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Which bugs do you kill?

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What else would you kill? Not including survival kills, so you can't say you'd kill a cow if you were hungry enough or anything like that, but to prevent infestation or just because it was fucking annoying, would you kill anything outside of the insect world? And you can't kill indirectly either, no traps or poisons, just with your bare hands/rolled up newspaper/shovel or other weapon I really don't think I could hurt anything other than a spider.


I'd more than likely leg it (my heart-rate is genuinely fastening as I look at the picture), but if I had a shovel I wouldn't feel guilt destroying it. Seriously scare the shit out of me.

The only insect I kill guilt free are wasps and fly. Both the devil's pets. If a blue bottle is at the window I'll open the window though.

I put spiders outside and I never ever kill bees or ants. Both fascinate me and I could watch documentaries about them all day. Probably the hardest worker creatures on the planet. I sometimes wonder if it's crueler not to kill them!

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No bugs really bother me, apart from midges but it's a bit pointless trying to kill them. Spiders can do what they like or I'll move them if they're in the shower etc, bees and wasps will be let out a window. Daddy long legs are cool wee beasties but the cat usually takes care of them.

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I absolutely lost my shit when a moth landed on me in the dark.I unsuccessfully went for it and ended up punching my wall.

Recently I also drowned a daddy long legs for no reason, it was a couple of minutes later that I realised that was some serial killer shit.

Edited by YassinMoutaouakil
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Spiders are sound. I leave them to it normally, but if my gf spots one then I'm made to put it outside. Infact, that's pretty much the rule for all bugs.

Except moths - they can go f*ck. Wouldn't mind if they kept to themselves but they're always flying around daft at the lights or landing on the tv screen. I'll give them a chance to get outside, usher them out, but if they don't get the hint they will die.

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