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When will indyref2 happen?



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13 minutes ago, hehawhehaw said:

I think you'll have a long wait unless you get a cut & paste job. Or more likely from wb a blow job


12 minutes ago, McSpreader said:

I bet he gives a sh*t blow job, I'll just keep f*cking him up the ass as usual!


11 minutes ago, hehawhehaw said:




8 minutes ago, hehawhehaw said:

With such a big gob like his it would be like throwing a sausage up a dark close.


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I have been in that situation twice,on a bus journey, it was Peckham Rye south London and outside of the shopping centre at Elephant & Castle. It didn't matter to me at the time, or so I thought, and then I realised I was the only white face on the bus or on the street. It then did feel slightly disconcerting. You are right, even at much lower levels than I describe, the majority of Scots would baulk at this. It is at this stage that British multi-cultureism is swamped and breaks down. 
I base my view on the comments from white Londoner's. Which boils down to. It just creeps up on you. You find that you are not in a majority anymore, so you move to where you will be. I don't think Scots are so tolerant, or as pragmatic.

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1 hour ago, McSpreader said:

White flight! 

Ok if you are upper working class or middle class. If you're not you're trapped in an area changing, not naturally, not slowly and progressively but deliberately and cynically, engineered by a politically inspired attempt to force multi-culturalism on the Uk.

Easy to support that from 400 miles away. 

why do people get worked up tho? tell the truth how many of your neighbours do you know well? there are 34 houses in my street and i know the names of 2 of mine and they are through the wall and across the road, second to that how much do you care about what your neighbours get up to? (so long as theyr not being c***s are breaking the law) i bet the answer is not many and not at all.  ive had the discussion with my own mum who isnt so tolerent, she likes to whinge about neighbours of hers not integrating , but who cares? she could not answer when i asked how much of a shite she gives about what all the white people near her get up to. after all its a free country.

what is so reasuring about a bus full of white strangers? a street full of white faces you dont know? its just peoples fear of the unkown. after all there arent that many immigrants in Falkirk but none of them have ever done anything to upset me, plenty white people have

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32 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

The word is "arse". Red dotted.

Shame on me !

Back to the point......you were intimating certain values upon those, such as myself, that voted Leave.....  With absolutely no evidence to back it up. You are more intelligent than that so don't fall in to that  moronic virtue signalling mindset just to please the pseudo lefty constituency on this forum.



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32 minutes ago, effeffsee_the2nd said:

why do people get worked up tho? tell the truth how many of your neighbours do you know well? there are 34 houses in my street and i know the names of 2 of mine and they are through the wall and across the road, second to that how much do you care about what your neighbours get up to? (so long as theyr not being c***s are breaking the law) i bet the answer is not many and not at all.  ive had the discussion with my own mum who isnt so tolerent, she likes to whinge about neighbours of hers not integrating , but who cares? she could not answer when i asked how much of a shite she gives about what all the white people near her get up to. after all its a free country.

what is so reasuring about a bus full of white strangers? a street full of white faces you dont know? its just peoples fear of the unkown. after all there arent that many immigrants in Falkirk but none of them have ever done anything to upset me, plenty white people have

I get that, but there are many areas in England and Wales where the number of newcomers has quickly changed the nature of that community irrevocably. Sometimes for the better, no doubt. Often not so, in the opinion of the locals.

What you have to remember, post Brexit, that for over 10 years there has been net immigration of over 300,000 per annum and that was never in any political party's manifesto and has been imposed on the electorate without any consultation.....in fact , the electorate has been slated and harangued for expressing concern.

It's not all about Race either, mostly  it's about competition for scarce resources in Health , Education, Housing and, of course, Jobs. That is not f*cking racist and anyone who claims it is is a d*ck.

4 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

"virtue signalling". Cheers, another entry!

It's what you all do !

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What an absolute fucking shitemare the resident thick unionists are having here.

Is the point that Scottish people aren't really less racist than English people deep down. But a little extra bit of racism is OK if you have to put up with the indignity of looking at black faces all day?

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What an absolute fucking shitemare the resident thick unionists are having here.
Is the point that Scottish people aren't really less racist than English people deep down. But a little extra bit of racism is OK if you have to put up with the indignity of looking at black faces all day?

I've not said a word.Leave me out of this.Thanks.
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What an absolute fucking shitemare the resident thick unionists are having here.
Is the point that Scottish people aren't really less racist than English people deep down. But a little extra bit of racism is OK if you have to put up with the indignity of looking at black faces all day?

Certainly don't think that's what McSpreader is saying.
I voted to remain, but can understand the concerns of people living in other parts of the UK where unbridled immigration over the last 10-12 years has without doubt put a strain on public services and housing.
To pretend otherwise is folly.
Think most observers agree that migration to the UK is a net benefit over time, but the infrastructure has to be in place first to support new arrivals irrespective of whether they come from within or outside the EU.
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7 hours ago, Gordon EF said:

What an absolute fucking shitemare the resident thick unionists are having here.

Is the point that Scottish people aren't really less racist than English people deep down. But a little extra bit of racism is OK if you have to put up with the indignity of looking at black faces all day?

The point is people like yerself make everything about race by calling people racist  when it's about unnecessary competition for jobs, housing and resources in health and education, etc. That's down to Govt ploughing ahead with mass immigration without any forward planning.

And no, Scottish people most definitely are NOT less racist than the English. If there was a way to 'measure' racism I would guess Scottish folk are far MORE racist ......Just a guess but that would be mine.

Most immigrants are white btw. Why are you so hung up on colour? That says a lot about you tbh.

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6 hours ago, RedRob72 said:

Certainly don't think that's what McSpreader is saying.
I voted to remain, but can understand the concerns of people living in other parts of the UK where unbridled immigration over the last 10-12 years has without doubt put a strain on public services and housing.
To pretend otherwise is folly.
Think most observers agree that migration to the UK is a net benefit over time, but the infrastructure has to be in place first to support new arrivals irrespective of whether they come from within or outside the EU.

Net benefit to whom though?

There are millions of individuals whose personal economic circumstances have not been improved by mass immigration, but they suffer the negative consequences..

Why should they support an immigration policy that benefits others but not themselves?

No-one, it seems,  can answer that .

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11 hours ago, hehawhehaw said:

I think you'll have a long wait unless you get a cut & paste job. Or more likely from wb a blow job


11 hours ago, McSpreader said:

I bet he gives a sh*t blow job, I'll just keep f*cking him up the ass as usual!


11 hours ago, hehawhehaw said:




11 hours ago, hehawhehaw said:

With such a big gob like his it would be like throwing a sausage up a dark close.

What a fucking weird, creepy exchange. 


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Net benefit to whom though? There are millions of individuals whose personal economic circumstances have not been improved by mass immigration, but they suffer the negative consequences..

Why should they support an immigration policy that benefits others but not themselves?

No-one, it seems,  can answer that .

Short report published by the OECD in 2014 on the below link offers a thoughtful summary.


ETA the 2nd link from a UCL study also in 2014, gives a review that is UK focussed


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