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Only an Excuse?

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A number of topics that could have been covered last night:-

Any number of the continual SPFL balls ups (never mind the LC semi final debacle)

The fondness for an Ibrox statement from Jabba Traynor

Stevie G's 'class above Aberdeen' statement

Anything from Craig Levein

Ray the snake McKinnon

The Albion Rovers saga

But instead the usual recycled, not even done properly anymore stuff was wheeled out. Still at least Jane Lewis liked it, apparently.

Not all Johnny Watson's fault, and there may be reasons why certain stuff is sanitised, but there comes a time to say enough is enough and blow the final whistle

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On 24/12/2018 at 10:04, GordonD said:

Of course despite all the posts slagging the programme off, you just know that everybody will be on here on New Year's Day saying how shite it was, having watched it after all...

Told you.

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The only bit I didn't mind was the Jim Kerr bit. He took his pretentious wankery off perfectly but being an old fart I'm one of the few who probably "got it".

Rest of it was fairly weak, I think helped by the preceding shitness of that tank commander chap.

I was pished as f**k as well.

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Guest Moomintroll
Karine Polwart has murdered two classics, which puts her slightly ahead of Gregor Fisher's one.
No idea who she is, but she is f*&king dreadful. She was like the female version of that c*nt from Glasvegas.
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The only bit close to raising a laugh from me was Kenny dalglish saying he became king at 25 and how he asked Prince Charles what age he thought he was going to be. The rest of it was pish. There’s so much material they could use too. Irrelevant tosh, they’re taking the pish out of us. 

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There has never been a time where so much stuff is happening off the pitch in Scottish football that would be easy to parody, yet Watson is still hitting out with McAvennie and all the same old shite.

Genuinely can’t believe that he’s being allowed to continue with this.

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A number of topics that could have been covered last night:-
Any number of the continual SPFL balls ups (never mind the LC semi final debacle)
The fondness for an Ibrox statement from Jabba Traynor
Stevie G's 'class above Aberdeen' statement
Anything from Craig Levein
Ray the snake McKinnon
The Albion Rovers saga
But instead the usual recycled, not even done properly anymore stuff was wheeled out. Still at least Jane Lewis liked it, apparently.
Not all Johnny Watson's fault, and there may be reasons why certain stuff is sanitised, but there comes a time to say enough is enough and blow the final whistle

It's incredible they didn't do anything Levein related.
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Worst thing about this is that it shows no sign of improving yet the same wage thieves are bankrolled by the licence payers, with even the target audience thinking it's dross. 

Sort of mentioned already, I think of the writers of this as being the types that live in their own little world (perhaps a caravan park) and laugh at each other's s***e patter that is never, and never will be, appreciated anywhere else. 

Next Hogmanay will see the start of a new decade, providing the perfect opportunity to draw a line under this and move forward with something new and original. 


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The Brendan Rodgers stuff was brutal, the sportscene stuff was cringeworthy. The Jim Kerr bit raised a slight chuckle, but otherwise it was shite. Time it was binned. Watson is clearly running out of ideas and is scraping the Barrel.

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