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Does that mean if there are a load of malfunctioning tickets, the staff have to look about to see which idiot is continuing to generate the beeps?


Surely the easiest way would be to step out of the queue for the barrier and seek out a member of staff.  No fuckwittery required.

Nah they keep the staff on the other side of the barrier, you can normally tell where the beep is coming from and most folk have that annoyed/embarrassed look holding up their rejected ticket.


The issue I'm raising is folk who walk up to the barrier, do not attempt to put the ticket through and stand holding their pass up hoping that a member of staff will manually check their pass and open the barrier for them. 


If there are beeps on say furthest left barrier and a couple in the middle, and the fuckwits I'm mentioning stop dead on the right hand side barrier then there will be a delay till the barrier staff work through the beeps already went off to check the ticket and that's assuming someone elses ticket doesn't malfunction until the staff notice them. 


As I originally said maybe more of a PTTGOYN than an actual issue with Scotrail. 

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Nope it's just one guy for the whole train. When you get to a station the conductor will open the doors using his key then stand on the platform until everyone has gotten on/off then close them again. Basically his job is to make sure nobody gets crushed by the doors, one guy fucked it at Dumbarton a few weeks back

Not true, the guy fell under the train after trying to kick it as it pulled away.
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About 7-8K less than Conductors was my understanding.

That is close to the figure i seen mentioned when the Bathgate line opened(5-6K i think was mentioed) . It was also mentioned that any conductor that are downgraded to a TE will be payed the conductor rate and any new starts will go in at TE rate

Edited by ajwffc
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Regarding staff at the barriers, why oh why do they entertain utter simpletons who have a season ticket in the plastic wallet who walk up to the barriers and hold the season ticket up like they are in the CID showing their warrant cards rather than do what ever other person does and take the ticket out the wallet and place through the ticket reader.

You then get the scotrail staff checking it is valid and manually open the gates for them, causing hold up for other people who have elected to use that particular barrier.

Get these fuds told to get the ticket out the wallet and go to the back of the queue as they are causing a hold up. These eejits might not see it as customer service but everyone who is held up by their gormlessness certainly would and after a couple of times they should learn from their mistakes.

ETA maybe more appropriate for PTTGOYN than this thread but is scotrail related.

I had to do this last month as my ticket stopped working at the barrier a week in to the month. It got old playing the putting it through...bleep....plz. game.

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That is close to the figure i seen mentioned when the Bathgate line opened(5-6K i think was mentioed) . It was also mentioned that any guards that are downgraded to a conductor will be payed the guard rate and any new starts will go in at conductor rate

Guards and conductors are the same thing (guards being 'old school' terminology).

'Ticket Examiner' is the title of the less qualified grade.

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That is close to the figure i seen mentioned when the Bathgate line opened(5-6K i think was mentioed) . It was also mentioned that any guards(conductors) that are downgraded to a ticket examiner will be payed the guard rate and any new starts will go in at TE rate

Yeah I've heard similar. Though I'm not long in the door so don't know how true that sentiment is. I can't believe it to be the case though as why would the company want to get rid of the role if they would be paying the staff the same wage. And you can't imagine from the other side that folk would mind being downgraded but keeping the same pay. A lot less responsibility for the same money. I don't think anyone would have any complaints with that in their job. It would surely lead to more friction as well. Two folk doing the exact same job but one is getting paid £7000 more a year?

As I say, I'm not long in the door and won't pretend I know the ins and outs of it, but it does sound a little strange to say the least.

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Guards and conductors are the same thing (guards being 'old school' terminology).

'Ticket Examiner' is the title of the less qualified grade.

I keep getting them mixed up. You also have Train Manager to add in to the many names for the same role 

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Yeah I've heard similar. Though I'm not long in the door so don't know how true that sentiment is. I can't believe it to be the case though as why would the company want to get rid of the role if they would be paying the staff the same wage. And you can't imagine from the other side that folk would mind being downgraded but keeping the same pay. A lot less responsibility for the same money. I don't think anyone would have any complaints with that in their job. It would surely lead to more friction as well. Two folk doing the exact same job but one is getting paid £7000 more a year?

As I say, I'm not long in the door and won't pretend I know the ins and outs of it, but it does sound a little strange to say the least.

All that will happen is that existing staff will keep their rate and new entrants will be on a lower salary.

Over time (albeit quite a number of years) everyone will end up on the lower rate.

Furthermore, trains will be able to run without a second staff member on board so running a service with fewer numbers than required to cover every train may well creep in.

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Why are some services on? Why didn't all staff just down tools and bring the country to a halt? My train is running like clock work this morning.

most of services that are running are already DOO in the old SPT region. The services that are running with conductors will I think will be using none RMT conductors and managers that are trained to be conductors
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Some services are running as normal, some are limited service and some have no service at all.

I've certainly noticed the difference this morning. Added more than an hour onto my journey from Dunfermline to East Lothian.

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