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BBC Party Leaders debate 16th April.

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Then Sturgeon should make that clearer.

It's one thing to apply pressure, it's another thing to enter into a coalition and tear up most of your manifesto.

The last minority government, however, caused a second general election in the same year.

Are you trolling or just incredibly thick? What would you like them to do? Not enter into any agreement at all and have absolutely none of their policies promoted?
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Am I the only one who thought nicla came across as a bit desperate there? If so ill put it down to nerves.

It's very hard to keep to the same script again and again in an inspirational way without making a gaff, and everyone in the other parties and the media gagging for an impromptu slip. When the script works though it's very risky to change it. Stay strong Nicola!

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Are you trolling or just incredibly thick? What would you like them to do? Not enter into any agreement at all and have absolutely none of their policies promoted?

As I said earlier - politics isn't my strongest point, so I appreciate having things cleared up if I'm missing the obvious.

Isn't offering yourself to "support" another party harmful to your own party's image? It's already killed the LDs (albeit from being in full coalition).

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As I said earlier - politics isn't my strongest point, so I appreciate having things cleared up if I'm missing the obvious.

Isn't offering yourself to "support" another party harmful to your own party's image? It's already killed the LDs (albeit from being in full coalition).

Its all about leverage to get what you want, so on a vote by vote basis but sticking to your own bottom line policies, and not selling out .

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Say what you want about Farage, but he does provide some hilarious entertainment value :lol:

The only logic I can see behind it is. That he's trying to capture his corner of the market.(1)

Ed needed to put in a big performance, but failed to deliver. Even Benett tore him a new one at one point :lol: However, in many ways he won by default by Cameron not being there. If I was a Lab/Con swing voter in middle England. I would probably be voting Labour at this time. However him saying "Let me answer that question directly" was ironic. Given that he's never given a direct answer to anything during his time as opposition leader. (2)

Hate to say this, but I believe Wood is out of her depth here.(3)

Benett did show notable improvement compared to her past performance, but she's not giving any reason for floating voters to back her.(4)

Sturgeon, unquestionably won the debate. She's certainly showing those main stream WM politicians how dull, out of touch and devoid of any direction they are. (5)

That's why governments having the power to borrow is one of the greatest evils of modern society.

I think that outburst stemmed back to his QT appearance with Russell Brand. Where he was up against a raging loony left audience. Launching such an attack on the audience in this instance was uncalled for.

1. If anything, Farage scared off any waverers out there. Imagine having to admit that you supported that!

2. Quite simply failed to establish his party or himself as anything other than a less honestly vicious Tory party. He couldn't explain why they were different, other than he's a nicer bloke than Cameron. Sorry, but I want more when you're fucking about with my kids' future.

3. Given her party's status, and aims in this election, she's made the most of the opportunity they (as a very minor player on the big stage) have been given by these debates.

4. As with Wood, acted as a very useful back-up for Sturgeon on the ideological issues, and again, has started to make the most of some unexpected publicity. Solid performance tonight and, contrary to what you think, I reckon cut right to the heart of it when she asked for people to vote for what they believe in. Radical concept, eh? I should state that, as there is no SNP or TUSC candidate in my constituency, the Greens are getting my vote. The Tories poll more than the other two "big" parties, so I'm aware that I won't change the world this time around - but I have to live with that.

5. Agreed. She is shaping up to be an incredible find for the SNP, and her approval rating outside of Scotland is nothing short of amazing. Walking the tightrope of short-term UK and long-term independence is a potential nightmare, but she seems to be doing it blindfold.

Now for the cowards:

6. Cameron may have thought it was a good idea to leave Ed out on his own to be savaged, but it simply made him look spineless - as we have known since he first bottled the whole issue. Sending Tory Boy on to lie for him after the debate didn't help.

7. Clegg. Who? Exactly. According to the dole-bound ginger clown, wee Nick didn't appear because the Tories told him not to. If true, what a spineless weakling - any remeining LD supporters must have cringed to hear that.

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As I said earlier - politics isn't my strongest point, so I appreciate having things cleared up if I'm missing the obvious.

Isn't offering yourself to "support" another party harmful to your own party's image? It's already killed the LDs (albeit from being in full coalition).

The SNP cannot win the election outright.

They either sit and bitch from the opposition or they work with a party and get some concessions that further their cause. Its a very difficult balance to strike but if the SNP said they weren't going to work with any of the main parties then many voters would see them as irrelevant in this election. It would be a green light for folk up here to vote Labour to keep the Tories out.

So far the SNP has played a blinder but shit will get real after the election. Salmond and the others will have to marshal the troops carefully and avoid the pit-falls. There will be plenty of folk gunning for them down there.

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As I said earlier - politics isn't my strongest point, so I appreciate having things cleared up if I'm missing the obvious.

Isn't offering yourself to "support" another party harmful to your own party's image? It's already killed the LDs (albeit from being in full coalition).

I'd not say so for the SNP. the Tories are poison in Scotland and the SNP are targeting (somewhat successfully) labour voters who will want a labour prime minister.

Mission accomplished for her and the progressive alliance tonight. Ed faired well too, certainly will reduce the fear in England of labour backed by the progressive ones.

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Another impressive performance by Nicola Sturgeon there. Far better than Salmond at these types of events, as she can be aggressive yet also soften her tone and deliver her points without sounding arrogant or patronising. That and her left wing policies appeal to a largely forgotten section of the British electorate, left behind by Labour.

It amazes me just how far out of touch some London media types are with Scotland, but there we go. Miliband had a good night by default with Cameron not being there. He still looks a bit flimsy and awkward but he's the lesser of two evils for PM.

For the first time this campaign, Bennett came into her own with a strong performance on the immigration question. But the Greens could desperately do with a Patrick Harvie type figure leading them down South.

With every passing debate, Nigel Farage looks yet more ludicrous. Attacking the audience was stunning idiocy, the man and his rabble of idiots represent everything that can be described as insular, nasty, rich boy, little Englanders. Hopefully the drop off in polls for them translates into that come May 7th.

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The more I see of the SNP the more they look like nothing but pish and wind.

^^^ Scrambling for relevance.

31% for Sturgeon in a UK-wide poll is an amazing number for a Scottish leader, who wants to end the Union.


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