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'The Snip'

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Got my appointment on the 12th of may, not looking forward to the anesthetic going in as I remember how much a local hurt when I had previous op. Also 5-6 months before I'm good to go! Looks like I know what I'm getting for Christmas already.

Condoms are ruining my sex life.

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Got my appointment on the 12th of may, not looking forward to the anesthetic going in as I remember how much a local hurt when I had previous op. Also 5-6 months before I'm good to go! Looks like I know what I'm getting for Christmas already.

Condoms are ruining my sex life.

I struggle to source ones big enough too.:)

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Durex did a featherlight one that was supposed to be a natural feel, to my delight I couldn't get the bloody thing on....then I came crashing down as the realisation that I wasn't going to have sex anymore hit me.

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got my date through for the consultant. be interesting to see if i go this time. my brother said that he was lucky enough to get knocked out when they did his as they fixed a hernia at the same time.

couple of days off work i can deal with

sympathy from the mrs i can deal with

even being jumped on from the kids I can deal with

what i can't deal with is the thought of someone tugging at my nuts while i'm awake.

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Unless a very good reason they'll not even consider you at the age of 30. They are happy to do it to folk over 40. Even then they will want to make sure you have kids and aren't planning on having more.

My Dad had his done at 29, few months after my youngest sister was born.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Soooooo, had the consultant the other night. Asked how feasible it would be to get a general on account of not wanting a needle stuck into my nads. This comes down to if you're a fat b*****d or not. If your bmi is 35 you can get general anesthetic as you'll basically have a fat sack and they won't be able to find the tubes. Only time I've ever wished to be heavier.

Admitted to her that I am, in fact, a big girls blouse and the thought of getting it done terrifies me. I am waiting on the date being confirmed. Another thing that upsets me is having to shave my own bollocks the night before. Can't be the easiest place to shave. Veet had crossed my mind until I spoke to a friend that told me he'd done it for his as he said it felt like his knacker's had been in a scotch bonnet paste over night.

I surely must be going to heaven for this romantic gesture?

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If the missus ends up preggo again I'm definitely just going to bag up, this option just seems too extreme! Not unless they fixed my broken nose at the same time....then I might consider it. Two birds, one stone and aw that.

ETA: The broken nose surgery is something that I need to get done but am absolutely terrified of getting done as everyone I've spoken to thats had it done said it is awful.

Edited by 11thHour
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If the missus ends up preggo again I'm definitely just going to bag up, this option just seems too extreme! Not unless they fixed my broken nose at the same time....then I might consider it. Two birds, one stone and aw that.

Watch they don't swap one for the other. f**k knows is what might happen.

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Another thing that upsets me is having to shave my own bollocks the night before.

They don't do it for you anymore? I always thought that having your bits fondled by a busty nurse was the consolation for the ensuing barbarism.

Sod that; no way I'm having it done now :angry:

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I had it done quite a few years back, on my 30th birthday,(under general anaesthetic I hasten to add!), the anaesthetist and his assistant on checking my DOB/CHI number started singing "happy birthday" !!!

This just makes the whole thing that much more sinister. Nobody should be jolly in anyway when they're about mutilate a man's clackerbag.

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This just makes the whole thing that much more sinister. Nobody should be jolly in anyway when they're about mutilate a man's clackerbag.

Happy birthday to you

We will shave off your pubes

We'll slice open your scrotum

Then we'll sterilise you

Edited by Shandon Par
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