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Granny Danger

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On 26/07/2019 at 18:04, Detournement said:

18 years for Carl Beech!

It's apparently worse to be clearly insane and falsely accuse rich people of abuse than actually abuse kids or murder people.

Establishment circling wagons.

I see Tom Watson is keeping a low profile for the present....:shutup

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We have all had enough of these English charlatans ruling Scotland. Here in Aberdeen we have their little helpers in the shape of a shambolic minority Labour council. Their leader – Barney Crockett continues to fly the Union Jack from the Townhouse to show his undying support for this corruption of our democratic right. I would urge the good people of Scotland to join the All Under One Banner / Yes March here in Aberdeen on Saturday 17th August
starting at Albyn Place 1.30pm.

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9 minutes ago, jimmer said:

We have all had enough of these English charlatans ruling Scotland. Here in Aberdeen we have their little helpers in the shape of a shambolic minority Labour council. Their leader – Barney Crockett continues to fly the Union Jack from the Townhouse to show his undying support for this corruption of our democratic right. I would urge the good people of Scotland to join the All Under One Banner / Yes March here in Aberdeen on Saturday 17th August
starting at Albyn Place 1.30pm.


f**k off to somewhere that's interested with your copy and paste shite.

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On 26/07/2019 at 18:04, Detournement said:

18 years for Carl Beech!

It's apparently worse to be clearly insane and falsely accuse rich people of abuse than actually abuse kids or murder people.

Establishment circling wagons.

And now they're saying the Police may have broken the law while investigating. Clear and frankly chilling message coming from this case.


ETA: See also - Mark Field. Physical assault with video evidence no problem if you're in our gang. Carry on, old chap.markfield2a.jpg

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
Piss poor memory
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10 minutes ago, btb said:

Some old comments from Leave maestro and BJs current backroom boy :oohlala Dominic Cummings  confirming what we always knew


It's not just the MPs, either. One of the few positives we're going to getout of the current mess is masses of WC Tories suddenly realising that their masters view them with the same, if not more, disdain as they do the rest of us. Farmers (the ones that work, not the massive landowners who couldn't find "their" farm on a map) and fishermen are in for one hell of a shock to start with.

Political allegiance should be simple - if you have to go to work to live rather than live off inherited wealth or capital, the Tories are the enemy.

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So Jo 'funny accent' Swinson was quite happy for the Greens and Plaid to not stand candidates at Breacon by election to allow the remain vote not to split. In the spirit of fair play I'd imagine she won't stand Lib Dem candidates in Scotland (Inc herself) to allow the SNP to hoover up the remain vote at the next general election.
Bollocks she will, cow of a woman.

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4 minutes ago, John Lambies Doos said:

So Jo 'funny accent' Swinson was quite happy for the Greens and Plaid to not stand candidates at Breacon by election to allow the remain vote not to split. In the spirit of fair play I'd imagine she won't stand Lib Dem candidates in Scotland (Inc herself) to allow the SNP to hoover up the remain vote at the next general election.
Bollocks she will, cow of a woman.

Exactly the thought I was having this morning watching her basking in the adoration of at least a couple of dozen activists. Jane Dodds shoved off to the side to let Queen Jo give Plaid and the Greens a wee ruffle of the hair. I was urging the interviewer to ask where she was plannng to withdraw her candidates.

Watching this lot of charlatans get a skelping at the GE is going to be up there with Clegg getting binned.

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Christine Jardine of Lib Dems  doing the media rounds :

"People deserve a second chance to vote again, people deserve to say do we really want this and crash out of the EU."

Aye, but "that was settled 5 years ago," on a second Independence referendum.

Really shows up how ludicrous the Lib Dem position is on this.

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