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The joke thread: a thread for camaraderie and hilarity

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Where do pirates go to shop if they wish to browse through an in store catalogue first, before placing a numerical order, and awaiting one of the warehouse lads to send the order down to the shop?


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A man says to his wife " I'm just going out for a few pints won't be too late " 

She says " if you come home like last time I'm divorcing you for certain OK " 

Man says " that won't happen I promise " 

It's 2 in the morning and he's so drunk that he's sick all over himself . He asks his drinking buddy for help , he replies that he should stick a £20  note in his inside pocket and when he gets home and the wife notices the vomit all over his clothes he should explain that         that another man was sick over him and as a way of apologising give him the £20 note. Fortified with the ready made excuse he heads home . He stumbles in the door and finds the wife waiting for him "look at the state of you and you smell awful that's it your out of here and the divorce is happening" 

The man then gives her the ready made excuse and pulls the £20 note out of his top pocket with a flourish but instead of one two £20 notes fall out.

The wife asks " what the other £20 note for then?" 

The man thinks quickly ... " that'll be from the man who shat in my pants " 

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Pirate's favourite hole.


(Although the pirate communities of the 18th century were more in tune with modern ideas of democracy and equal rights than most Governments of the age, the female sex was unfairly represented onboard.)

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A family are driving behind a bin lorry when out flies a dildo that hits the car windscreen. Her son takes a keen interest asking what it was. Embarrassed his Mum says "that was just an insect son, nothing to worry about". The son replies "I'm surprised it managed to get off the ground with a cock that size".

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