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When will indyref2 happen?



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2 hours ago, Day of the Lords said:

Most reasonable Unionists wouldn't think so. It's only attention-seeking morons like Kincy, DAF, Glen Minter, Spongeheid etc that seem to genuinely believe this stuff. 

Another abusive post from you. 

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2 hours ago, Snafu said:


'THE recent minor protest by various groups at the Conservative and Unionist Party husting in Perth was exploited by some in the media to endorse scurrilous claims that supporters of the SNP, or more broadly independence, are “anti-English”. I am not a member of the SNP, but of course we could all reference minor protests to apparently give some credence, no matter how threadbare, to our arguments. I would not insult the majority of respectful supporters of “the Union” by claiming the BNP, or the trolls of Scotland in Union, represent them or their convictions.'

Are SNP supporters anti English as the Unionists media claim or are is this just an opportunity to bash all Scottish Independence supporters and lump them all into one basket just because of a few idiots?

Maybe its a bit like the claim that all Unionists are bigots, lumping them all in together as all the same?

There is a broad spectrum within opinions on Scottish Independence, but that tiny minority on both sides with polarised views and actions tend to be more active in expressing them to the world than regular folk, feeding the medias obsession in creating even more divide and mistrust.

Do Unionists really think SNP supporters are anti English?

There is definitely some that are anti English as I have experienced it on many occasions.


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There should not  be another independence referendum until at least 2044. 

The question was asked and answered in 2014 so it is settled for a generation. The Union is not for sale.

What Scotland does not need now when we are recovering from covid, the war in Ukraine, gas and electricity prices, cost of living, the mess our nhs and education are in is another divisive, expensive, uneeeded and unwanted referendum on something that has already been settled. 



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26 minutes ago, Snafu said:

They'll only be preaching to the converted.

I think you're right but I'd really expect a positive case (aye, I know) to be put out for a larger debate. 

28 minutes ago, Snafu said:

There's very much the hint of playground bully incoming from a Truss led UKG.

And this is what'll happen. Well, it already is but it'll be getting ramped up very soon.

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All Unionist arguments boil down to one of three things:

The Johnny "Mad dog" Addair (Scotland just doesn't exist)

The Jacob "Top (Tw)Hat" Rees-Mogg (Scotland exists only to provide a place to hide the Queen and her nonce offspring, shoot defenceless idiotic animals and resources to plunder)

or The Simpleton Alex "Still raging about the on time on budget award bridge to his constituency" Cole-Hamilton who think change is scary and mayonnaise is too spicy. 

Or a combination thereof. 


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25 minutes ago, williemillersmoustache said:

All Unionist arguments boil down to one of three things:

The Johnny "Mad dog" Addair (Scotland just doesn't exist)

The Jacob "Top (Tw)Hat" Rees-Mogg (Scotland exists only to provide a place to hide the Queen and her nonce offspring, shoot defenceless idiotic animals and resources to plunder)

or The Simpleton Alex "Still raging about the on time on budget award bridge to his constituency" Cole-Hamilton who think change is scary and mayonnaise is too spicy. 

Or a combination thereof. 


Still, it’s really us Unionists that post in bad faith eh?

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12 minutes ago, The Skelpit Lug said:

A White Paper is a policy document setting out proposals. It's not the final Bill.


9 minutes ago, TheScarf said:

The white paper isn't a legislative document.

Fair enough it's not a legislative document but it was a 670 page document that was laying out Scotland's future if we had voted for independence.

And it was printed in said document that the vote was once in a generation.

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4 minutes ago, Fletcher23 said:


Fair enough it's not a legislative document but it was a 670 page document that was laying out Scotland's future if we had voted for independence.

And it was printed in said document that the vote was once in a generation.

It said it was a once in a generation opportunity, which it was, not that the issue would be settled for another generation.

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48 minutes ago, Fletcher23 said:

Scotland benefits by about 10% more public  spending than other parts of the UK. 

A benefit of being in the Union. 

But not London. Don’t tell the ‘red wall’ Tories in England. They are looking for someone else to blame for being levelled down now that we’re out of the EU.

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6 minutes ago, Duries Air Freshener said:

Kinda the same thing?

No, for the generation that voted it was their first opportunity in their lifetimes. There is a new generation of young voters who weren't given that opportunity, plus all the others who were lied to about the EU.

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3 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

No, for the generation that voted it was their first opportunity in their lifetimes. There is a new generation of young voters who weren't given that opportunity, plus all the others who were lied to about the EU.

We weren't lied to about the EU. 

If we had voted for independence we would have been out of the EU. 


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