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When will indyref2 happen?



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10 minutes ago, Baxter Parp said:

Sure circumstances would change but it doesn't mean we would have to lose membership.  The UK wants to leave and therefore cannot possibly be the successor to the EU treaties.  Duh.

The claim to be the successor state will not be made on an institution by institution basis.

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Actually i have a genuine question today.All the abuse/banter that flies about on here regarding NO voters like "Yoons" "Britnats" "Loyal" "Sevco" "Butchers apron" "Union Jack jimjams" etc etc
Is that a West coast thing ? No one i know friends YES or NO uses that stuff in real conversation.Maybe its just keyboard warrior stuff.I suppose ive said stuff i probably wouldn't express in real conversation but im curious if some of the forementioned has a West coast sectarian tinge that's not so prevalent elsewhere.

If the name calling thing worries you, probably best to have a good hard look at your own posts first before criticising others.
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13 minutes ago, strichener said:

The claim to be the successor state will not be made on an institution by institution basis.

Quite. If iScotland came about pre proper Brexit, the UK membership would still be in place. As was the case in 2014 iScot would be applying as a new member.

If iScotland comes about after full Brexit then the UK will already have left the EU, Scotland included. iScot will again be an applicant state. This isn't difficult 


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20 minutes ago, strichener said:

The claim to be the successor state will not be made on an institution by institution basis.

Away you.  Scotland wouldn't need to claim anything, if the UK wanted away, off they'd go.  If Scotland wanted to stay and the EU wanted it, it would be accommodated.  This isn't about international treaty law.


Edited by Baxter Parp
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Scottish people man

What the f**k is wrong with us

I know I'm like a broken record but for f**k sake, reading some of the stuff coming out after this announcement, my god


the indy campaign and vote got people engaged into politics in good numbers which was great to see,the downside has been the division it has created in Scotland.

That division will only intensify in the next few years as the battle lines are drawn up for indy2.

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Just now, kevthedee said:



the indy campaign and vote got people engaged into politics in good numbers which was great to see,the downside has been the division it has created in Scotland.

That division will only intensify in the next few years as the battle lines are drawn up.




No rancour on our side, plenty on the unionist side. There's only one side creating division.

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1 minute ago, kevthedee said:

the indy campaign and vote got people engaged into politics in good numbers which was great to see,the downside has been the division it has created in Scotland.

That division will only intensify in the next few years as the battle lines are drawn up.



It's like downtown Aleppo here, right enough.

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4 minutes ago, kevthedee said:

the indy campaign and vote got people engaged into politics in good numbers which was great to see,the downside has been the division it has created in Scotland.

That division will only intensify in the next few years as the battle lines are drawn up for indy2.

Yes - it's much better when the populace just unquestioningly and blindly accepts the status quo. Even better is when a country blindly accepts having governments handed to it by another country, which they cannot remove from office.

The mistake a lot of regionalists make is in thinking (and then going into attack dog mode) that the SNP have created some kind of evil virus in Scotland - the virus of thinking it's a nation that deserves democratic respect and a voice of its own. What they fail to realise is that the SNP have simply gained ground because of the manifest failing of the union they adore. It was an imperial project, and is now an anachronism well past its sell-by date. Opposition to Scotland's regional status within the British state wasn't created and spread by the nasty SNP; it grew from the death of the empire and the fact that successive UK governments took Scotland for granted, and, following the death of the empire, began to treat it with the same disdain to which the old colonies had been subjected. Scotland and Scots ceased being "us" to the UK government, and started being "them": a region to be exploited but which would never question that exploitation any more than Yorkshire would question being part of England.

The UK government, as usual, was unprepared for the breakup of the imperial project that caused it. Scottish nationalism has grown out of the UK's attitude and actions, not the SNP's (who have simply profited).

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1 hour ago, topcat(The most tip top) said:


And the United Kingdom Independence Party would have brought about not the independence but the the end of the United Kingdom


UKIP has always been a misnomer. 

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12 minutes ago, Antlion said:

Yes - it's much better when the populace just unquestioningly and blindly accepts the status quo. Even better is when a country blindly accepts having governments handed to it by another country, which they cannot remove from office.

The mistake a lot of regionalists make is in thinking (and then going into attack dog mode) that the SNP have created some kind of evil virus in Scotland - the virus of thinking it's a nation that deserves democratic respect and a voice of its own. What they fail to realise is that the SNP have simply gained ground because of the manifest failing of the union they adore. It was an imperial project, and is now an anachronism well past its sell-by date. Opposition to Scotland's regional status within the British state wasn't created and spread by the nasty SNP; it grew from the death of the empire and the fact that successive UK governments took Scotland for granted, and, following the death of the empire, began to treat it with the same disdain to which the old colonies had been subjected. Scotland and Scots ceased being "us" to the UK government, and started being "them": a region to be exploited but which would never question that exploitation any more than Yorkshire would question being part of England.

The UK government, as usual, was unprepared for the breakup of the imperial project that caused it. Scottish nationalism has grown out of the UK's attitude and actions, not the SNP's (who have simply profited).

Didn't Scotland vote democratically to remain part of the UK only 2 years ago?

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1 minute ago, Airdrieonian said:

Didn't Scotland vote democratically to remain part of the UK only 2 years ago?

Indeed - Scotland voted in 2014 democratically to remain a region of an EU member state, with all that that entailed.

Scotland more recently democratically elected a devolved government with a manifesto commitment to reopening the question of independence if its people voted to retain EU citizenship, rights and privileges and the rest of the UK decided that it should cease to be a member state of the world's largest trading block. That's what happened.

And here we are.

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Didn't Scotland vote democratically to remain part of the UK only 2 years ago?

Aye we did, and would get a similar result if there was a 2nd Ref tomorrow. Wee Nicola knows that, but she has to throw a few peanuts into the cage now and again to keep the 'Troop' fed and contented![emoji6]

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5 minutes ago, Antlion said:

Indeed - Scotland voted in 2014 democratically to remain a region of an EU member state, with all that that entailed.

Scotland more recently democratically elected a devolved government with a manifesto commitment to reopening the question of independence if its people voted to retain EU citizenship, rights and privileges and the rest of the UK decided that it should cease to be a member state of the world's largest trading block. That's what happened.

And here we are.

I think this is a fair enough position to be honest. It's perfectly reasonable for the SNP to choose to go down this route based on the manifesto they presented.

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4 minutes ago, Baxter Parp said:

Didn't it vote to remain in the EU just four months ago?


4 minutes ago, Baxter Parp said:

Didn't it vote to remain in the EU just four months ago?

So we don't accept the democratic vote of the rest of the UK it voted to stay part of?

interesting view-  kind of similar outlook to the Afghan Taliban 

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