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2 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

Yes but was she detained?  Plenty of others have been detained awaiting trial and in some cases awaiting sentencing.


It was reported she was being detained at the time.

They should thank their lucky stars nobody was killed as its probably saved some of these idiots from double figure jail sentences.

Edited by invergowrie arab
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On 05/08/2024 at 20:39, vikingTON said:

What evidence is there that Gordon Brown's utterly hopeless and completely ineffective 2010 election campaign radicalised English men towards Islamophobic and anti-asylum seeker violence? 

Citing 'political climate' is simply a cop-out from the reality that no such causal chain exists. Whereas there are plenty of causal chains between the National Front, the BNP, the EDL and the current organisation of far-right violence. 

There were similar racial riots in northern English cities in May 2001. When the economy was in the middle of a historic period of growth, the government was churning out policies like the minimum wage, tax credits and record NHS investment that *did* redistribute to working class England before the financial crash of 2007-08. They also took place before radical Islam was a viable scare story because 9/11 (never mind the other red herring explanation, the War in Iraq) took place. 

So given the clear continuity of a fringe bunch of angry white men thrashing neighbourhoods where minorities live, the argument that this unrest is the outcome of recent and specific policy failures is unconvincing to say the least.

Any more red herring causes we want to throw out there? Are the rioters in Rotherham/Middlesbrough really turning to far right violence only because going to uni costs £9k in fees? They hardly strike me as the academic type tbh. 

His language makes it an issue and further pushes the political centre to the right. If a 'good guy' like Brown can say those things then the likes of Farage, Braverman etc will take it and run with it. Brown and the Labour Party may not have 'caused' the current problem but they are part of the problem.

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25 minutes ago, Newbornbairn said:

See a Labour guy has been arrested after telling people to go out and slit throats. 


Sshhh! Labour have nothing to do with it.

Especially yon Labour MP who highlighted the hotel that was then torched by bampots...

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1 hour ago, velo army said:

I'm listening to "Radical Acceptance " at the moment. What has she been saying?

And non-dualism isn't about not taking sides.


Can you explain to me how non-dualism in a Buddhist sense " isn't about not taking sides", when the whole message of Buddhism is that self - other - subject - object have no boundaries,  a message of unity,  that our existence has no distinct parts, all divides and differences are illusory. 

Or do I have the most basic tenet of Buddhism completely wrong?


** For a few minutes you had me second-guessing everything I've ever read about or been taught by Buddhists about non-dualistic thinking. It is literally awakening to consciously remove perceptions of boundaries and divides and the realization that there are no sides. 


Edited by Luddite
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20 minutes ago, Crùbag said:


Sshhh! Labour have nothing to do with it.

Especially yon Labour MP who highlighted the hotel that was then torched by bampots...

The Labour councillor said it was the rioters who should have their throats slit. So he was pushing in the opposite direction to the Labour MP (Sarah Edwards).

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18 minutes ago, Jambomo said:

I expect it also has a lot to do with attending a riot.

Rioting is a separate crime/charge though.

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I've just clocked that a pal of mine from school has totally fallen down the far-right conspiracy cesspit. I've only seen him a handful of times since we left school nine years ago, but he was a good guy from a nice family and someone I spent a lot of time with. I've blocked Yaxley-Lennon so I didn't see the retweets from him.

Back in 2014 he was a really keen Indy supporter. Despite being a Rangers fan (I know it shouldn't have an impact, but it does. Especially being very pro Yes on Rangersy social media, that was unusual at the time). But now his Twitter account is just a string of EDL, that UKIP guy who pretends to be a priest or something, anti-Starmer conspiracies and Pro Trump conspiracies.

Like I said, I've only seen him a handful of times since we left school. So it's not like we were really pals anymore. But seeing how his socials are has left me a bit shocked and a bit sad? It's almost like any memories I've got now will be tarnished by what he's become.

No idea if this is the right thread for this. But I wanted to get it off my chest. I doubt I'm alone in seeing someone I liked pretty quickly falling down a horrific route.


Just to add to this. A boy I was at primary school with ended up getting involved with some really far right neo-Nazi groups, and I clocked him in a few newspapers a decade or so ago.

He was a nice kid at primary school from a difficult background where he lost his mum young and didn't know his dad. He then went completely off the rails at secondary and ended up taking his own life when he was in his early 20s.

It sickens me how many folk like that are being targeted by the far right. Aye there will be a fair number of outright racist scumbags. But there's also going to be folk who are lost souls and effectively groomed into it like he was. And that only fuels my hatred of them further. They know exactly what they are doing.

Slightly off topic. But, like I said, something I wanted to get off my chest.


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9 minutes ago, Jan Vojáček said:

I've just clocked that a pal of mine from school has totally fallen down the far-right conspiracy cesspit. I've only seen him a handful of times since we left school nine years ago, but he was a good guy from a nice family and someone I spent a lot of time with. I've blocked Yaxley-Lennon so I didn't see the retweets from him.

Back in 2014 he was a really keen Indy supporter. Despite being a Rangers fan (I know it shouldn't have an impact, but it does. Especially being very pro Yes on Rangersy social media, that was unusual at the time). But now his Twitter account is just a string of EDL, that UKIP guy who pretends to be a priest or something, anti-Starmer conspiracies and Pro Trump conspiracies.

