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The 2016 US Presidential Election


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I myself have just recently backed Joe Biden with £10 to win the Democrat nominee at 9/1 a couple of days ago.

If old Joe is going to win the nomination he is going to need two things to happen:

1. Barack Obama publicly endorsing Biden would be a massive boost to Biden's campaign, Obama is obviously very well respected in Democratic Party, so his opinion is highly valued. It is thought that Obama privately would prefer Biden to win the nomination over Hillary Clinton, but it is just speculation until Obama publicly states his preference.

2. Hillary Clinton is in a lot of bother at the moment with FBI over emails that she may have or not sent which contained classified intel, if Hillary is indicted then that will completely scupper her chances of winning the nomination - this will leave the establishment Democrat supporters needing a new candidate to back, this is where Joe Biden will pounce.

The chances of both of the above happening are extremely conceivable, especially as the Clinton email situation is further and further amplified by the media.

Joe Biden still needs to announce his candidacy for the Democrat nomination, I believe that Biden will do so next month as the first Democrat debate is in October - This will give enough time to gather momentum going into the debates.

I don't think Obama will not come out in support of any individual candidate.

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I myself have just recently backed Joe Biden with £10 to win the Democrat nominee at 9/1 a couple of days ago.

If old Joe is going to win the nomination he is going to need two things to happen:

1. Barack Obama publicly endorsing Biden would be a massive boost to Biden's campaign, Obama is obviously very well respected in Democratic Party, so his opinion is highly valued. It is thought that Obama privately would prefer Biden to win the nomination over Hillary Clinton, but it is just speculation until Obama publicly states his preference.

2. Hillary Clinton is in a lot of bother at the moment with FBI over emails that she may have or not sent which contained classified intel, if Hillary is indicted then that will completely scupper her chances of winning the nomination - this will leave the establishment Democrat supporters needing a new candidate to back, this is where Joe Biden will pounce.

The chances of both of the above happening are extremely conceivable, especially as the Clinton email situation is further and further amplified by the media.

Joe Biden still needs to announce his candidacy for the Democrat nomination, I believe that Biden will do so next month as the first Democrat debate is in October - This will give enough time to gather momentum going into the debates.

You over estimate Obama's popularity. Being closely associated to Obama is more of a liability than a asset. Sander's to me would seem like the favourite to win the nomination, and would certainly appeal to mainstream and fringe Democrats. However, whether he could appeal to a median voter is much harder to see. Hilary is done for as far as I'm concerned.

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Looking beyond the somewhat sensationalised out of context headline, a good piece taking one interview to highlight Clinton's wider flaws on race issues: http://readersupportednews.org/opinion2/277-75/32028-focus-hillary-clinton-i-will-talk-only-to-white-people-

Keegans all over the place if she doesn't win the nomination.

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  • 3 weeks later...

There was another GOP debate a couple days ago, and according the Drudge Report poll. Trump won it convincingly, and much the same pattern exists in all the other polls I've come across. Trump has been consistently so far ahead in the polls that I would say his GOP nomination is pretty much a lock at this point. As for the Democrats, while we haven't seen much of the candidates so far. I'm sticking with Sanders winning that one. Hilary has had too many damaging revelations this year, and her favourabilty ratings are negative. Which is bad after being strongly positive for many years.

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I watched the GOP debate on CNN in the early hours of Thursday morning, here is a couple incidents that happened:

The addition of Carly Fiorina was a welcome one, she was one of the few candidates that went into detail about policy. Her policies if implemented would be essentially a reboot of the cold war; she wants to rebuild the US' sixth fleet, rebuilding missle fleets in Poland and also station more troops in Germany. She hoped that this would scare Russia & Putin.

Donald Trump certainly was in the thick of, but unlike the last debate it was not the sort of attention that he will want. The debate moderator made light of Donald Trump's comment about Carly Fiorina's looks to Fionina herself and to be fair, Fiorina took the high road and suggested that the comment shows Donald Trump for 'the person that he is'. Trump also got into a heated discussion with Scott Walker about Walker's poor fiscal track record as governor of Wisconsin - Trump made light of the fact that Walker is running up a deficit of $2bn a year, which is true. Jeb Bush also felt the wrath of Trump when Trump critisised Jeb for answering a question he was asked by a Spanish student in Spanish, whilst at rally a few days prior to the debate. Marco Rubio used this exchange as platform to step in and mention that his grandfather spoke Spanish and was also a 'conservative'.

The moment of the night went to Dr. Ben Carson though, whilst Donald Trump was talking about how he would build a wall to curb illegal immigrants coming into the USA from Mexico. Dr. Ben Carson the suggested that Donald Trump's idea would not work, to then suggest that if he[Carson] was president, he would build a double wall with a road inbetween.

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Not sure why you're all writing off Trump. Maybe because you're not over here and not so immersed in it you're not seeing the groundswell of support. The Republicans can win in 2016 if they get the white female vote (Romney only managed 50% of this) and more Trump supporters are women than men. Yes, he's alienated a lot of women, but if you think of the things he's said, any other candidate would have dropped out by now after it. He seems to bounce back, and often bounce back stronger. I think he's in with a superb chance.

The Democrats really should have a lock on the presidency for demographic reasons but Clinton is so utterly distasteful that they could throw it away.

I'm a Sanders guy, personally.

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The debate moderator made light of Donald Trump's comment about Carly Fiorina's looks to Fionina herself and to be fair, Fiorina took the high road and suggested that the comment shows Donald Trump for 'the person that he is'.

Amazing how much attention this has been given, yet Hillary makes a pillar of her campaign discrimination based on gender and she not only largely gets a pass from the media, she's lauded in many parts. Misandry alive and well in the US.

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