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When will indyref2 happen?



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You've spent the weekend -
calling other posters tramps.
Posting about other posters masturbating.
Posting snidey child abuse related pish on a match forum.

Have I missed anything?

You know, you're right. Hands up, inexcusable.
Perhaps it's time to call it a day on P&B.
Mostly an enjoyable time spent on here while it lasted though.
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1 minute ago, gavin_3110 said:

I like to think the maniacs on this thread are unrepresentative of the forum as a whole.

That's nice, petal.

In other news, Wee Nic's been in touch:


Scotland's referendum

Dear Fide, 

Today I set out a plan for Scotland. You can read my full speech and see full details here.
Our nation stands at a hugely important crossroads. What is at stake is the kind of country we will become.
So the plan I intend to pursue will give the people of Scotland a choice between Brexit Britain, or taking control of our own future with independence.
Scotland’s referendum will take place at a time when the terms of Brexit are known, but before it’s too late to decide our own path. 
Pledge your support for #ScotRef today.


And, once you’ve done that, tell the world why. Download and print one of the #ScotRef signs, take a selfie or video, and share it on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Whatsapp... or any of your other favourite social media platforms.
Scotland's future will be decided not just by me, the Scottish Government or the SNP.
It will be decided by the people of Scotland.
It will be your choice.
Let’s get on with making Scotland the country we all know it can be.


Nicola Sturgeon
SNP Leader
Follow me on Twitter

The success of our campaign will rely on the hard work and good will of tens of thousands of ordinary people across the country.

Be part of it. Make a donation today.

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20 minutes ago, Shuggie_Murray7 said:

The Yes camp are going to have to seriously hammer down on the currency issue.

The EU carrot that Better Together dangled in front of voters last time is gone. The only real hurdle I see now is currency.

Wait until you see the state of the new dodecagon £1 coin at the end of the month tbf.

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2 minutes ago, kilbowie2002 said:

I was asking myself about the timing aspect but i think on the spin the timing may not be better. We have westminster at a time when their energy is focused elsewhere, the yoons in Scotland are hopeless and we have a pretty strong starting point. If 5% of the yes voters from the 50/50 poll can help win over just one yes vote each it'd be a win. I dont see theresa may winning many votes. The bbc et al have to be held to account this time. We have to be stronger.

Ultimately timing is what we make of it. If the arguments for sovereign statehood are good (and I believe they are), they'll be good in a year's time or good in five year's time.

There's really no point waiting for something to happen that will somehow, maybe, see a majority suddenly demand Scottish statehood. I think that's the point Sturgeon was making - independence is about making decisions, not doing nothing.

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So far today I've seen 4 people compare it to football

"So if a player misses a penalty can he take is as often as he wants until he gets his preferred result?"

Are people really that thick?

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So far today I've seen 4 people compare it to football


"So if a player misses a penalty can he take is as often as he wants until he gets his preferred result?"



Are people really that thick?


Aye, I've seen the "does she want a Referendum on whether they can replay the Calcutta cup match?" a few times now.


Forgetting the 6 nations are played every single year and that egg chasing is shite.




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5 minutes ago, mizfit said:

So far today I've seen 4 people compare it to football

"So if a player misses a penalty can he take is as often as he wants until he gets his preferred result?"

Are people really that thick?


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4 minutes ago, williemillersmoustache said:


Aye, I've seen the "does she want a Referendum on whether they can replay the Calcutta cup match?" a few times now.


Forgetting the 6 nations are played every single year and that egg chasing is shite.




Plus she tweeted to congratulate England on their win right after the match.

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39 minutes ago, DrewDon said:

Examples or it didn't happen.

You could count the amount of people on one hand who are going to look to P&B to decide their vote in a future independence referendum, so it doesn't really matter one jot what people write on here. Having said that, I haven't seen one person - let alone a majority - using the words "Quisling" or "cap doffer" on here recently - other than you, of course. 

His point is valid - I stated I was a soft 'No' on here and was rather quickly called a shitebag (or something like that I can't be arsed going back to check)

It's certainly not an effective method of convincing people to vote your way.

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41 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

The Brexit negotiations could drag on for a decade, with continuing uncertainties for the economy. We could be independent members of the EU way before the full terms of Brexit are known. After a year or two of Brexit negotiations running into stalemate would be perfect timing.

Article 50 limits it to two years. Unless they can get unanimous agreement to extend that, we are working to a stupidly quick timetable. On both fronts.

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1 minute ago, Ad Lib said:

Article 50 limits it to two years. Unless they can get unanimous agreement to extend that, we are working to a stupidly quick timetable. On both fronts.

really only 2 years? Pretty sure it took 4 years for Iceland to leave.

Absolutely delighted with the news today.

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I think the timing should be beneficial for indy - uncertainty put a lot of people off the last time, but it will be uncertainty either way this time round. Could make for some awful tv debates down the line about whose uncertainty is the best...

Key question remains how much will have changed from the last vote?

- Of the 45% who voted Yes, have any swung back to No? I'd imagine a few will have based on referendum fatigue, and some might now decide the UK is a safer bet, but I think very likely to say the majority of Yes voters will not have changed their mind.

- Of the 55% who voted No, have any switched to Yes? Again, I think their is a hardcore of support that won't be changing their minds regardless of what else appears. I think also true to say that many of the No voters will have been pretty annoyed at the brexit vote so at the least we've probably got a chunk of undecideds that voted no last time.

- Of all the other folk who didn't bother voting the last time, will they bother voting this time? Hard to imagine that another referendum will get an increase in turnout. I'd think it likely the numbers will go down this time rather than the opposite. Not sure who that helps/hurts, but the passionate argument for the Yes side is likely to be a bit more motivational than the next version of better-together but now anti-EU.

Overall i'm not sure i've got the energy for another vote. Last one was exhausting 

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18 minutes ago, mizfit said:

So far today I've seen 4 people compare it to football

"So if a player misses a penalty can he take is as often as he wants until he gets his preferred result?"

Are people really that thick?

Don't forget all the hilarious banter memes over the weekend with Sturgeon demanding a replay of the England v Scotland rugby game because Scotland lost.

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2 minutes ago, Ad Lib said:

Article 50 limits it to two years. Unless they can get unanimous agreement to extend that, we are working to a stupidly quick timetable. On both fronts.

I think there's much more chance of a unanimous agreement to extend the talks than there is to get a treaty ratified unanimously in 2 years.

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2 minutes ago, Adam101 said:

really only 2 years? Pretty sure it took 4 years for Iceland to leave.

Absolutely delighted with the news today.

Iceland has never been in the EU.

You are thinking about Greenland, which was a territory of a remaining state, not a state itself. It withdrew before Article 50 was written; indeed it left the EEC before it was even called the EU. There have been at least four major Treaties since then.

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