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11 minutes ago, ThatBoyRonaldo said:

Leninists in the 1920s: Nationalising entire economies, winning civil wars

"Leninists" in the 2020s: WhY wOn'T yOu AcCePt My InTeRnEt WaGeR???? 😭



What is it about a comfortable pro-independence majority in the parliament you’d don’t like, Tom?

Btw, Vladimir Il’ych has asked me to tell you to remove that flag from your avatar; says he finds it a bit offensive.

Wee historical note to say that ‘Leninists’ in the 1920s weren’t called Leninists; ‘Bolsheviks’ is the term you’re looking for. And the notion that they ‘nationalised entire economies’ is largely a myth; most of that came after Lenin’s death, undertaken by people referred to by historians as ‘Stalinists’.

In fact, Lenin’s last major political initiative before the series of strokes that killed him was something called the ‘New Economic Policy’, which allowed for limited private enterprise in order to rebuild an economy almost destroyed by WWI and the Civil War it merged into.

Anything else you want to check on, let me know.

Edited by The Ghost of B A R P
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9 minutes ago, tirso said:

i pretty much agree but not sure where the right wing stuff is coming from.  Notwithstanding anything else Salmond/Alba are not going to be right wing.  if anything as a non-govt member of parliament, probably will tack left.

It literally says social democratic in their tag line.



Not sure people mean 'right wing' I suspect they mean 'socially conservative ' . Where there is a massive gap on the market, though looks like Alba won't be filling this gap.

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If 30% of SNP voters go SNP/Alba then it pretty much guarantees a majority for IndyRef2.

It's going to be funny watching loads of people who are apparently desperate for IndyRef2 and wouldn't actually vote SNP after independence explain why they don't want this.


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1 minute ago, Detournement said:

If 30% of SNP voters go SNP/Alba then it pretty much guarantees a majority for IndyRef2.

It's going to be funny watching loads of people who are apparently desperate for IndyRef2 and wouldn't actually vote SNP after independence explain why they don't want this.


I know, what is it about a comfortable pro-independence majority in the parliament they don’t like, eh?

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3 minutes ago, Detournement said:

If 30% of SNP voters go SNP/Alba then it pretty much guarantees a majority for IndyRef2.

It's going to be funny watching loads of people who are apparently desperate for IndyRef2 and wouldn't actually vote SNP after independence explain why they don't want this.


I simply do not wish for a single right wing politician to be elected, 

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Just now, sparky88 said:

Not sure people mean 'right wing' I suspect they mean 'socially conservative ' . Where there is a massive gap on the market, though looks like Alba won't be filling this gap.

sure, i've maybe not read enough through the thread.  Thought there was an idea Alba was right wing.  

I don't actually think this is a good idea probably but there are some things about this that remind me of what the SNP has lost.  There's less of an ability to create drama and being ahead of the game.  He's pulled this off as a massive news story which is typical of the SNP under Salmond.  Sturgeon has perhaps even been a better leader but there has been less tactical awareness for me.  She has allowed the idea of a section 30 to bed in.  I  don't think Salmond would have allowed this.  I also agree a supermajority will actually be harder for London to ignore.

An interesting flux ahead.  Too early to call how this is going.  the unionist parties may be a peripheral interest in this election.


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Theoretically if Alba actually took enough seats to prop up a majority then there are a hell of a lot of angles big Bojo will attack from. The infighting and the past 6 months have torpedoed any chance of that situation working practically imo. 

I think if you want Indy then you'd want the Greens to retain their seats buuuut the best part is neither of these options will result in a referendum. 

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While there's a good chance that the majority of people standing for them, if not all, will be wankers, I'm not 100% against this whole thing. I'm not going to vote for them though, because of the whole "w****r" thing I've pointed out

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2 minutes ago, Stormzy said:

Theoretically if Alba actually took enough seats to prop up a majority then there are a hell of a lot of angles big Bojo will attack from. The infighting and the past 6 months have torpedoed any chance of that situation working practically imo. 

I think if you want Indy then you'd want the Greens to retain their seats buuuut the best part is neither of these options will result in a referendum. 

Think this might be where you and me part company, Stormzy boy...

If there are 80 or 90 pro-independence MSPs in Holyrood, the tide turns completely.

The checks on the SNP built in to D’Hondt  are finally removed. This has been the elephant in the room for years... and it’s more than a touch ironic that it’s taken in-fighting, rather than planning, to bring it about.


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6 minutes ago, Detournement said:

But you'll vote for the SNP with Swinney, Wishart, Ewing, Forbes, Mason etc?

I don't think my comment could be more clear.  I simply do not wish for a single right wing politician to be elected.  

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59 minutes ago, Joe Terrapin said:

Disappointed his new party isn't named  'The Fat Jambo Sex Pest' party so there was no ambiguity as to who was behind it.

Not very catchy. What about The Groper Party?

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38 minutes ago, G51 said:

See for ur cheek, it’s now nine million. NINE MILLION POUNDS.

Some people on P&B man

29 minutes ago, tirso said:

i pretty much agree but not sure where the right wing stuff is coming from.  Notwithstanding anything else Salmond/Alba are not going to be right wing.  if anything as a non-govt member of parliament, probably will tack left.

It literally says social democratic in their tag line.



Wait til you hear what every social democratic party did in the 90s and even some of the ostensibly communist ones.

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It's no good having name recognition if no one likes you. Salmond is going to be dogged by journalists like the one today who asked if he was still "A Bully and a creep" - quoting of course, his own defence lawyer.

Likewise it's a fairly well established precedence that the list only parties don't get invited to the debates, so he is going to struggle for air time, and in those debates, Ross is inevitably going to say something about Salmond and Sturgeon teaming up, and Sturgeon's answer is going to slap Ross about while getting some digs into Salmond at the same time, and any retort after the fact is going to be lost. He's gonna get kicked around a fair bit.

It's hard to see how he, and his party manage to get anyone uncommitted to vote for them given the likely media coverage. He was marmite in 2014, and unpopular with women. All the polling to date shows him coming off a loser in credibility and believability vs Sturgeon on the whole fiasco. Is he banking on his hard-core coming out en masse for him, as not sure, currently, many others would.

Edited by renton
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7 minutes ago, carpetmonster said:

You angling for a job mate?

Hey, if I'm going to be hanging around outside women's toilets anyway.

...Christ, there's going to come a day when people actually start doing that, isn't there.

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