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Yet another US shooting

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On 11/04/2023 at 22:40, TxRover said:

Automatic weapons are already strictly regulated and have literally never been used in a civilian mass shooting.

Steven Paddock literally killed 60 people in a civilian mass shooting in Las Vegas using Automatic weapons some with bump stocks.

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1 hour ago, dirty dingus said:

Steven Paddock literally killed 60 people in a civilian mass shooting in Las Vegas using Automatic weapons some with bump stocks.

No automatic weapons were used in that killing, just some semi-automatic weapons with bump stocks. Bump stocks basically aid rapid fire by converting the recoil impulse into another trigger pull as the weapon reloads while you hold the trigger finger in a firing position. An automatic weapon is a weapon that will fire until out of ammunition or until you release the trigger, without the aid of an external device. Bump stocks were ruled illegal from 2019 until recently, and now are only legal again in just three states, and that may be questionable as well.

Now, Glock auto sears are a more pressing consideration, but your average Glock is freaking uncontrollable with an auto sear installed, so the shootings with such, where any target was hit, are few and far between.

All that being said, the unwillingness to address these issues can be laid directly at the feet of the Republican Party, the NRA (National Rifle Association) and the GAO (Gun Owners of America). It’s interesting that until the late ‘70’s, the NRA was in favor of some regulation of firearms. In the early ‘80’s, the NEA was taken over by a radical group that opposed any regulation of firearms as “UnAmerican”, exemplified by Charlton Heston and his “From my cold, dead hands” bullshit. In exchange for campaign support, the Right in ‘Merica has sold its soul to the gun industry, and we will pay for decades.

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2 hours ago, TxRover said:

No automatic weapons were used in that killing, just some semi-automatic weapons with bump stocks. Bump stocks basically aid rapid fire by converting the recoil impulse into another trigger pull as the weapon reloads while you hold the trigger finger in a firing position. An automatic weapon is a weapon that will fire until out of ammunition or until you release the trigger, without the aid of an external device. Bump stocks were ruled illegal from 2019 until recently, and now are only legal again in just three states, and that may be questionable as well.

Now, Glock auto sears are a more pressing consideration, but your average Glock is freaking uncontrollable with an auto sear installed, so the shootings with such, where any target was hit, are few and far between.

All that being said, the unwillingness to address these issues can be laid directly at the feet of the Republican Party, the NRA (National Rifle Association) and the GAO (Gun Owners of America). It’s interesting that until the late ‘70’s, the NRA was in favor of some regulation of firearms. In the early ‘80’s, the NEA was taken over by a radical group that opposed any regulation of firearms as “UnAmerican”, exemplified by Charlton Heston and his “From my cold, dead hands” bullshit. In exchange for campaign support, the Right in ‘Merica has sold its soul to the gun industry, and we will pay for decades.

Semi automatic with bump stock = automatic.

OK I'll be clearer on my initial point, why do you need semi automatic armed forces weaponry for shooting rabbits and turkeys? 

Now the NRA and right wing republicans are prepping these fucking loonies with the threat of a left wing uprising and the days of revelations. It's these armed to the teeth militia that are going to be a major problem in the states for years to come.

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8 minutes ago, dirty dingus said:

Semi automatic with bump stock = automatic.

OK I'll be clearer on my initial point, why do you need semi automatic armed forces weaponry for shooting rabbits and turkeys? 

Now the NRA and right wing republicans are prepping these fucking loonies with the threat of a left wing uprising and the days of revelations. It's these armed to the teeth militia that are going to be a major problem in the states for years to come.

You’ll never get a proper answer as to why they NEED such ridiculous weaponry, other than “muh right to bear arms” and some other irrelevant, out of date pish about civilian militias. As a nation they collectively have small man syndrome, and need to compensate at an extreme level in every facet of their society. 

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5 hours ago, dirty dingus said:

Semi automatic with bump stock = automatic.

OK I'll be clearer on my initial point, why do you need semi automatic armed forces weaponry for shooting rabbits and turkeys? 

Now the NRA and right wing republicans are prepping these fucking loonies with the threat of a left wing uprising and the days of revelations. It's these armed to the teeth militia that are going to be a major problem in the states for years to come.

Semi automatic with bump stock = semi automatic with bump stock, it’s more cumbersome and impossible to use like an automatic weapon. It’s only possible to effectively use a bump stock from a mounted position. Yes, I know, but messing up terms doesn’t help the argument.

I’ve never said you need, to use your phrase, “semi automatic armed forces weaponry” for shooting anything. However, on the reality front, the AR-15 platform does have some legitimate hunting purposes, it’s the plethora of accessories not for hunting anything but people and the magazines over 10 round capacity that are the essential problems. If you passed a 10 round capacity ban, a vast majority of these shooting would be impossible….no, not all, as the UK, Australia, France, Germany and so forth realize, there’s little hope for completely stopping these.

The NRA and the Republican Party, starting under Reagan, made their deal with the arms industry devil in order to get support and funds. The NRA is effectively bankrupt, sucked dry by the same leeches that took over in the ‘80’s. The Republican Party is on life support, only still a factor and in power due to massive cash infusions from industries, gerrymandering and an aging base. The legacy of the Republican Party, a judiciary tilted far right, is more pervasive and threatening, but will (in time) correct. The radical militias are not the problem you would think they will be, it’s the even more radical hardcore members that will commit some atrocities over time (I.e. https://www.fbi.gov/news/stories/three-sentenced-in-plot-to-bomb-somali-immigrants-041219).

