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When will indyref2 happen?



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3 hours ago, John Lambies Doos said:
4 hours ago, Stormzy said:
What's a yoon? 

British Unionist

“British Nationalist” is probably more accurate, as “unionist” refers to the union between GB and Ireland/NI rather than anything to do with Scotland as a nation - and they tend to hate any other political union. “British Supremacist” might be more fitting, as it encompasses their belief in all unions so long as Westminster gets to rule over members. “Insufferable c***s” might be better still, because they tend to be insufferable c***s.

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52 minutes ago, Antlion said:

“British Nationalist” is probably more accurate, as “unionist” refers to the union between GB and Ireland/NI rather than anything to do with Scotland as a nation - and they tend to hate any other political union. “British Supremacist” might be more fitting, as it encompasses their belief in all unions so long as Westminster gets to rule over members. “Insufferable c***s” might be better still, because they tend to be insufferable c***s.

So yoons are British Nationalists then? I'm getting conflicting answers here, I just want to know if I identify as one or not. 

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Y**n is an ethnic slur against the PUL community, who are already the most discriminated people on this island. Many have been sent to jail, merely for saying they are British.

 Could empty headed natters and xenophobic tartan gonks please refrain from using it.

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I love the gammons that give it the "GIVE THEM IT, GOOD RIDDANCE" chat in these things.

The same gammons who elect those people to run the country and its finances, who subsequently become desperate to deny us our democratic rights or entertain the loss of Scotland at all.....
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Andrew Wilson's Austerity Growth Commission Report has sure gone quiet of late.

All that pesky cutting public services for the first 10 years in order to get the deficit down to below 3% of GDP from 7, while getting corporation tax as low as possible.

Surely this has to be at the forefront of the SG's referendum offer in May?

With such reduced spending on public services, what replaces it? Could it be the private sector?....with procurement's in, oh say the NHS?

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Looking at a potential 'timetable', so...

2021-SNP wins a majority-asks Westminster for Ref 2-lets assume they agree-it would likely take at least a year to set up, so.....

late 2022 Yes wins.....might even be 2023 before a vote is held.

Probably around three years of negotiations on how it will all work, share of debts and assets, takes us to...

2025--A newly Independent Scotland runs with the Growth Commission recommendations.....which means 10 years of cutting public services and spending, and serious belt tightening...presumably overtures are made to the EU for membership....(that will take some time)

2030-'might' be back in the EU, might not.

2035--After 10 years of lower spending, lower taxes, attempts at increasing immigration, and making Scotland private sector and business friendly..by Andrew Wilson's admission, we are ready to 'start' taking steps towards growing our way towards a more stable economic position (we will presumably have been tied to sterling for 10 years by now)...

2040--The Scottish economy starts to grow, maybe back in the EU, and has better levels of immigration etc...

All in all around 20 years from now, before the tangible benefits of Independence materialise?.....Based on the Growth Commission's own model.


Edited by Jedi
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23 minutes ago, Jedi said:

Looking at a potential 'timetable', so...

2021-SNP wins a majority-asks Westminster for Ref 2-lets assume they agree-it would likely take at least a year to set up, so.....

late 2022 Yes wins.....might even be 2023 before a vote is held.

Probably around three years of negotiations on how it will all work, share of debts and assets, takes us to...

2025--A newly Independent Scotland runs with the Growth Commission recommendations.....which means 10 years of cutting public services and spending, and serious belt tightening...presumably overtures are made to the EU for membership....(that will take some time)

2030-'might' be back in the EU, might not.

2035--After 10 years of lower spending, lower taxes, attempts at increasing immigration, and making Scotland private sector and business friendly..by Andrew Wilson's admission, we are ready to 'start' taking steps towards growing our way towards a more stable economic position (we will presumably have been tied to sterling for 10 years by now)...

2040--The Scottish economy starts to grow, maybe back in the EU, and has better levels of immigration etc...

All in all around 20 years from now, before the tangible benefits of Independence materialise?.....Based on the Growth Commission's own model.


Or, other side of the coin, just how far is Westminster going to drag us down before 2040?

Edited by oldbitterandgrumpy
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