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The 2016 US Presidential Election


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I can't say with any certainty who won the debate, but I know o'Malley ruined any chance he might have had by being governor of Baltimore and Chafee admitting he voted to remove Glass Steagal without reading the bill or even knowing what it was about. Sanders certainly came across as the most passionate, but did fumble on a few questions. However, he did cover issues no other candidate would dare touch. Hilary didn't do anything to alleviate concerns that were being made towards her, but I don't think she did anything to damage herself either. She didn't exactly cover herself with glory when she was asked why should anyone elect when she's viewed as an insider, and her response was somewhere along the lines of "I'm a woman". As for the other three candidates. They seemed like the dull inoffensive types saying the kind of stuff you'd expect. Just trying to play it safe and not trying to make a name for themselves.

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The three amigos; Martin O'Malley, Jim Webb & Lincoln Chafee were absolutely useless last night in the debate.

Jim Webb seemed to relate his experience in the navy to every issue that arisen last night, if it was not a Democratic debate I would of thought that he was a Republican candidate.

Lincoln Chafee had a horror moment last night when he was asked about a piece of legislation that he voted for and he declared that 'I didn't even know what the legislation contained before voting for it' and he then blamed his poor judgement at the time on the death of his father.

Martin O'Malley was pretty irrelevant, he was stating fact after fact about everything from his record to climate change, but I felt that it came across as a tad mechanical and I thought that when he articulated issues off the cuff it came across more fluidly and gave him his better moments in the debate.

As I predicted on a post on here a couple of days ago; Bernie Sanders' position on gun control were applified for all the wrong reasons in the debate. He failed to realise that there is a fundamental difference between the issue of gun control in a rural state like Vermont, where he resides from and gun control nationwide. He came across as just pandering to the populist in his state and not thinking of the macro nationwide. With that being said, I think that Bernie consolidated his position as the nearest position to Clinton.

Hillary Clinton renforced the notion of her being the front runner in my opinion. Clinton is the most broad ranged candidate and she certainly articulated that in a clear and consise manner. A couple of issues that I had with Hillary last night: 1. was that she failed to distinguish herself from Barack Obama other than stating that she is a 'woman'. 2. Her flip-flopping on the TTP, from going on the record of saying that the agreement was "the gold standard" for trade agreeements to now saying that it is 'not a good deal for us' just comes across as appealing to the mass. However, I do believe that her performance last night will see Joe Biden deciding not to run,

Overall the Democratic debate was a stark contrast from the childish nature of the previous two Republican debates, it was quite refreshing to see that all the candidates on the stage were respectful to each other and did not stoop to personals critisisms of the other candidate. Also, there was actually in-depth debate over policy, something that the GOP debates have clearly lacked so far.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

In one of those moments when you have to check for yourself to make sure that it's not a parody account or a fake, Donald Trump just tweeted this:

"@SeanSean252: @WayneDupreeShow @Rockprincess818 @CheriJacobus "


Made-up statistics, citing a source that doesn't actually exist. This man is still in the lead for the nomination.

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I think im more looking to be corrected here than making a point but see with Trump saying he wants a muslim database, i presume like ourselves their census asks a religion based question so the likelihood is they already have all this information available.

Obviously he wants I.D cards as well so its a bit different though.

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If Trump wins the Republican nomination you could become President as the Democratic candidate. Anyone could.


Trump has a decent chance of winning the republican nomination but absolutely zero chance of winning the presidency.

Thank goodness for that.

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  • 4 weeks later...

So, does anyone still think we're heading for another Bush v Clinton?

Jeb looks to be toast. Looking increasingly like a three way fight between Rubio, Trump, and Cruz for the GOP nomination. To me Rubio is the only one of the three who comes over as sane enough for the general electorate to stand a chance against Hillary.

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So, does anyone still think we're heading for another Bush v Clinton?

Jeb looks to be toast. Looking increasingly like a three way fight between Rubio, Trump, and Cruz for the GOP nomination. To me Rubio is the only one of the three who comes over as sane enough for the general electorate to stand a chance against Hillary.

Apparently Republican party members thought Rubio smashed the debate, despite the media giving it to Cruz. Hope so, I've got a wee bet on Rubio.

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Hilary is 1/12 to get the Democrat nomination

Rubio the slight favourite for the GOP but Trump and Cruz very close

Looking at the national "Hilary v ???" polls Clinton is a few points ahead of Trump and Cruz but neck-and-neck with Marco Rubio. If Rubio does indeed win the Grand Old Party nomination then I'd like to hope Donald Trump would stand aside and let Rubio have a fighting chance against Hilary.

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Trump is clearly trolling everyone into oblivion and most seem to be walking right into it.

Though his quote on that fat mess Salmond is superb.

A spokesman from The Trump Organisation responded to Mr Salmond's "loser" taunt with a statement saying: "Does anyone care what this man thinks? He's a has-been and totally irrelevant. "He should go back to doing what he does best - unveiling pompous portraits of himself that pander to his already overinflated ego."


Belting irony from Salmond calling Trump a "loser", btw.

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