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Granny Danger

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We've discussed this before but luck plays a massive part in it.


There was a genius moment in the apprentice (from many years ago) where one of sugar's pals corrected him. Sugar was saying you don't need luck but it was pointed out to him that Thatcher handed these c***s massive opportunities to make millions. Greed unleashed.


What about Roman abramovich? Was it good, honest hard graft that made his wealth?


Private capital has sucked off the teat of our state. And then they have the audacity to complain about state interference.




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Why should I or anyone else have to divert money from my own family to somebody who went straight out and jacked themselves up with debt to buy a car they cant afford?
What is wrong with you that you think this is acceptable?

What are you slavering about. You constantly say things are great because folk have new cars and big TVs. These are largely bought with debt.
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On 28/06/2017 at 23:37, Tamdunk said:

If the public had voted a Tory majority, then there would have been a billion pounds spare, so it's really the public's fault.


In all seriousness it's an absolute disgrace and they should be fully ashamed of themselves. Every single Tory voter in this country. Especially with the high profile the emergency services have had recently, and the fawning grubby platitudes that these slimy politicians have showered over them in the media, only to stab them in the back the second a meaningful way of showing support arises.

Come on, we've not to politicise these incidents until the point in time where most have forgotten about them.

Thought Phillipa was terrific in the HoC the other day, she certainly had the Tories coughing and spluttering about it being too early to discuss Grenfell, it was easy for her as Irvine was 18 years ago.

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1 hour ago, pandarilla said:

We've discussed this before but luck plays a massive part in it.


There was a genius moment in the apprentice (from many years ago) where one of sugar's pals corrected him. Sugar was saying you don't need luck but it was pointed out to him that Thatcher handed these c***s massive opportunities to make millions. Greed unleashed.


What about Roman abramovich? Was it good, honest hard graft that made his wealth?


Private capital has sucked off the teat of our state. And then they have the audacity to complain about state interference.




Liked hearing Sugar mugging off a wet behind the ears 17 year old Bill Gates, knocked down Gates to about £50k or some other measly sum for putting his operating system in Sugar's Amstrads, with the benefit of time Sir Al came to realise that it was Gates that had dished out the mother of all rodgerings

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3 hours ago, oaksoft said:

The only justification for increasing wages is if there is a problem recruiting staff on the offered wages.

I am not talking about those on minimum wage. What possible justification is there for increasing the wage of a hospital doctor at a time like this for example? They are earning well, the NHS is apparently falling apart but the first sign of a bit of cash and these doctors are screaming for a handful of it. In the meantime, cancer patients who need this extra money for life saving dugs appear to be second in the queue behind a throng of grabbing hands. This righteous rage about the NHS is simply fake. Its all about wages.


Nice idea, with one major drawback. Dogs don't cure cancer.

Maybe that's why the NHS don't spend money on supplying them.

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I have absolutely no idea how Abramovich made his money and neither do you.
Without private capital there would be no jobs.
Who do you think governments borrow from?
Oh and guys like Sugar employ thousands of people.
This in turn gives your job a purpose.
If you want to be rich, stop whining and work harder.
The reason luck is less important than you think is because opportunities occur all the time. You need to be able to take advantage of them by being prepared.
For example, do you reckon you could have duplicated Sugar's success simply by getting the "luck" that he got? Do you really think that is the only difference between you and rich people?

Abramovich stole a fucking oil company. Stole...not hard worked his way to the top. Fucking stole.

Chaos in early 90s Russia and he was in the right place at the right time.

There's usually very dodgy shenanigans (and quite often criminal shenanigans) with billionaires.

Your 'hard work gets you to the top' line is embarrassing in its naivety.

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10 hours ago, oaksoft said:

The only justification for increasing wages is if there is a problem recruiting staff on the offered wages.

I am not talking about those on minimum wage. What possible justification is there for increasing the wage of a hospital doctor at a time like this for example? They are earning well, the NHS is apparently falling apart but the first sign of a bit of cash and these doctors are screaming for a handful of it. In the meantime, cancer patients who need this extra money for life saving dugs appear to be second in the queue behind a throng of grabbing hands. This righteous rage about the NHS is simply fake. Its all about wages.

This is exactly what the problem is. People are leaving because the wages are shite, and they cannot recruit, because the wages are shite.

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13 hours ago, oaksoft said:

The only justification for increasing wages is if there is a problem recruiting staff on the offered wages.

I am not talking about those on minimum wage. What possible justification is there for increasing the wage of a hospital doctor at a time like this for example? They are earning well, the NHS is apparently falling apart but the first sign of a bit of cash and these doctors are screaming for a handful of it. In the meantime, cancer patients who need this extra money for life saving dugs appear to be second in the queue behind a throng of grabbing hands. This righteous rage about the NHS is simply fake. Its all about wages.

Scientific advancement means very expensive drugs that can marginally extend life expectancy for the terminally ill. And automation that's taking increasingly many jobs away from the healthy. We spend less per capita on healthcare than just about any developed nation. Take that as you will.

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I am sure its a similar story for teaching.

You'd be wrong. It must be awful being you, raging at everything with a clue about nothing.

So simple that application numbers would represent the health of a workforce [emoji23]

I know you're a troll and stuff, but please get better at it!
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In all areas of public service?
I wouldnt have thought so.
There are about 25 to 30 applicants for every place at medical school for a start.
I am sure its a similar story for teaching.
What jobs are you talking about?

I wouldn't look at applications to medical school, I would look at the progression of Foundation doctors to core/specialty training and Core Trainees to higher training: particularly in General Practice, Emergency Medicine, Acute Medicine, Psychiatry, Anaesthesia & Intensive Care.

Less than half of Foundation doctors entered specialty training. Fill rates for posts in the acute specialties ranges from 20% to 70%. This is across the board, but worse in England. Uncertainty caused by contract 'negotiations', basically a 17% paycut over the last seven years, increasing workload, creeping privatisation. We are heading for a storm.

I look forward to your insights on how to fix this.
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