his poll numbers are so high is because he's getting a lot of exposure in recent weeks. Even if he was to win the nomination he can't win an election, because there is too many skeletons an army of Democrat investigators will be able to dig up in relation to his business dealings and private life.

And for that reason, and the fact it would be pure gold, I hope he seals the republican nomination. Clinton as president would be loathe some though.

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Of all the Republicans, Donald Trump has the highest favorablity rating amongst Hispanic voters. Also among the highest unfavorable ratings.

Hispanic voters - Favorable/Unfavorable/Not Sure

Trump - 34%/59%/7%

Walker - 26/48/26

Rubio - 29/52/19

Paul - 29/34/37

Huckabee - 16/65/19

Fiorina - 25/42/33

Cruz - 30/54/15

Christie - 21/62/18

Bush - 31/51/18

Carson - 16/52/32

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Of all the Republicans, Donald Trump has the highest favorablity rating amongst Hispanic voters.

Is that Hispanic Republicans (i.e. that rump of hardcore right-wing Cuban exiles that live in Florida) or all Hispanic voters?

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And for that reason, and the fact it would be pure gold, I hope he seals the republican nomination. Clinton as president would be loathe some though.

I wouldn't be surprised if some seriously damaging stuff gets dug out on Clinton and she's forced to withdraw. If so Elizabeth Warren could choose to stand and have a decent chance of the nomination. Strangely she's at 33/1 to get the Democratic nomination, but only 16/1 to become President, with McBookies.

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I wouldn't be surprised if some seriously damaging stuff gets dug out on Clinton and she's forced to withdraw. If so Elizabeth Warren could choose to stand and have a decent chance of the nomination. Strangely she's at 33/1 to get the Democratic nomination, but only 16/1 to become President, with McBookies.

There is no way Warren is going to run. Especially when she already knows she has no chance of beating Sanders. On top of that she has to worry about splitting votes between her and Sanders allowing Clinton to win the nomination by default. Sanders vs Clinton will be a very interesting race, because it will be old media vs new media in terms of trying to get their preferred candidate choosen.

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Is that Hispanic Republicans (i.e. that rump of hardcore right-wing Cuban exiles that live in Florida) or all Hispanic voters?

If I'm reading the poll right it's all Hispanics.

Don't leave out the Venezuelans in Florida. And Republicans have been known to get into the 40s with the Mexicans in Texas if they put foward the right candidate.

Not really that suprising. By coming out firing against Mexico, Trump's gonna pick up the Hispanics most gung ho to assimilate and some of the Hispanics who came to the US specifically because they were fed up with some part of the culture or government in their birth country (as opposed to those that came for purely economic reasons). Those positions will get you a head start because of all the attention, but it sets a low ceiling.

There is no way Warren is going to run. Especially when she already knows she has no chance of beating Sanders. On top of that she has to worry about splitting votes between her and Sanders allowing Clinton to win the nomination by default. Sanders vs Clinton will be a very interesting race, because it will be old media vs new media in terms of trying to get their preferred candidate choosen.

As of now the Democrats haven't even scheduled a debate. Sanders has no shot. He's got appeal with the college kids, state employees, counter culture folks, and rich leftie parts of the Democratic base, but you have to appeal to minorities or working class whites to win most of the early Democratic primaries. Sanders is almost as against open borders as Trump and so far doesn't have much traction with black folks. He represents the 2nd smallest state, the 2nd whitest state, and the state with the 3rd lowest poverty rate, so he's never had to appeal to diverse communities.

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There is no way Warren is going to run. Especially when she already knows she has no chance of beating Sanders. On top of that she has to worry about splitting votes between her and Sanders allowing Clinton to win the nomination by default. Sanders vs Clinton will be a very interesting race, because it will be old media vs new media in terms of trying to get their preferred candidate choosen.

She would only stand if Clinton stood down. If so she would get most of the Clinton votes and wipe the floor with Sanders. IMO.

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Listed below are rules for the GOP debate drinking game. Please do not drink yourself or anyone else to death. The game can be played without Jagermeister, but it's not recommended. I will be live-Tweeting during the event.


1. Donald Trump mentions his wealth, or how smart he is.

2. A candidate mentions Benghazi

3. A candidate says, "This president..."

4. A candidate whines about not getting called on enough.

5. Someone promises to "take America back."

6. Trump interrupts someone by saying, "Excuse me, let me answer that…"

7. Anyone mentions Hitler, Nazis or Neville Chamberlain. Includes related imagery, e.g. "ovens."

8. The crowd cheers a racist/bigoted statement by a candidate.

9. A candidate mentions his poor/hardscrabble upbringing, or a parent who "worked every day of his life."

10. A candidate talks about "stopping Hillary Clinton."

11. Anyone warns the U.S. is becoming Greece.

12. Trump refers to himself in the third person.

13. Anyone invokes St. Ronald Reagan.

Drink EVERY time a candidate:

14. Claims a positive relationship with a minority. Also known as the, "Some of my best friends are…" rule.

15. Tries to speak Spanish

16. Tries to warm up to the Ohio crowd with an awkward LeBron shout-out.

Drink EVERY TIME you hear the word(s):

17. "I'm not a scientist."

18. "You can keep your doctor."

19. "ACORN."

20. "The war on Christians."

21. "Thug."

22. "Right here in Ohio."

23. "Culture of dependency."


24. "Kenya."

25. "All Lives Matter."

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