It is entirely possible the weapons genie is out of the bottle, and the U.S. is effectively testing things for the world as climate change starts forcing whole nations to pickup and move…armed nations trying to take new land to live and survive on.

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5 hours ago, SweeperDee said:

You’ll never get a proper answer as to why they NEED such ridiculous weaponry, other than “muh right to bear arms” and some other irrelevant, out of date pish about civilian militias. As a nation they collectively have small man syndrome, and need to compensate at an extreme level in every facet of their society. 

Sure you will…it’s to “protect ourselves from tyranny”…as for it making sense, that’s an entirely different kettle of fish. The Right and the Arms industry finally got what they wanted with a Supreme Court ruling that endorsed their twisted view of the Second Amendment, and they plan to flood the country with weaponry to make a real reversal impossible.

Rather than a society with a case of small man syndrome, it’s a group within that society responding to a loss of power and status. The white male in America is lashing out in an attempt to maintain his position on the top of the pile (see Trump, Donald; gun control, court decisions against; restrictions, voting; restrictions, immigration; et. al.).

5 hours ago, SweeperDee said:

No info whether the suspect has even been arrested. Police acting weird as f**k about this one, maybe a sheriff’s son gone haywire?

This one will be interesting, you’ll note the weapon used hasn’t even been discussed. Now we’re at 4 dead and 28 injured, including a High a school multisport star who was the brother of the celebrant., and at least one student of a competing school near Birmingham. We also have the Mayor who said it was as futile to try to control guns as it was to control illegal drugs!? WTF, you aren’t trying to control guns and are trying to control illegal drugs, what the hell is that comparison?

Anyway, you now have reports the party was paused when attendees heard someone had a gun and anyone with a gun was asked to leave…no one did. An hour later, the shooting started. That suggests a pistol was used, but the amount of casualties makes that a more difficult case. If we hear 9mm rounds, then a pistol would be pretty well confirmed, but the number of critical injuries makes me wonder.

Another problem is people in that ballroom won’t be talking to police. This was an African-American event in the Deep South. The police are likely racist as f**k, and completely untrusted by the African-American community, who will probably not even give the mostly white police officers the time of day. Dadeville is 54% white, the Police Chief is white, the town is best known for an ordinance against sagging pants, and the county around it is 74% white…I bet the police are struggling to get the time of day.

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I've only been to the US once. Visited LA, San Diego and Seattle. LA was a fucking dump, San Diego and Seattle I really enjoyed and felt safe walking around, even in the evenings. Went to a few bars in both and would definitely go back. 

Its really bad that when discussing whether or not to visit a place, the principle decision is whether or not you might get shot. 

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12 hours ago, TxRover said:

20 y-o passenger killed when they turn around in the wrong driveway…


I was just going to post that. America just seems completely insane and utterly paranoid. Isn’t this the second similar shooting in a few days? I thought I read about a guy killed in the same way because he got the wrong address.

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4 hours ago, Jambomo said:

I was just going to post that. America just seems completely insane and utterly paranoid. Isn’t this the second similar shooting in a few days? I thought I read about a guy killed in the same way because he got the wrong address.

There was one…check out this one…


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1 hour ago, Empty It said:

f**k being a delivery driver or postie in USA USA USA if getting the wrong address gets you killed.

I’m getting the feeling that something has completely snapped here. The older, white males are a definite issue, but dying out…the incel’s are gonna be a problem for a while, as are the gang-banger types. I suspect this massive increase in shootings will eventually be tied to 1) COVID and the paranoia and infighting it generated 2) Trump and the outright vilification, hatred and lies he engaged in 3) The gun industries pursuit of money at any cost.

The open question is will moderate Republicans break with the increasingly hard-line Reich Wing of the Party and finally move the reduce the flood of weapon and paranoia in this increasingly divided country. Over 50% of the youngest generation are “minority” (Gen Aplha?), nearly 50% of Gen Z are minority…this terrifies the older white males who control America, because they see themselves and their kids no longer having the structural advantage they have enjoyed since the 1500’s+. Thus the rush to pass laws codifying the difficulties for these minorities to vote.

Here is a great Texas example. This is the list of acceptable IDs to vote:

-Texas Driver License issued by the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS)

-Texas Election Identification Certificate issued by DPS

-Texas Personal Identification Card issued by DPS

-Texas Handgun License issued by DPS

-United States Military Identification Card containing the person’s photograph

-United States Citizenship Certificate containing the person’s photograph

-United States Passport (book or card)

Now, if I told you that 11% of the population neither hold nor can reasonably acquire one of these, would you be surprised if that 11% was heavily Black, Hispanic or young? Here’s a few invalid IDs to vote:

-State of Texas Employee Photo ID, issued by the State of Texas

-Federal Employee Photo ID, issued by the U.S. Government

-Photo Student ID, issued by a regulated Texas College/University (as a bonus, they also made it illegal to vote at your school address, and will no option for a student at college to vote by mail, students would have to travel home to vote)

-State or Federal Benefits Card with Photo

What is the most common thing about these forms of ID…no points for guessing they are the main ID for Black, Hispanic or young voters.


There is also a possibility that the old, white and Christian power base genuinely believes this is the end times and maybe they can hasten it…they are certainly doing their bit.

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Just now, SweeperDee said:

What were you implying when you said no long guns were used? Like it was a good thing? 

Nope. I was reporting it, in that it’s a whole lot of bullet wounds for just a handgun(s). I think you’ve mistaken me for a gun apologist.

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