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Which bugs do you kill?

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I killed a spider that was in my living room a few days ago and for reason I always feel bad when I do it, given how I've always been told never to kill them as they are supposed to keep flys away. However I think they're utterly filthy and just want them gone as soon as I see them.

I also saw one in a house I went to view a few weeks ago. However I left it alone. Maybe it's part of the fixtures and fittings.

So which bugs do you squish and which ones do you leave to fight another day. Flys, moths and Daddy Long Legs get the rolled-up magazine treatment from myself personally.

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I ignore spiders as I like to think that they save me the effort of catching some flies, plus I never appreciated just how long they can live.

Blue bottles tend to be annihilated before they can consider leaving through an open window. Midges go without saying.

Only time I kill wasps is when there's a nest in my shed. 'Pay your digs money or die' is a pretty fair policy imo. Plus destroying a nest without getting stung is a good adrenaline fueled challenge.

Edited by Hedgecutter
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Everything apart from wasps and bees. Totally need them for pollination plus they're cool as f**k.

You've got to admire their singlemindedness. Ants are cool too, they're like the communists of the insect world. But aye kill everything is with fire.

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They way I look at it, by killing every spider I see I'm actually helping the spider species. According to darwins natural selection by killing the spiders that are sh1te at hiding. I'm assuring that the genes of spiders that are good at hiding goes through to the next generation. I'm like god. Just a bit more real

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I ignore spiders as I like to think that they save me the effort of catching some flies, plus I never appreciated just how long they can live.

Blue bottles tend to be annihilated before they can consider leaving through an open window. Midges go without saying.

Only time I kill wasps is when there's a nest in my shed. 'Pay your digs money or die' is a pretty fair policy imo. Plus destroying a nest without getting stung is a good adrenaline fueled challenge.

Broke my ankle in 2012 throwing a brick in a wasp nest and running away and tripping in the garden....

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I used to squish spiders, wasps, and bees until my teenage years, just out of fear. Daddy Long Legs were the worst, as the fuckers would get caught in your slipstream. So terrified of them that I never killed them.

Grew out of it, with a bit of effort. A big, fast-moving spider will still make me soil my undercrackers, but they get caught and put out in the garden. Everything else is cool with me. I like wasps, bees and bluebottles 'cause they tickle when they land on you, and you get to have a close look at the cute wee buggers.

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I only ever kill spiders because they're horrible crawly b*****ds. Other bugs don't bother me at all unless they're of the infesting type, then they need to be dealt with before they become a problem. I suppose that means that it's not just spiders I kill, but I don't think it counts as "killing" unless you're squishing them directly.

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An aside - I moved our alarm clock one day about ten years ago 'cause the wife said it had stopped working and I wanted to see what was up. Hundreds of ants came pouring out and scarpered in all directions. All gone within seconds, and never saw them again. We've still got the alarm; it's been working fine since the colony moved out.

I'd say this was one of my hallucinations, but the wife saw the whole thing too.

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Them all. I have a genuine fear of insects, in any shap or form. In the late 90's, I worked at the canon printer factory in glenrothes, some of the insects that came out of the crates that came from Japan were rather scary.

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An aside - I moved our alarm clock one day about ten years ago 'cause the wife said it had stopped working and I wanted to see what was up. Hundreds of ants came pouring out and scarpered in all directions. All gone within seconds, and never saw them again. We've still got the alarm; it's been working fine since the colony moved out.

I'd say this was one of my hallucinations, but the wife saw the whole thing too.

Ants are the only insects that i intentionally kill if i find any in the house and only because the fuckers will infest the place if they find any food.

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