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When will indyref2 happen?



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3 minutes ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

So, the majority of the UK., who voted for Brexit are all bigots?


If they voted because of ‘kith and kin’ or some other such shite then aye.

if they had some other reason then maybe not.

The important point is that you, Dawson Park Boy, are definitely a bigot. You’ve demonstrated it repeatedly. 

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1 hour ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

‘Unnecessary’ is the word.

Regarding the EU, it was necessary. They are not kith and kin.

It's like you're so bigoted it just feels normal and you genuinely can't understand why you get called out on it.

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4 hours ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

Sandy - I would guess that a majority in England would happily see the back of us but it’s us, Scottish unionists, who want to stay part of the UK. I’m not going into all of it here but, for me, I just feel British, feel that the UK is one country and brings great advantages to us.

I also have friends, kith and kin in England and don’t want to create unnecessary barriers. Loved British history, warts and all, the Empire, the East India company, the culture, literature, music, everything that’s British. Not fussed by the Royal  family but creates a lot of interest.

There you are - a straightforward honest answer. If independence happens, then, okay, I’ll just have to live with it.

No doubt you’ll be happy to have another referendum after a few years?



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1 hour ago, SandyCromarty said:

For fucksake take a look at Dawson's reasonable honest reply and see if, for once, if you can put together your unionists reasons for staying in the uk other than being a Rangers fan..


5 hours ago, Stormzy said:

Why would you get a reasonably honest answer when you scurry off after making dishonest claims and these get pointed out? 


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2 hours ago, SandyCromarty said:

That's your honest opinion and I won't knock it, most Scots have ties to the rest of the uk, it would almost be impossible not to have, my father was born in Wales due to his father being based there with the RAF.

I like many Scots want that referendum but do not want a Catalonian fiasco, I and my whole family just want an Independent Scotland so that we can sink or swim with our own free decision making process without being messed around by another country's government that we did not vote for.

Grateful for your honesty.

No problems, Sandy..

Actually, I think you and I could get on just fine.

Nothing wrong with good honest debate.

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I could easily have political arguments with a few of my pals but I just don't talk politics with those people and even when I do, I don't fall out with them over it. Partly why I think the whole 'Divisive referendum' patter is a load of old shite.

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8 minutes ago, GiGi said:

I could easily have political arguments with a few of my pals but I just don't talk politics with those people and even when I do, I don't fall out with them over it. Partly why I think the whole 'Divisive referendum' patter is a load of old shite.

It is indeed ironic that if you support the right to choose/ and support Independence you are divisive, but if you do the reverse you are a unifier. Most of the family and friends I have are in the 65+ bracket and it is the "proud Scots but British" emotional 1950s childhood which seems to trigger their views. That and the certainty of staying in a stable UK in 2014 , which has now vanished as a result of Brexit.

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Always found it bemusing that it was invariably unionists that were claiming to have fallen out with family members and so on because of the 'divisive' referendum. Jesus. If you can't have a grown up discussion and difference of opinion, especially with close family members, without falling out and ending up unable to even speak to each other, then you've got far bigger personal issues you really need to be thinking about addressing rather than worrying about a 2nd Indi ref.

Even then, politics is by it's very nature 'divisive'. You have many opinions, different ones, ones that are diametrically opposed. Unionists appear to think that the healthiest political situation in which to exist is either one whereby every single person adheres to unionist dogma 100% of the time, or that those who disagree simply shut up and never ever bring their grievances up again. It ties in with the 'MOAR UNION!!!" flag-waving shite we're being subjected to recently. Yes, because the way to arrest the slide away from your position, is to just dig your heels in harder, and double down with yet more of the exact same approach that is failing you miserably. That's really going to win back people who soured on the idea of Westminster rule years and years ago, well before it ever became as uber-Britnat and jingoistic as it is now. 

I'm puzzled by their entire thought process behind these 'divisive' claims if I'm honest. Suppose for a moment that the SNP fail to win a majority and Bojo rubbers a Section 30. Congratulations, they've avoided their dreaded 2nd Ref for a bit. Do they honestly believe that the 'divisive' separatists are just going to quietly melt into the ether and stop being so 'divisive'? Surely, given that polling suggests that Independence, or at least, the desire for a 2nd referendum is now the majority position and has been for quite a while, it's the minority determined to deny this who are being 'divisive'?

Anyway, I'm bloody sick of divisive unionists and their never-ending bleating about referendums. They should really just get on with the day job of trying to provide some sort of worthwhile opposition to the SNP.

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35 minutes ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

Snappy enough , I suppose, but full of holes.

Just one - GDP per person is around 8% lower than the rest of the UK and 20% of the workforce is in the public sector.

Not a great start.

Oh no! How on earth did any other country survive at first?! The horrror!

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1 hour ago, Pato said:

Thought this was quite a good snappy infographic of the sort the SNP should be churning out and putting on bus stops etc

r/Scotland - 10 Reasons Why Scotland should never be independent (/s)

Waste of time. Look what the “Young Unionists” are rocking. A rocket wearing a crown and smoking a pipe is clearly going to win the battle of the bus stops for God’s sake.


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54 minutes ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

Snappy enough , I suppose, but full of holes.

Just one - GDP per person is around 8% lower than the rest of the UK and 20% of the workforce is in the public sector.

Not a great start.

We'd be in good company for European nations: behind Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland and France.

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To answer the title of this thread, I think the referendum will happen sooner rather than later.

From a unionist point of view better to go when we are still trying to recover from Covid.

At some point all the non- jobs like extra security in supermarkets, hospitals, etc. will disappear and companies will try to maximise their profits and that’s when Boris should strike. 
The more I think about it, the better it becomes.

Show how the strength of the UK can play a big part in the recovery.

Its coming so better to have it at an advantageous time.

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