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When will indyref2 happen?



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1 minute ago, Bairnardo said:

I think (sorry if I am wrong) Dons1988 is sinply pointing out that a lot of Tory voters don't know or understand what they are voting for?

That they may be unionists/no/leave voters, but are unable tonsee that despite their interests happening to align with the tories on those single issues, they cannot see the full picture.

In that regard, I think he is correct.

Essentially yes. Thank you.

Although damn you for articulating it better than me in a couple of sentences.

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Essentially yes. Thank you.

Although damn you for articulating it better than me in a couple of sentences.

Not really. I had, then for some reason changed, the word ignorance. Which you used, and it fits perfectly.


A lot of tory voters these days are an early wave of victims of the post truth/dumbing down era. The tories successfully got a whole demographic on board who really should be their enemies, just by appealing to them via easily digestible racism and base rhetoric about benefits cheats/disabled people etc etc.


Sprinkle some poppy seeds for good measure since its November.... But really the bottom line is the Tories set the terms and drew the lines in this country for extreme partisan politics Trump style, and since they drew the lines, they did so in clever places.


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Possibly on the wrong thread here, but on the subject of voters who know what they are voting for, and particularly with regard to the EU referendum, I always find it interesting to ask what version of Brexit they actually voted for. When you give them choices such as Theresa May's Brexit, Johnson's Brexit, Farage's Brexit, and so on ad naseum. You will always get the reply "We just voted to come out, mate" but when you ask on who's terms, they're generally lost for words, but will always reiterate that they know what they voted for!

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18 minutes ago, ICTJohnboy said:

Possibly on the wrong thread here, but on the subject of voters who know what they are voting for, and particularly with regard to the EU referendum, I always find it interesting to ask what version of Brexit they actually voted for. When you give them choices such as Theresa May's Brexit, Johnson's Brexit, Farage's Brexit, and so on ad naseum. You will always get the reply "We just voted to come out, mate" but when you ask on who's terms, they're generally lost for words, but will always reiterate that they know what they voted for!

This is a constant irritant. They act as though you’re insulting them when you tell them they didn’t know what they voted for; but it’s a simple fact: there was no white paper, no plan, no official or unofficial guide as to what “leave” would mean prior to the vote. They voted blind because no one agreed a destination, yet act as though pointing out the failures of the Cameron government (and Vote Leave) out to them is a slur.

Edited by Antlion
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1 hour ago, Malky3 said:

Oh dear. I hadn't quite realised I was arguing with someone who literally had a Primary School grasp of money. Tell me when the bank allows your Mummy and Daddy to borrow money to buy staff do you quiz the bank on why they are allowed to borrow money to use on you but they won't offer the same facilities to you based on your £2 per week pocket money? 

Hi Malky,

Please back up your claim that Scotland "earns" the equivalent of £2 per week when compared to the rest of the UK.


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5 minutes ago, Ross. said:

Hi Malky,

Please back up your claim that Scotland "earns" the equivalent of £2 per week when compared to the rest of the UK.


What el gimpo actually means is that it's £2 x £6.3Bn  +  £12.6Bn.  Everything he jizzes out is about £12.6Bn.

He's getting off on the good people here who contradict and/or offer alternatives.  Jeez, he must be doon tae the quick by noo.

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1 hour ago, Brother Blades said:

I’ll not quote the troll, for the benefit of those that have him on ignore.
With regards to your pocket money analogy, can you explain the logic? I’m assuming that “Mummy & Daddy” will be able to borrow based upon assets & future earnings, which Scotland has. The £2 a week picket money recipient would most likely not have assets to use as collateral & future earnings are an abstract proposition at this moment in time. This does not apply to Scotland.

Its not difficult. When you fill out an application for credit you will be assessed on affordability. Someone earning £20k per annum isn't likely to have a £1m loan approved. 

Similarly borrowing £12.6Bn per annum, nearly 8% of total GDP - the highest rate of any European economy - would be bonkers given that would be on top of any legacy debt Scotland takes from the UK as part of any divorce settlement. 

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3 minutes ago, Malky3 said:

Its not difficult. When you fill out an application for credit you will be assessed on affordability. Someone earning £20k per annum isn't likely to have a £1m loan approved. 

