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The 2016 US Presidential Election


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I'd like to throw out a thought about the abortion views of the candidates. Nobody except the extreme people on each side really care what the candidates say on this issue. In the US abortion is a Supreme Court protected right, and even if that would change power would go back to the individual states to set abortion law. It matters on the margin what the President thinks, but not on the extreme either way. Most people know that Republicans and Democrats have to say extreme things on abortion for their base, but there's an understading that these words are just politics for most of the folks. Democrat congressmen and senators have a bad habit of refusing to admit that born alive infants during botched partial birth abortions have a right to life, so it's not like extreme positions are confined to the Republican party. As a local Illinois politician Obama himself voted against a law that would have offered legal protection to babies born alive during botched abortions.

I caught most of it, but missed the last 10 minutes.

The Doctor came across the best of a bad bunch. I was surprised before to see that Rand Paul wasn't making much headway, but can see why - if you're into his message and I imagine a lot of America is, there's a big amount of votes up for grabs and on the left too, yet he didn't come across clear or coherent enough, and nitpicking at Trump (although a c**t) is not attractive to neutrals. Maybe he is better and had a bad night, but didn't think he was great at all, and not a patch on his old man.

Rand's problem is that he's a bit more normal and bit more of a politician when compared to his dad, but enough of the normal folks think he's faking his more mainstream views and enough of his dad's base thinks he's just another Republican. It probably doesn't help that Ron is still regularly predicting the demise of the American economy and coming close to saying that it's a good thing for Iran to get an atomic bomb so they can counter the Israelis. Ron just showed up on a commercial during the baseball game I'm watching to promote a website that will help you survive the coming economic collapse.

Dr Carson came across well. He was quite funny, and I had no idea who he was, imagine many Americans didn't either and whilst being quite charming, intilligent, and interesting. Imagine his main role was to keep out of the headlines, but introduce himself to voters, and he did that well. He was the best.

I've known who Dr. Carson was since I was a kid because my mom made me read a book about him when I was in elementary school. He was raised in the hood of Detroit. His dad was a polygamist who abandoned the family. His mom was illiterate. He became perhaps the greatest docter in the world. He did get a bit of mainstream political exposure a few years back when he had a viral takedown of Obama and his healthcare policies at the National Prayer Breakfast while Obama was sitting right next to him. That was the first time I'd thought of him since I was a kid.

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Bernie Sanders has took the lead in the latest Democratic nomination poll from the New Hampshire primary and with Hillary Clinton being now investigated by the FBI for emails that she may have sent, things may start to get a little bit interesting - can Bernie Sanders actually do the unlikely and defeat Hillary Clinton and be the Democratic presidential candidate?

Also, being hypothetical here; I wonder if Bernie Sanders is wondering about running as an independent if Donald Trump also does?

Bernie has previous spoken about how he would not want to harm the Democratic presidential candidate by running as an independent and having a 'Ralph Nader affect', but if Trump runs as an independent, I would imagine that he would take some votes from the Republicans - so that leaves the question for Bernie; does it equal things up in terms of votes going astray from the big two.

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Also, being hypothetical here; I wonder if Bernie Sanders is wondering about running as an independent if Donald Trump also does?

No. Sanders has been perfectly consistent about this.

Trump is going to end up being the GOP candidate. Fox's failure to take him down the other week makes that pretty clear.

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Donald Trump is the perfect, completely perfect, person to be president of the United States.

The perfect personification of 'murcia


I'm going to bomb the hell outta ISIS.


When Mexico sends its people here, they bring crime, the bring rapists, they bring murders; and some of them, I suppose, are good people.

It's fucking hilarious

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Hilary is fucked if this poll is to be believed. She's now viewed as unfavourable by most, which is bad given how high profile she is.


However, Trump is surprising. His ratings have been steadily improving. Despite being an unknown (in a political sense) just a few month back.


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Hilary is fucked if this poll is to be believed. She's now viewed as unfavourable by most, which is bad given how high profile she is.


However, Trump is surprising. His ratings have been steadily improving. Despite being an unknown (in a political sense) just a few month back.


Cameron's poll ratings were similar to Hillary Clinton's before the election, and the Donald's negative ratings give him no chance. I think he's reached his peak of favourable ratings, he'll be finished when he gets a proper one-on-one interview like Sarah Palin was. Americans aren't as thick as we think.

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Cameron's poll ratings were similar to Hillary Clinton's before the election, and the Donald's negative ratings give him no chance. I think he's reached his peak of favourable ratings, he'll be finished when he gets a proper one-on-one interview like Sarah Palin was. Americans aren't as thick as we think.

That may be true, but at least the people who're out to get Trump have realized. They cannot rely solely on personal attacks. They're going to have to chip away at his policies. Of which there is plenty of flip flopping and policies which aren't well thought through.

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That may be true, but at least the people who're out to get Trump have realized. They cannot rely solely on personal attacks. They're going to have to chip away at his policies. Of which there is plenty of flip flopping and policies which aren't well thought through.

He hasn't got any policies other than self promotion and slagging off people who didn't have a rich daddy, or were unwilling to chicken out of Vietnam while being fully in favour of the war. He'll back out as soon as he has to show the real books for his tax, income and wealth, just like the last time.

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Joe Biden is Vice President for exactly one reason: to assure America that in the event that one of the 8000000 assassination attempts expected on their first black president was successful, that the country would be handed safely back into the hands of an old white man where it belonged, rather than given to Kanye or Flavor Flav or something.

If there is to be a Not-Hillary he's going to have to be rather more compelling than Joe Biden.

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I see Sanders won the New Hampshire Democratic Primary PPP Poll yesterday by 7 points...the tides are turning...

Clinton is polling nearly 50% in the polls with Sanders on 25%. He's got a long way to go to catch her. It would be more interesting if Biden joined the race.

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I myself have just recently backed Joe Biden with £10 to win the Democrat nominee at 9/1 a couple of days ago.

If old Joe is going to win the nomination he is going to need two things to happen:

1. Barack Obama publicly endorsing Biden would be a massive boost to Biden's campaign, Obama is obviously very well respected in Democratic Party, so his opinion is highly valued. It is thought that Obama privately would prefer Biden to win the nomination over Hillary Clinton, but it is just speculation until Obama publicly states his preference.

2. Hillary Clinton is in a lot of bother at the moment with FBI over emails that she may have or not sent which contained classified intel, if Hillary is indicted then that will completely scupper her chances of winning the nomination - this will leave the establishment Democrat supporters needing a new candidate to back, this is where Joe Biden will pounce.

The chances of both of the above happening are extremely conceivable, especially as the Clinton email situation is further and further amplified by the media.

Joe Biden still needs to announce his candidacy for the Democrat nomination, I believe that Biden will do so next month as the first Democrat debate is in October - This will give enough time to gather momentum going into the debates.

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