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The Terrible Journalism & Tom English Thread

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When you think the Rangers supporting Scottish media couldn't sink any lower. How to present a 'get it right fucking up you ya b*****ds' piece whilst pretending not to.

Imagine living every day of your life being that bitter. Absolute minter.

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Sportsound's report on the BBC/SPFL deal seems to have been replaced by the sound of a dog licking its arse.

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When you think the Rangers supporting Scottish media couldn't sink any lower. How to present a 'get it right fucking up you ya b*****ds' piece whilst pretending not to.

William from Larkhall, Jock from Falkirk, Billy from Airdrie - you really couldn't make it up. A Celtic fan from Greenock as well to balance it out, naturally.

Pathetic, vile, disgusting vermin to a man. And the less said about the rag that's printing their comments, the better.

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I think it's fairly common knowledge to us on here that the hacks at both the BBC and the red tops read this site and probably are monitoring this thread daily.


I honestly believe some of their stories are a direct reaction to the stuff they read on here to see what we say about it;  8-page specials on Mark Warburton. Even going down to how long his penis is, and what his wife's favourite sex position is.  To constantly calling the Premiership the 'SPFL'. Then to basically campaigning for ICT, RC and Hamilton to be relegated and Hibs promoted with immediate effect.

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I think it's fairly common knowledge to us on here that the hacks at both the BBC and the red tops read this site and probably are monitoring this thread daily.

I honestly believe some of their stories are a direct reaction to the stuff they read on here to see what we say about it; 8-page specials on Mark Warburton. Even going down to how long his penis is, and what his wife's favourite sex position is. To constantly calling the Premiership the 'SPFL'. Then to basically campaigning for ICT, RC and Hamilton to be relegated and Hibs promoted with immediate effect.

I think it's genuinely just because they're thick as f**k and are incapable of viewing anything through either blue or green-tinted glasses.

I remember a couple of seasons back either a Daily Record or Sun reporter was on one of those shite phone-in shoes saying it would be "catastrophic for Scottish football" if Rangers didn't get promoted that season. Rangers didn't get promoted and surprisingly f**k all happened. Same as the previous 2 seasons.

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The BBC (online) match preview for Aberdeen v County gave a decent chunk of attention to the 'fact' that Jim McIntyre won manager of the year.

Worse than that though, every single match report I have read says County went on to win 4-0, which, according to the Aberdeen manager and all of their fans, was never the case.

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William from Larkhall, Jock from Falkirk, Billy from Airdrie - you really couldn't make it up. A Celtic fan from Greenock as well to balance it out, naturally.

Pathetic, vile, disgusting vermin to a man. And the less said about the rag that's printing their comments, the better.

It probably is made up.

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attachicon.gifImageUploadedByPie & Bovril1463007885.077897.jpg

This being a Dundee team that can't finish higher than 7th....

My goodness, is that a team starting brightly?

Any critique, however barbed, polite or tongue in cheek, of Scottish football has to include tripe like that. It's lazy writing.

Accuracy, or lack of, is certainly part of a big problem.

An acquaintance of mine bemoans the fact that his work on a club website was often used by broadcasters but the website - and his work - was never credited or credited properly. That's public domain for you and them's the breaks, but it also shows that journalists and pundits lack a scintilla of class when they use someone else's work. This stuff doesn't materialise out of thin air.

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