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The fall of Labour in Scotland - in their own words


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Angry? Not in the slightest.

Hair can be cut. Stunted intellect is permanent.

Losing your virginity is also permanent.

It should have been cut before you went on national TV. You owed that much to the "certifiable fucknuggets" who "haven't a Scooby" that gave you the opportunity to stand behind Murphy that night, and who went out in all weathers to get you as many votes as possible. Whilst you were laid up in your bed, acting like a pussy because you had man flu.

In a post where you were savaging people because you perceive them to have less intellect, did you really misspell pity? That would be a tad ironic if so.

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Losing your virginity is also permanent.

And most enjoyable. In my experience the second time is always better though. Not that you'd know.

It should have been cut before you went on national TV. You owed that much to the "certifiable fucknuggets" who "haven't a Scooby" that gave you the opportunity to stand behind Murphy that night, and who went out in all weathers to get you as many votes as possible. Whilst you were laid up in your bed, acting like a pussy because you had man flu.

Funny guy. The Lib Dem campaign team in East Renfrewshire was me and my election agent with occasional help from a former councillor and a pensioner.

In a post where you were savaging people because you perceive them to have less intellect, did you really misspell pity? That would be a tad ironic if so.

It was a typo. Of course, intellect and touch screen typing abilities aren't the same thing.
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It was a pretty poor programme, the 'analysis' of the failure was more shallow than the discussions that have taken place on this forum. For example there was no mention of the agenda that Labour fought the 2015 General Election on or Miliband's demonisation of the SNP and, by extension, prospective SNP voters.

I wonder if the irony at the conclusion of the party that went into the recent election on an austerity-lite programme singing the Red Flag was not lost on some of the participants.

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Mad Lib letting his latent tory-ism shine through the ever widening cracks in his facade right there.

Basically, everybody is inferior to him and should just shut up and let their betters get on with running the country instead of pretending to go through this pretence of democracy that's put up on display every 5 years.


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The thinking in a political party should be left to the intellectuals. The question is always who are they.

The vast majority of political activists, just as the vast majority of voters, haven't a fucking scoobie, regardless of their political inklings. Left, right, Nat, Unionist, Europhile, Europhobe, authoritarian or libertarian.

Most people are certifiable fucknuggets and pity the fools that think otherwise with their slavish dedication to democracy and what the ignorant masses want.

You sound remarkably like the young Oswald Mosely there. Along with excusing Carmichael lying because everybody does, it's probably a good idea to give up politics.

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The reality of the situation is that the Lib Dem's natural place in politics creeping around in a barely existent middle ground has become redundant and (hastened by their own pathetic lying and uselessness) they have died a deserving death accordingly.

Yet the only people who can't see that is the Lib Dems. Nobody understands, we're paying the price for the public's ignorance, everybody's wrong and we're right. Boo hoo.

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Ad-lib, see those minions that deliver leaflets and knock on doors for the candidate?

They get folk like you elected.

If you think they are useful idiots or treat them like shit, they won't canvass for you, you wont know where your support is and you will lose.


Might be something for you to think about before you are put up again.

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Most of it was stuff said with 20:20 hindsight. I bet most of them were either in denial of what was happening at the time, or because things seemed fine. They didn't want to be preoccupied with thinking what might be coming down the line. I'm pretty sure after the 2007 election most of the Labour MSP's were thinking it was just a blip and everything would return to business as usual come 2011. However, what we shouldn't dismiss is how effective the SNP have been during that time. I personally think over the previous decades Labour had it too easy for too long. That they became entitled and complacent. To a certain extent you have to blame voters who were just blindly voting for them based on tradition. Predictably, when a meaningful challenger arrived in the form of the SNP. They were incapable of rising to the challenge due to the normalcy bias they were living under.

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Ad-lib, see those minions that deliver leaflets and knock on doors for the candidate?

They get folk like you elected.

If you think they are useful idiots or treat them like shit, they won't canvass for you, you wont know where your support is and you will lose.


Might be something for you to think about before you are put up again.

Can't talk for the Fib Dems but I know from experience in the Labour Party 20+ years ago that many of the activists were as thick as pigshit. Come to think of it - so were many of the elected reps.

Ironically, the one group of people who did at least have a coherent (if flawed) vision were some on the Trotskyite left who would run rings round the more intellectually challenged hacks.

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"Democracy should not be about executing the will of the people. No, it should be the process whereby we secure the consent of the people to the policies of those qualified to decide on their behalf." Sir Humphrey Appleby

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