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Here's the place for your petty moaning about unimportant stuff that the modern young people do/don't do that has made the world a shitehole. Thought this would be worth hiving off from the PTTGOYN so the youngsters are protected from the bitter whining of us old yins, poor lambs. Just soooo bloody precious, aren't you? :angry:

(this would also be a good place for the coffin-dodgers to rail angrily against those yet to receive their telegram from the Queen, who nevertheless see fit to consider themselves 'old' when they can probably still get their hole without medical aid, and probably with continent women whose nipples don't get caught in their belly wrinkles, the upstart greetin'-faced bairns)

Always good to start with a shite one, as my mother said when I was born - been watching The Omen 3 this evening, and there's a scene at the beginning where a guy takes the ribbon from a typewriter. The bairn wanders past during this and says, "what's that?"

Bloody fancy-dan weans with their modern electrical computing machines and tiny typesetting equipment :angry:

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I'm a miserable old c**t so I'm all over this thread.

Fucking kids who think that the Stone Roses music is outdated and One Direction are the best band ever. Little b*****ds the lot of them

Who are these people? I know hundreds of c***s that are obsessed with the Stone Roses and barely anyone who likes 1D. Crying shame.
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To make this thread in any way credible you'll have to use your John Bull printing set to make it up and send to everyone through the post.

From now on, I'll be producing my posts in the form of an annual newsletter, which my son will transcribe using his hellish Satan-machine.

2016 will be a glorious year for P&B as a result. I'd steer clear of Hogmanay, however. It'll be worse than Jools Holland's bloody Hootenany.

attachicon.gifold man yells at cloud.jpg

old? grumpy? senile? out of touch? Have you ever thought about becoming a football administrator Dave?

Don't think I'm quite cynical enough yet, but I'm certainly working on it.

Fat Dave in 2025? Get your campaign badges now; f**k this Tweetering nonsense.

I'm a miserable old c**t so I'm all over this thread.

Fucking kids who think that the Stone Roses music is outdated and One Direction are the best band ever. Little b*****ds the lot of them

Good lad. This guy kens the score.

Bloody kids, with their fresh-eyed hope and optimism.

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Bloody kids, with their fresh-eyed hope and optimism.

When I was full of fresh eyed hope and optimism one of the miserable old buggers in the department had a sign above his desk. It read:

"Old age and treachery will beat youth and skill any day of the week"

I grew to realise how wise these words are

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2016 will be a glorious year for P&B

Aye, and using the old technology which you espouse we'll hear about it in 2018.

Actually, is that why Addie can't update his Thread of Shame? Is he off sharing a bottle of Buckie with Gutenberg to learn about movable type?

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Stone Roses, you say? Not a bad wee modern band - but the mighty Led Zeppelin still rule the roost.

And, One Direction? One Dimension, more like. Musical chewing gum.

(Edited for old fart's spelling mistake)

Edited by Rudolph Hucker
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Actually, is that why Addie can't update his Thread of Shame? Is he off sharing a bottle of Buckie with Gutenberg to learn about movable type?

He's probably wankered on those modern chemical substances that the kids all take nowadays.

A few tins of yer da's McEwans and a bag of solvents just isn't enough for these ungrateful brats :angry:

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Stone Roses, you say? Not a bad wee modern band - but the mighty Led Zeppelin still rule the roost.

Bah. Stole all their songs from American blues musicians.

Now that was real music. None of yer fancy moonwalkering and half-naked lassies. Why, when I was a young 'un, you'd never catch me hingin' aboot wi' nekkid girls.

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Why, when I was a young 'un, you'd never catch me hingin' aboot wi' nekkid girls.

I believe you.

In those days, if yer maw caught you getting a chubby over a girl she'd slap your wrists, paint your boaby with Gentian Violet and lock you in the coal cellar for three weeks.

And that was her on a GOOD day.

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Here's the place for your petty moaning about unimportant stuff that the modern young people do/don't do that has made the world a shitehole. Thought this would be worth hiving off from the PTTGOYN so the youngsters are protected from the bitter whining of us old yins, poor lambs. Just soooo bloody precious, aren't you? :angry:

(this would also be a good place for the coffin-dodgers to rail angrily against those yet to receive their telegram from the Queen, who nevertheless see fit to consider themselves 'old' when they can probably still get their hole without medical aid, and probably with continent women whose nipples don't get caught in their belly wrinkles, the upstart greetin'-faced bairns)

Always good to start with a shite one, as my mother said when I was born - been watching The Omen 3 this evening, and there's a scene at the beginning where a guy takes the ribbon from a typewriter. The bairn wanders past during this and says, "what's that?"

Bloody fancy-dan weans with their modern electrical computing machines and tiny typesetting equipment :angry:

Thanks, pal - preciate it. :wub:

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BTW what age are you Dave? I may be too sprightly for this thread!

Chronologically? Bah. Only the youngsters worry about things like how many times the Earth has orbited the sun (don't get me started on that modern nonsense, BTW).

The important thing is that I have the mind and body of an utterly miserable, joyless auld shitehawk. And he's not getting out of the cellar unless he stops being so comparatively cheerful :angry:

I believe you.

In those days, if yer maw caught you getting a chubby over a girl she'd slap your wrists, paint your boaby with Gentian Violet and lock you in the coal cellar for three weeks.

And that was her on a GOOD day.

You tell the kids that nowadays, and they'd never believe you. But it didn't do us any harm.

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