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Back To The Future

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It's Back To The Future day today, folks.

So say you could travel through time like Marty McFly, what one game from Scottish football history would you take in?

I'm torn between our 1965 league winning match at Tynecastle, and the Eintracht Frankfurt game. Although I'm swinging towards the latter as it was at Rugby Park and I'd love to experience a match-day back then at the old ground.

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For Thistle - The 1971 Cup Final.

As for a historical game in Scottish football I'll go for Scotland beating England 5-1 at Wembley in 1928.

Honourable mentions to the 1967 Scotland win at Wembley and also to Real Madrid v Eintracht Frankfurt at Hampden in 1960 - even though not a historical game in Scottish football as such.

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I've seen highlights of Wembley 67 and Hampden 71 so probably jump in the Delorean back to Ibrox 1921 for our cup win. I'd catch up with my great grandad for a pint too :)

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I'd go back to Dundee v Morton in December 2009. It was a freezing cold day and a shit game. But in the second half a pished boy a few rows in front of us fell and tumbled over several rows of seats before flying into the advertising boards, ending up completely sparked out. There was a concerned silence for a few seconds until a chap behind me said "somebody book that c**t for diving". In all the years of watching Dundee that is the highlight and I dare say even watching us win the league could not top it.

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I'd take inspiration from Biff and go back to just before the Motherwell 6 Hibs 6 game, lump all my money and savings on the draw, both teams to score etc. at the bookies (plus a few quid on 6-6 for a laugh), get a train up to watch the game in the flesh then enjoy the fireworks. Phree muney.

Other than that, watching the 1971 league cup final live would be ace.

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Dunno beating the buns 3-0 on the last day of the season to stay up was pretty special.

I wouldn't mind reliving the trips to Nancy or Levante which were both tremendous especially Nancy just down to the sheer number of 'Well fans.

Also seeing us win the league or the cup in 91 would be pretty sweet as well.

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