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The joke thread: a thread for camaraderie and hilarity

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A Glasgow burd is out for a walk with a wean in a push chair. A friendly old dear starts talking to her and and comments on the child's hair.

"What a beautiful head of hair", she gushes...."Did her father have also have red hair", she asks.

"Dunno, misses" the burd replies...." He never took his bunnet aff."



Edited by ICTJohnboy
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22 minutes ago, ICTJohnboy said:

A Glasgow burd is out for a walk with a wean in a push chair. A friendly old dear starts talking to her and and comments on the child's hair.

"What a beautiful head of hair", she gushes...."Did her father have also have red hair", she asks.

"I dunno, misses" the burd replies...." He never took his bunnet aff."

Junior forum for the auld auld jokes

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Woman says to her husband, "John, it's my fiftieth birthday next month so you should get me a special present. I'd like a boob job."

Her husband says, "How much will that cost?"

She answers, "Five thousand pounds."

"Five grand?" says her husband. "That's a bit much. Just get some toilet paper, fold it up and rub it all over your chest."

"And will that make my boobs grow bigger?" she asks.

Her husband replies, "Well, it's worked on your arse."

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Guy getting changed after a session at the gym. He pulls on a pair of lacy women's panties. His mate asks, "For God's sake, Willie, how long have you been wearing those?"

Willie replies, "Ever since the wife found them in the back seat of the car!"

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On ‎25‎/‎06‎/‎2017 at 11:22, Stinky Bone said:

Woman places and advert in newspaper.  "Wanted: Tall, dark, handsome man that can satisfy my sexual needs to the fullest. Reply to 3 Horny Avenue, Shagton, Fannyburgh."

Next day an Italian man comes to her door and the woman says "Wow, you are tall, dark and handsome, tell me how you can satisfy me."

The Italian says, "I will make love to you while I drive at 150 mph in my Ferrari."

Woman says, " You are not for me, you would be too busy concentrating on your driving to pay me much attention, besides I don't like fast cars."  

A day later a Frenchman appears at her door, same question was asked, " Wow, you are tall, dark and handsome, tell me how you will satisfy me?"

Frenchman, "I will cook you some classic French cuisine and then make mad passionate love to you."

Woman replies, "Nope, your breath stinks of garlic and I don't like snails. Your not for me."

Many days later the woman is losing all hope of getting her hole, when her doorbell rings.  She answers it and at first thought nobody was there but then sees a 3 feet tall dwarf with no legs or arms on her doorstep.  "Can I help you" says the woman.

"I am here about the advert in the paper" replies the dwarf. 

"But you are neither Tall dark or handsome" says the woman.  "What makes you think you could satisfy me?"  

Limbless Dwarf replies, "I managed to ring the doorbell didn't I"


And Snow White lived happily ever after with her dwarf and her dildo called Pinocchio.


Long post + no green dots = didn't bother to read.

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The kids at a primary school come back into their class after break.

The teacher asks one wee boy; "Jimmy, what did you do at break?"

"I played in the sand pit with Mary miss" Replied Jimmy.

"Oh great Jimmy, can you spell sand?" Says the teacher.


"Well done Jimmy"

The teacher continues; "Mary, what were you doing?"

"I wasin the sand pit with Jimmy miss" says Mary.

"Good, spell pit please Mary."

"Thats easy, P-I-T"

The teacher moves on to anther wee boy; "Abdul, what were you doing on your break?"

"Well miss, because Im different, nobody will play with me"

The teacher addresses the class at her upset "Children thats awful, thats known as racial discrimination"


"Abdul, spell racial discrimination"


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