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33 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

It's not a UC issue.

It's exactly what UC is about, creating a hostile environment and assuming everyone is lying. Any DWP workers who didn't go along with that have been culled.

Edited by welshbairn
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It's not a UC issue.
It's about how the DWP staff treat people in these situations. It's about having benefits cut off for trivial reasons. It's about handing power of life and death to people who shouldn't be trusted with a tin opener. Nobody should be in a position where benefits are simply removed leaving them with nothing. There is no good argument for doing that even when the claimant is taking the piss.

See Welshbairn’s response.
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4 hours ago, oaksoft said:

It's not a UC issue.

It's about how the DWP staff treat people in these situations. It's about having benefits cut off for trivial reasons. It's about handing power of life and death to people who shouldn't be trusted with a tin opener. Nobody should be in a position where benefits are simply removed leaving them with nothing. There is no good argument for doing that even when the claimant is taking the piss.


4 hours ago, welshbairn said:

It's exactly what UC is about, creating a hostile environment and assuming everyone is lying. Any DWP workers who didn't go along with that have been culled.

It's a mixture of both tbh. 

UC in is most often workable with people who have straightforward circumstances and competent work-coaches. Basically single, healthy adults in rented accommodation. The problems arise with changes in circumstances that the UC system can barely cope with and staff who don't understand how to resolve the issues. When you throw in work-coaches who either don't give a shit or take a dislike to a claimant, it becomes a total clusterfuck. 

I have a couple of UC cases at the moment which are absolutely mental. Under the old ESA system they would have been easily overturned through our escalation routes with DWP before getting anywhere near an Appeals Tribunal, however UC is so inflexible with piss-poor escalation routes that we do end up with a lot of needless appeals. 

One of my cases is a young lad with PTSD who was sanctioned for failing to attend an appointment - he had been taken into Carseview (a mental health facility) for making an attempt on his own life the day before. Previously that would have simply required handing someone in the local JCP a fit note or some sort of paperwork confirming his admission and it would have been overturned. In UC he has to access his journal to lodge a mandatory reconsideration which a decision maker will look at in the next 28 days. He now has no phone so can't remember his access info, meaning he has to make an appointment at the job centre to reset his login, get on one of the computers there and lodge his MR. 

The other is even dafter. A single dad who was sanctioned for 91 days for not completing enough work search activity. He was incorrectly placed in the 35 hours per week work search (it's meant to be 25 if you have a dep child over 5 and under 13). He lodged his Mandatory Reconsideration stating his daughter was sick for three days so only had time to apply for 10 jobs. The decision maker refused this on the basis that the daughter wasn't on his claim and it is the claimant's fault for not updating his UC claim to include her. If the DM had taken literally 30 seconds to check his UC claim he'd have noticed that she'd been on from the start and he was in the wrong work search group in the first place. This can't be overturned because the appeal process has been started, meaning he will have to wait until his tribunal goes ahead a few weeks from now, for something that could have been a complete piece of cake to resolve. It also means this guy and his daughter were living off £277 a month for three months. The only positive i suppose will be watching the Tribunal Judge utterly shred the DWP's Presenting Officer. 

DWP also have considerable staffing issues, which they bizarrely tried to resolve by transferring loads of PIP caseworkers across to UC for Limited Capability for Work processes, when surely it would have been more logical to move across most of the ESA staff who were doing literally the same job. 

TL;DR version, UC staff are frequently beyond shite but the system's inflexibility is a huge and expensively counter-productive issue. 

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4 hours ago, Dunfermline Don said:

Northern: Rail firm brought under government control https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-51298820
Isn’t that a wee bit socialist. I am so glad we elected a hard left government last December, oh wait !

Corbyn proposes this back in 2017 and was met with the usual “commy Marxist leftie” comments.

Fast forward 2 years and its “taking back control” stuff from the current government.

Dominic Cummings and Boris Johnson are c**ts.

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1 hour ago, Day of the Lords said:


TL;DR version, UC staff are frequently beyond shite but the system's inflexibility is a huge and expensively counter-productive issue. 

That makes horrific reading and those poor souls are seeing the harsh reality of a system that a political group thinks is appropriate in 2020.

What a scandal.

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On 25/01/2020 at 09:25, MixuFixit said:

Only just noticed this post. 

I don't think I've ever used 'lol' in a post before.

But if this comes to pass,  lol .  .  .  Ha, Ha, Ha  . . . lol.

Edited by oldbitterandgrumpy
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“More than four million children in one of the richest countries in the world are growing up in poverty, their access to adequate nutrition compromised.“

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2 minutes ago, NotThePars said:

oaksoft will be along to explain why this isn’t actually poverty shortly

Laugh heartily about how it isn't poverty, surely.

Popcorn at the ready.

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