Similarly borrowing £12.6Bn per annum, nearly 8% of total GDP - the highest rate of any European economy - would be bonkers given that would be on top of any legacy debt Scotland takes from the UK as part of any divorce settlement. 

Hi Malky,

Can you please provide your sources and evidence that back up your consistent claims that Scotland would have to borrow £12.6bn per annum?


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2 hours ago, MixuFixit said:
2 hours ago, strichener said:
Credibility gone.


For the same reason that a Conservative would class Labour as far left,.  i.e. their own political leanings pevent objective analysis of the political spectrum. 

Unless of course you think that we are about to head into a fascist government?

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18 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

Labour haven't deported British citizens to countries they have never lived in because they're black. Tories have. That's BNP policy. BNP are far right so Tories are far right.

I don't get what is difficult about this.

Wrong.  Windrush deporations happened under Labour when there was no clear reason for doing so. 

Let's not forgot the Labour "British Jobs for British Workers" slogan in their last government.

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2 hours ago, ICTJohnboy said:

Possibly on the wrong thread here, but on the subject of voters who know what they are voting for, and particularly with regard to the EU referendum, I always find it interesting to ask what version of Brexit they actually voted for. When you give them choices such as Theresa May's Brexit, Johnson's Brexit, Farage's Brexit, and so on ad naseum. You will always get the reply "We just voted to come out, mate" but when you ask on who's terms, they're generally lost for words, but will always reiterate that they know what they voted for!

Actually a lot of them know exactly what they were voting for, which was to stop people from other countries living in England and to deport non white people from England.

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19 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:

Actually a lot of them know exactly what they were voting for, which was to stop people from other countries living in England and to deport non white people from England.

This, I believe, was the main reason, yes. 

They can claim it was to take back control and stop letting the EU make all the laws*, but little Englanders are harping for a pre-Victorian UK. 

*I believe around 11% of our laws are actually directly influenced by the EU. 

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Actually a lot of them know exactly what they were voting for, which was to stop people from other countries living in England and to deport non white people from England.

Of course they did, they voted with glee to send the people with dark skin home and ‘take back are country’. They voted with glee to cut and savage the disabled and most vulnerable because the daily mail told them that they were the real problem. People who vote tory are absolutely complicit with the actions of their MP’s. Pretending that they are anything other than a far right British Nationalist party is delusion. I believe this is a new construct also, Im not a fan of John Major or the 90’s tories but I dont believe he was overtly racist or hateful towards the vulnerable in the sinister way this modern tory party are, they have lurched so far to the right even people who were considered on the right have distanced themselves from the party. The tories are without a single doubt an evil party, voted for by idiots, racists, self serving types and people who hate the vulnerable. Tories have absolutely no redeeming features, looking down and laughing as they line their pockets, absolute scumbags.
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It's a ridiculous state of affairs when those of us of a certain age who have never voted Tory look back at John Major with a certain nostalgia. 
The Tories of today are fucking lunatics.

Im not saying I think he’s some kind of humanitarian, but I do think hes from the ‘fiscal conservative’ type rather than this blood and soil nationalist lot who currently shape the party.
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3 hours ago, Malky3 said:

Its not difficult. When you fill out an application for credit you will be assessed on affordability. Someone earning £20k per annum isn't likely to have a £1m loan approved. 

Similarly borrowing £12.6Bn per annum, nearly 8% of total GDP - the highest rate of any European economy - would be bonkers given that would be on top of any legacy debt Scotland takes from the UK as part of any divorce settlement. 

Hi Malky, don't know if you missed my post earlier but wondering if you can answer the questions I have earlier about the sweeping assertions you make. 

You seem to have a bit of a problem with this, think you forgot to reply to another poster as well. Cheers!

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5 hours ago, Malky3 said:

Oh dear. I hadn't quite realised I was arguing with someone who literally had a Primary School grasp of money. Tell me when the bank allows your Mummy and Daddy to borrow money to buy staff do you quiz the bank on why they are allowed to borrow money to use on you but they won't offer the same facilities to you based on your £2 per week pocket money? 

But what if the child is old enough to leave their parents and no longer requires pocket money? Why can't they get a morgage on their house from the bank like their parents did?

Edited by BawWatchin
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