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The Unionists are diminishing,

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He is a fairly prominent poster so no I don't have to follow him about. It's not my fault she talks like a chav. Dry your eyes.

I'm pretty sure that NED is actually the Scottish terminology for the word 'chav', and as it stands for "Non-Educated Delinquent" and Mhairi Black has a first class honours degree in politics by the age of 20, I think we can safely say that the term doesn't really apply to her. #unlucks

Please cease with your vile classism. Thank you.

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I'd bet good money that thundercats' parents were the sort of awful, chip on the shoulder, creeps who told him off for using slang or the slightest variation on dictionary English. These types are also odds on to be and raise unionists.

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My mum voted no and no amount of argument from me was ever going to shift her.

She told me last week She's now a yes voter in a future referendum.

1 of my wife's friends was a big no voter too. We argued a lot in a friendly way and accepted each others cases.

Within 3 months of the referendum she moved to Dubai.

So glad she took the time to screw us all over 1st.

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My mum voted no and no amount of argument from me was ever going to shift her.

She told me last week She's now a yes voter in a future referendum.

1 of my wife's friends was a big no voter too. We argued a lot in a friendly way and accepted each others cases.

Within 3 months of the referendum she moved to Dubai.

So glad she took the time to screw us all over 1st.

it's a great story, Cheers!
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I have asked this several times but nobody has confirmed it.

Nobody over the age of 21 engages in this sort of puerile shite do they?

I'm pretty sure the majority are aged between 14 and 20.

There isn't a single decent intelligent conversation or debate anywhere on this forum.

Nobody is forcing you to continue reading or posting on it. :rolleyes:

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No shit Sherlock. :)

I'm rarely on here these days because the level of debate is simply shite.

Do us all a favour and stay off permanently. Plus you'll not have to read boring debates. A win for you and an even bigger win for everyone else.
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