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The Terrible Journalism & Tom English Thread

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11 hours ago, STFU_Donny said:

The hypocritical p***k was happy for him to go to Rangers a few years ago. Warnock’s politics have f**k all to do with anybody as far as I’m concerned.


He's being very weird about this whole Warnock situation. There's sensationalising and just out right lying, I would put this tweet below in the latter really as I don't think I have seen an Aberdeen fan be ecstatic about the appointment just content really yet he dreams up this stuff.



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8 hours ago, gannonball said:

He's being very weird about this whole Warnock situation. There's sensationalising and just out right lying, I would put this tweet below in the latter really as I don't think I have seen an Aberdeen fan be ecstatic about the appointment just content really yet he dreams up this stuff.



Does that mean he will stop speaking about how unfairly Hearts were treated and just target Aberdeen now?


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5 hours ago, DiegoDiego said:

Tom English started off alright, but is slowly becoming (to parahrase @McGuigan1978) a deeply weird individual.

He's been a complete p***k for years now, up Budges hoop and obsessed with random shit.  

Why is an Irish Rugby "expert" so heavily involved in BBC Scottish football? It makes no sense at all.  More sense than Pat Bonner being on the BBC I suppose but not more more. 

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3 hours ago, Hoose Rice said:

Why is an Irish Rugby "expert" so heavily involved in BBC Scottish football? It makes no sense at all.  More sense than Pat Bonner being on the BBC I suppose but not more more. 

I think English is alright. Part of his remit must be to try and noise people up a bit and argue against what others say. The national broadcaster should be above that, but it's 2024 and we need to justify everything with clicks and 'impressions'. His tweet about Warnock being a brect supporter (which we could've all guessed anyway) I'm assuming was some sort of twitter wind up, I don't use twitter so I don't know.

He has a reasonable knowledge of the teams he's talking about though and does a bit of research, which is more than I could say for some of the ex pros they have on Sportsound.

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I found his report on the Scotland rugby match at the weekend entirely in keeping with his football reporting. It pretty much amounts to us being too wee, too poor and too stupid to play rugby properly. Which certainly helps to explain why he continues to be employed by BBC/Radio Scotland. I found this -

"Fatalism is bred into these people at birth."

- particularly obnoxious. An absolute tool.

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The thing that amuses me most about English is how often he gets roasted for previous comments made on Twitter, then tries the old Limmy 'Don't back doon, double doon' angle, which usually fails.

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15 hours ago, scoobles said:

Does that mean he will stop speaking about how unfairly Hearts were treated and just target Aberdeen now?



9 hours ago, Hoose Rice said:

He's been a complete p***k for years now, up Budges hoop and obsessed with random shit.  


Taking any information Budge just fed him without vetting it at all during Covid really showed him up for quite the lazy journalist he had become. When Doncaster came on sportsound and kept having to explain to English over and over again as to why certain proposals weren't feasible was embarrassing to listen to. I then tuned in to another sportsound a few days later and he was still talking about it (despite previously not being really able to properly counter any of Doncaster's points) so just rambled on still as Doncaster wasn't there this time to pull him up. 

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3 hours ago, Bad Wolf said:

I found his report on the Scotland rugby match at the weekend entirely in keeping with his football reporting. It pretty much amounts to us being too wee, too poor and too stupid to play rugby properly. Which certainly helps to explain why he continues to be employed by BBC/Radio Scotland. I found this -

"Fatalism is bred into these people at birth."

- particularly obnoxious. An absolute tool.

A man who misses the sub-editor's scalpel.

Long, incoherent articles that usually say very little. A bit like his long, incoherent rants on Sportsound.

His rugby articles are the same. Full of bizarre analogies and cliched statements. He's basically just Chick Young.


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Tom English has been at BBC Scotland too long. It's too cushy in my opinion, he is able to get away with tossing out crap. No need for critical analysis or writing anything with substance. I don't read anything he writes.

Listening to his analysis of matches on the radio is uninspiring, I think recently he was focusing on statistics more without applying any context to them which summed his work up. It just came across as lazy, a few stats supplied by someone else - he could have looked at them 10 minutes before starting work.

He's in a comfort zone and needs a new challenge, while BBC Scotland need someone with a fresh energy. Life doesn't work that way though so I'll just keep turning the sound down when he's talking.

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He was good when he first came in but I find him really difficult to listen to these days. I get the impression he's not got much to contribute in terms of the games themselves, so scrambles around trying to create outrage and controversy where this is none. As @gannonball mentioned, Neil Doncaster absolutely handed him his arse and his credibility was seriously damaged (to me anyway) after that. You would think he would've toned it down since then but he's just went further down the rabbit hole with all sorts of shite. I just don't take anything he says seriously now which makes his contributions on sportscene kinda pointless. 

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7 hours ago, Bad Wolf said:

I found his report on the Scotland rugby match at the weekend entirely in keeping with his football reporting. It pretty much amounts to us being too wee, too poor and too stupid to play rugby properly. Which certainly helps to explain why he continues to be employed by BBC/Radio Scotland. I found this -

"Fatalism is bred into these people at birth."

- particularly obnoxious. An absolute tool.

In what sense is he wrong ? Anyone who loves the Scottish national teams and wants them to win and who isn't overwhelmed by fatalism really hasn't been paying attention.

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6 hours ago, Darren said:

Long, incoherent articles that usually say very little.

That's the BBC website stylesheet, but. Ever encountered Phil McNulty, the BBC's 'Chief Football Writer'? Long articles about English moneybags football that say nothing and reveal nothing you didn't know, and which you give up reading one paragraph in if you're not a Premier League Armchair Fanboy. His latest takes c1200 words to say 'Arsenal lost and will need to play better and score goals to be better.'



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I don't mind listening to English on the radio (certainly in comparison with some of the others on Sportsound), but his writing is appalling.  Reads like a student who knows about 250 words'-worth about the subject on an essay question and desperately spinning that out to 1,500 words.  Just endless repetitions of nothing at all.

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1 hour ago, KirkieRR said:

That's the BBC website stylesheet, but. Ever encountered Phil McNulty, the BBC's 'Chief Football Writer'? Long articles about English moneybags football that say nothing and reveal nothing you didn't know, and which you give up reading one paragraph in if you're not a Premier League Armchair Fanboy. His latest takes c1200 words to say 'Arsenal lost and will need to play better and score goals to be better.'



Unfortunately. He also comes across as an arsehole, funnily enough.

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