Like I said, I've only seen him a handful of times since we left school. So it's not like we were really pals anymore. But seeing how his socials are has left me a bit shocked and a bit sad? It's almost like any memories I've got now will be tarnished by what he's become.

No idea if this is the right thread for this. But I wanted to get it off my chest. I doubt I'm alone in seeing someone I liked pretty quickly falling down a horrific route.

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Just to add to this. A boy I was at primary school with ended up getting involved with some really far right neo-Nazi groups, and I clocked him in a few newspapers a decade or so ago.

He was a nice kid at primary school from a difficult background where he lost his mum young and didn't know his dad. He then went completely off the rails at secondary and ended up taking his own life when he was in his early 20s.

It sickens me how many folk like that are being targeted by the far right. Aye there will be a fair number of outright racist scumbags. But there's also going to be folk who are lost souls and effectively groomed into it like he was. And that only fuels my hatred of them further. They know exactly what they are doing.

Slightly off topic. But, like I said, something I wanted to get off my chest.


Sort of similar in that a pal of mine sometimes believes the biggest conspiracy shite. I was genuinely a bit worried about which side he’d be on, not that I’ve ever seen him express any intolerant views but he is susceptible to pish.  Anyway he is as condemning of them as anyone else and I was pretty relieved tbh, I wouldn’t want to have to disown him. 

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2 hours ago, Luddite said:


Can you explain to me how non-dualism in a Buddhist sense " isn't about not taking sides", when the whole message of Buddhism is that self - other - subject - object have no boundaries,  a message of unity,  that our existence has no distinct parts, all divides and differences are illusory. 

Or do I have the most basic tenet of Buddhism completely wrong?


** For a few minutes you had me second-guessing everything I've ever read about or been taught by Buddhists about non-dualistic thinking. It is literally awakening to consciously remove perceptions of boundaries and divides and the realization that there are no sides. 


Sorry, I was in a rush and should have put that better. I'm actually more interested in what Tara Brach has said rather than getting into a debate on Buddhism. 

My understanding is that non-dualism is a process rather than an event, like non-attachment. We see that we are not as separate as we think, but rather that what I am seeing in you (pain, joy, insecurity) is also in me. It doesn't mean that we shouldn't exercise personal boundaries or that we shouldn't stand up to injustice when we see another side being repressed.

Anyway, I am genuinely interested in what Tara Brach was saying as I'm really enjoying her audiobook (and her guided Vippasana too.....not enough to spell it accurately though).

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20 minutes ago, Jan Vojáček said:

I've just clocked that a pal of mine from school has totally fallen down the far-right conspiracy cesspit. I've only seen him a handful of times since we left school nine years ago, but he was a good guy from a nice family and someone I spent a lot of time with. I've blocked Yaxley-Lennon so I didn't see the retweets from him.

Back in 2014 he was a really keen Indy supporter. Despite being a Rangers fan (I know it shouldn't have an impact, but it does. Especially being very pro Yes on Rangersy social media, that was unusual at the time). But now his Twitter account is just a string of EDL, that UKIP guy who pretends to be a priest or something, anti-Starmer conspiracies and Pro Trump conspiracies.

Like I said, I've only seen him a handful of times since we left school. So it's not like we were really pals anymore. But seeing how his socials are has left me a bit shocked and a bit sad? It's almost like any memories I've got now will be tarnished by what he's become.

No idea if this is the right thread for this. But I wanted to get it off my chest. I doubt I'm alone in seeing someone I liked pretty quickly falling down a horrific route.

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Just to add to this. A boy I was at primary school with ended up getting involved with some really far right neo-Nazi groups, and I clocked him in a few newspapers a decade or so ago.

He was a nice kid at primary school from a difficult background where he lost his mum young and didn't know his dad. He then went completely off the rails at secondary and ended up taking his own life when he was in his early 20s.

It sickens me how many folk like that are being targeted by the far right. Aye there will be a fair number of outright racist scumbags. But there's also going to be folk who are lost souls and effectively groomed into it like he was. And that only fuels my hatred of them further. They know exactly what they are doing.

Slightly off topic. But, like I said, something I wanted to get off my chest.


The hidden bit is the nub of my reticence to turn all of my ire towards the rioters. They're at fault, obviously, and they're putting terrified innocent people through hell, but they're being absolutely played. 

Inequality has been growing massively in the last 20 years and by rights we should have a mobilised working class giving it a French style greve generale every few weeks, but, they've been duped into blaming muslims, terrified and desperate asylum seekers and just anycunt that isn't white. 

Those who run the major newspapers and the Reform party (who, lest we forget, are the English equivalent of the Tea Party both in message and funding) want this to be about racism and Britishness instead of about poverty and inequality. They'll be rubbing their hands right now at their tribe of useful idiots getting jailed for looting and arson while another group of counter protestors use their own energy to condemn the racism. It also conveniently brings down the price of commercial property in the town centres which were targeted by the rioters, in case we all forgot the part disaster capitalism plays here.

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