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Granny Danger

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Not often I side with the daily mail (particularly on a political correctness issue) but this may be one of those times.


Some man who is in prison for rape, became a woman and got sent to a woman's prison. 'She' still has a penis. According to the transgender people this isn't an issue. Utterly mad. Someone in prison for rape (something that legally requires a penis) quite obviously shouldn't be in with women. That seems utterly obvious. Once again it's women who are supposed to suffer from this transgender agenda.

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The only thing I love more than Fash trying to talk down to people about subjects they know more about than him is when Jmo rocks up with his hideous pish about some trans conspiracy being foisted upon the general population. It coming after several pages of him trying to claim the moral high ground is all the better.

Then again I've just seen "a woman can't rape a man," so it's quite the contest here

Edited by Miguel Sanchez
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Anyway, for Scotland: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexual_Offences_(Scotland)_Act_2009

This section creates the offence of rape. This is the first statutory definition of rape in Scots law; prior to this Act, the offense was defined at common law. Male rape is also included in the offense of rape; before this new definition, rape was defined as non-consensual vaginal intercourse imposed by a male against a female.

Rape is defined as follows:[10]


(1) If a person (“A”), with A's penis—
(a) without another person (“B”) consenting, and
(b) without any reasonable belief that B consents,

penetrates to any extent, either intending to do so or reckless as to whether there is penetration, the vagina, anus or mouth of B then A commits an offence, to be known as the offence of rape.

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The only thing I love more than Fash trying to talk down to people about subjects they know more about than him is when Jmo rocks up with his hideous pish about some trans conspiracy being foisted upon the general population. It coming after several pages of him trying to claim the moral high ground is all the better.
Then again I've just seen "a woman can't rape a man," so it's quite the contest here

Do you seriously think putting a convicted rapist into a prison with women because he is 'trans' is acceptable? There are very disturbing results coming from this transgender issue which reinforce gender stereotypes and now put dangerous people into female safe spaces. It's quite clear feminism and the current transgender political viewpoint are incompatible. Women have fought really tucking hard to only get thus far and now a group of entitled men who have just decided to be women are threatening to undo it all.
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1 minute ago, Jmothecat2 said:



Do you seriously think putting a convicted rapist into a prison with women because he is 'trans' is acceptable? There are very disturbing results coming from this transgender issue which reinforce gender stereotypes and now put dangerous people into female safe spaces. It's quite clear feminism and the current transgender political viewpoint are incompatible. Women have fought really tucking hard to only get thus far and now a group of entitled men who have just decided to be women are threatening to undo it all.



Quality slip, it almost made me miss the horrible end to that sentence.

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Men who rape other men are put in male prisons. Women who sexually abuse other women are put in female prisons. If a transgender person identifies as female, they should be put in a female prison.


Obviously, the authorities will have to do what is required to ensure that no other prisoner is at risk... just as they do with any other sex offender, regardless of their gender or sexuality.


And calling transgender people "entitled men" is a disgusting viewpoint. No wonder you find yourself siding with the Daily Heil.



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Men who rape other men are put in male prisons. Women who sexually abuse other women are put in female prisons. If a transgender person identifies as female, they should be put in a female prison.
Obviously, the authorities will have to do what is required to ensure that no other prisoner is at risk... just as they do with any other sex offender, regardless of their gender or sexuality.
And calling transgender people "entitled men" is a disgusting viewpoint. No wonder you find yourself siding with the Daily Heil.

The entitled men comment was aimed at trans activists who are causing harm to the gains feminism made rather than Norman trans people. It's noticeable that most trans activists are 'women' who used to be men. They are used to the male entitlement as that's how they've grown up. It's taken years of fighting to get positive discrimination part of the agenda in order to undo the male privilege which is so strong in our society and that battle and argument is still far from over, yet suddenly it's being threatened by a group of largely male to female transgender people who genuinely believe they have the right to enter female only safe spaces. I'm sure you will agree that it is not controversial to say that they are not the same as biological women, yet these activists seem to think it is, and seem to think they should have the exact same entitlement as biological women do. It's hard to see this as anything but male privilege, perpetrated by the very same people who are reinforcing gender stereotypes. I'm certainly not saying all trans people are guilty of this but it seems that the loudest are those on the extreme end and that people on the left feel the need to bend over to those arguments based not on any valid points being made, but purely on this idea that if a group say something it must be so, without looking at how it impacts on those we are supposed to be fighting for.
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3 minutes ago, The Chlamydia Kid said:


If you read the post below you'll see I was 100% correct. If you don't have a penis you can not commit rape.

What was it you were saying about talking about subjects you know nothing about?


"If you don't have a penis you cannot commit rape".

That's genuinely fucking tragic that you think it can be simplified as such.

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I thought you could in Scotland (now, was there not a revision?) but not in England? I had a sort of Mark from Peep Show situation myself about ten years ago in Australia (though she was my ex and tbh after five minutes I was into it and didn't regret it so not quite the same) but I'm not sure what Aussie law is on it so not sure if I was raped or minorly sexually assaulted.

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11 minutes ago, Jmothecat2 said:


The entitled men comment was aimed at trans activists who are causing harm to the gains feminism made rather than Norman trans people. It's noticeable that most trans activists are 'women' who used to be men. They are used to the male entitlement as that's how they've grown up. It's taken years of fighting to get positive discrimination part of the agenda in order to undo the male privilege which is so strong in our society and that battle and argument is still far from over, yet suddenly it's being threatened by a group of largely male to female transgender people who genuinely believe they have the right to enter female only safe spaces. I'm sure you will agree that it is not controversial to say that they are not the same as biological women, yet these activists seem to think it is, and seem to think they should have the exact same entitlement as biological women do. It's hard to see this as anything but male privilege, perpetrated by the very same people who are reinforcing gender stereotypes. I'm certainly not saying all trans people are guilty of this but it seems that the loudest are those on the extreme end and that people on the left feel the need to bend over to those arguments based not on any valid points being made, but purely on this idea that if a group say something it must be so, without looking at how it impacts on those we are supposed to be fighting for.


People on the left, they're as big a nutters as those on the right.

As a white middle-aged male, how am I to treat transgender people and how am I to know that one group of transgenders are better than another.

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22 minutes ago, The Chlamydia Kid said:



If you read the post below you'll see I was 100% correct. If you don't have a penis you can not commit rape.

What was it you were saying about talking about subjects you know nothing about?


My laughter was aimed at your mewling about Jacob Rees-Mogg's views of abortion rather than the technicalities of rape of which I was previously ignorant, I just included that because your post popped up as I started writing mine

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People on the left, they're as big a nutters as those on the right.
As a white middle-aged male, how am I to treat transgender people and how am I to know that one group of transgenders are better than another.

Just treat everyone with respect and judge someone on what they do and say rather than what they are, would be my advise.
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3 minutes ago, Jmothecat2 said:


Just treat everyone with respect and judge someone on what they do and say rather than what they are, would be my advise.


I asked as your post appeared to be putting one group above another, might not have been your intention but that's how that post came across to me.

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