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Premier League 2015-16

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Just watching MOTD from last night.

Newcastle are fucking honking. Genuinely can't remember seeing a PL team this bad.

Both the start and end of last season were like this.

There was a game near the beginning of last season where we lost 4-0 to Southampton, and it was the most disorganised performance I've ever seen from a professional team. And I've seen Zander Diamond and Jerel Ifil play together for Aberdeen.

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P&B is a strange place. As a Spurs man, under AVB and Sherwood they were horrific and everyone on here couldnt wait to stick the knife in yet now Pochettino has put together an energetic, positive young side all the woodwork crawlers are hanging out of his ringpiece.

Saying that, its the same bell-ends that were claiming that the Hurri-Kane was a one season wonder :lol:

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P&B is a strange place. As a Spurs man, under AVB and Sherwood they were horrific and everyone on here couldnt wait to stick the knife in yet now Pochettino has put together an energetic, positive young side all the woodwork crawlers are hanging out of his ringpiece.

Saying that, its the same bell-ends that were claiming that the Hurri-Kane was a one season wonder :lol:

You're correct....the sheep on here rarely have their own opinions and repeat the same old shite of the few.

Your mob were on fire today and deserved the win.....bassa:p

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To be honest it was a cracking game. If West Ham hadve took a few of the chances they had it couldve been any score. Got a bit niggly near the end but a major downer for Spurs was the booking for Alli which keeps him out of the Chelsea game. His form has beem immense so its a bit of a blow

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To be honest it was a cracking game. If West Ham hadve took a few of the chances they had it couldve been any score. Got a bit niggly near the end but a major downer for Spurs was the booking for Alli which keeps him out of the Chelsea game. His form has beem immense so its a bit of a blow

Indeed and what an utterly stupid booking it was. You could see he realised that straight afterwards. Good player.

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P&B is a strange place. As a Spurs man, under AVB and Sherwood they were horrific and everyone on here couldnt wait to stick the knife in yet now Pochettino has put together an energetic, positive young side all the woodwork crawlers are hanging out of his ringpiece.

Saying that, its the same bell-ends that were claiming that the Hurri-Kane was a one season wonder :lol:

I don't understand. You're basically saying spurs were shite/boring and people didn't like to watch them. Now they're better and are receiving praise for this. Isn't that how it's meant to work if you're a neutral?

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It was more hatred than the fact they werent particularly good. The same will go for Liverpool if Klopp gets them on a good run of form


Tottenham seem to be a bit of an irrelevance to neutral fans, especially in Scotland. I think people would only have slated them due to being boring to watch, rather than hating them.

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Got to hand it to Pochettino really. He's completely turned that club around in the last year and he's brought through a raft of youngsters in the process. Ali and Kane and the like might not go on to be international superstars, but they're definitely quality at EPL level.

Assuming Man City/Arsenal/Man U are the top 3 you've got to fancy Spurs for that 4th UCL spot at the moment.

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No takers for Palace v Sunderland?

Pretty dire game truth be told.

Edit: Sod's law that someone else comes along just as I post :lol:

Been surprised how poor the final ball has been for Palace. Sunderland have done barely anything going forward.

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