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Checking tickets /selling tickets /opening doors is a minimum wage job. If that's your job and you're being paid more than the minimum wage you should be grateful


I would agree if all you're doing is selling tokens for tea cups at M&Ds or something yeah.


If you're on a train, cross country, with no way of getting home for emergencies etc, basically stuck on the train with a plethora of arseholes then i would say no, they should get incentives for that. 


Obviously they do get that.

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You in for a gaffers job?



Not for me :lol: but you know as well as I do that the safety stance is a load of pish or we wouldn't be opening the doors by ourselves.

Surely, even with your Union hat on you can't see this as a winnable battle?


Oi you two, you're supposed to be driving trains, keep your minds on the job!

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The Railway (Conductors) is in dispute and our First Minister hasn't the slightest clue about the reasons behind the dispute. Worrying :wacko:

It's as if there were some other massive issues going on in the county that could perhaps be keeping her preoccupied. :P Edited by smpar
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Well she wants to rethink her priorties. I'm £280 down in wages this month, £270 next month :lol:

I'll be losing about that much in dollars if the sterling doesn't recover within the next 4 weeks!

Seriously though, to be scunnered out of that much on your wages is absolutely pish man :(

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Yeah it's not great, but you can't vote to strike then complain about losing money I suppose! Thankfully it's double payday this month which couldn't have come at a better time considering the dispute :)

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I just had a week of Calmac Wi-Fi. All is forgiven Scotrail


Does it work on any of the boats? Been on 2 of the new ones recently where it's advertised everywhere but they haven't managed to get it working at all.

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They do happen, but they're also i) very rare indeed and therefore ii) don't justify hiring a largely pointless member of staff to operate the doors on every service. Which is why the majority of services in the hub of Scotland's railway system already operate without some jumped-up clippy stealing a wage.

Thanks for playing anyway: try striking about something worthwhile next time.

Edited by vikingTON
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Absolutely not. Conductors aren't needed. The article must be photoshopped because these kind of things don't happen on DOO services :rolleyes:


The driver doesn't seem to be getting blamed for it so looks like he was following procedure. I would have thought a visual check would have been mandatory before pulling away, with or without a conductor.

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I'm sure the best way for incidents like this to be avoided is for the general public not to stick their hands or any other part of their body into a closing doorway.

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They do happen, but they're also i) very rare indeed and therefore ii) don't justify hiring a largely pointless member of staff to operate the doors on every service. Which is why the majority of services in the hub of Scotland's railway system already operate without some jumped-up clippy stealing a wage.

Thanks for playing anyway: try striking about something worthwhile next time.

Have you had a bad experience with a Conductor 'champ'? You seem to have a helluva chip on your shoulder about them.

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I'm sure the best way for incidents like this to be avoided is for the general public not to stick their hands or any other part of their body into a closing doorway.

As I've said elsewhere, I don't think the majority of the train using public will be aware that the doors don't have an automatic release. I myself wasn't aware of this and always thought train doors were similar to elevator doors.

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Have you had a bad experience with a Conductor 'champ'? You seem to have a helluva chip on your shoulder about them.


I see that you haven't learned from the failure of your utterly shit comebacks on the Ronaldo thread. Erm no champ: people pointing and laughing at your laughable strike action are not in fact doing so because of some trigger that amateur psychiatrists like yourself can identify. No, they're doing so because your cause is an utterly shit one. 


Clippies are, in general, doing a credible job - their stance against Scotrail's ludicrous alcohol ban for example should be applauded; there is no prospect of their jobs disappearing any time soon, and rightly so. Guards on the other hand are a throwback to the 1950s and a totally obsolete role within a 21st Century organisation. Which is why you receive very little sympathy for 'losing a wage', having chosen to circle your wagons around an utterly pointless and doomed cause; never mind trying to claim that freak accidents count as a smoking gun that means that the passenger should fork out through their fares to employ utterly useless staff on every train in the country. 


Thanks for playing anyway. 

Edited by vikingTON
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I see that you haven't learned from the failure of your utterly shit comebacks on the Ronaldo thread. Erm no champ: people pointing and laughing at your laughable strike action are not in fact doing so because of some trigger that amateur psychiatrists like yourself can identify. No, they're doing so because your cause is an utterly shit one.

Clippies are, in general, conducting a credible job - their stance against Scotrail's ludicrous alcohol ban for example should be applauded; there is no prospect of their jobs disappearing any time soon, and rightly so.Guards on the other hand are a throwback to the 1950s and a completely obsolete role in a 21st Century organisation. Which is why you receive very little sympathy for 'losing a wage' having chosen to circle your wagons around an utterly pointless and doomed cause; never mind trying to claim that freak accidents count as a smoking gun that means that the passenger should fork out through their fares to employ utterly useless staff on every train in the country.

Thanks for playing anyway.

F*ck it, you win, I'll bite ;)

Out of interest, who are these "people pointing and laughing"? Or more to the point, where are these people? The public feedback has been generally positive on the pickets and by a lot of accounts online as well. The latter is more word of mouth as I don't do social media other than this so will stand corrected if it isn't in fact the case.

The second part of your post is as you say, a 'word salad'. I'll try and address it part by part as best I can.

Alcohol ban. You think this is a ludicrous policy? Fair enough. You'd be happy to travel on one of the last trains with no alcohol ban and no member of staff?

A pointless cause. Are you seriously questioning why people in a union are standing up for their jobs? Are you genuinely baffled by this?

I assume when you say "Clippie" you are refering to a TE. Again, do you genuinely believe their jobs are safe if the role of the Conductor goes? Trains are running just now without TE's even on services that are supposed to have one on board.

The last one is the funniest and makes me think you've taken me hook line and sinker because you surely can't be that naive. If the role of the Conductor goes you reckon your fares will reduce? Good luck with that.

^^^ Word Salad 1/3


Rational discussion 8/1


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