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Granny Danger

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I would hope that you could afford to lose that salary because you'd certainly do so.
On principle I wouldn't be a landlord at all under any circumstances.
I think it's completely immoral.
I see housing as a scarce resource and it's not acceptable for people to own more than they need. Allowing people to do so, especially Buy To Let is the root cause of our housing problem. Unfortunately it's not solvable because politicians from every single party are balls deep in these types of investments.
Instead of assuming my view on things, why not just ask?
No idea what your anti-immigration point is. That isn't even a structured sentence. It seems that like Whitey, you just want to rant. In his case, everyone who disagrees with him is a c**t. In your case, you just go off on incoherent rants.
No fucking wonder this thread is an echo chamber.
On the positive side, this discussion is clearly annoying just the right type of people so it's not all bad news. [emoji38]
Echo chamber, is it? Strange, then, that you only start coming on here regularly once the arse dropped out of the Covid thread. Strangely, outside of that wee backwater, the greenies aren't going to be quite as easy to come by for you. Shame, that.
Those who I disagree with on here cover a broad spectrum,and I've had engaging debates with many over the years. Those who are just contrarian dicks who think displaying a lack of common decency makes them somehow relevant or edgy are a much smaller group, and get treated with the contempt they deserve. There's not that many of them, but I'll certainly admit you're in that category for me.
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21 hours ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:

Couldn't you perhaps try being a cúnt five days a week and have weekends off for a while - see how it goes? You may find your seethe levels and BP dropping. 

Nobody's asking you to actually meet poor people, ffs. Just let folk get on with their "virtue signalling"* when it's not affecting you personally, eh?

*or "being decent human beings" as the rest of us call it.

No offence mate, but you come across as rather seething yourself?

People having different points of view is normal in life.  Accept it and take a chill pill.

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19 hours ago, Duries Air Freshener said:

No offence mate, but you come across as rather seething yourself?

People having different points of view is normal in life.  Accept it and take a chill pill.

Not seething at all. I just don't like sanctimonious c***s with absolutely no empathy.

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The root cause of our housing problem is the scandalous Right to Buy policy of previous conservative govts, and their complete hatred of council owned housing stock. That's what caused the Buy to Let problem, people buying cheap council houses then selling them on for a quick profit.
Right on cue, newspaper front pages this morning say Bozo is about to announce he is going to reinstate the Right to Buy scheme. They really are playing to their core Uber cuntz now
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1 hour ago, Billy Jean King said:
On 30/04/2022 at 23:53, Soapy FFC said:
The root cause of our housing problem is the scandalous Right to Buy policy of previous conservative govts, and their complete hatred of council owned housing stock. That's what caused the Buy to Let problem, people buying cheap council houses then selling them on for a quick profit.

Right on cue, newspaper front pages this morning say Bozo is about to announce he is going to reinstate the Right to Buy scheme. They really are playing to their core Uber cuntz now


Nothing better than a property owning democracy.

We were driving through an area yesterday where we were both brought up in good old solid council houses of the 30’s and 40”s vintage.It was obvious that quite a number had been bought by the former tenants and the difference in the condition of the properties was stark. The privately owned ones were immaculate and had lots of money spent on them whilst others were typically council owned drab, dingy and uncared for.

Human nature always aspires to self ownership.

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Nothing better than a property owning democracy.
We were driving through an area yesterday where we were both brought up in good old solid council houses of the 30’s and 40”s vintage.It was obvious that quite a number had been bought by the former tenants and the difference in the condition of the properties was stark. The privately owned ones were immaculate and had lots of money spent on them whilst others were typically council owned drab, dingy and uncared for.
Human nature always aspires to self ownership.
Your trying way too hard mate. You are literally turning into a parody of yourself [emoji28]
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4 minutes ago, williemillersmoustache said:

The houses owned by people who could afford to buy them had nicer cars in the driveway and had more money spent on them? These are fascinating insights. 

Our next door neighbours have two cars, both nicer than our one, sitting at the front door, and they haven't bought their house, despite 4 wages and a pension going into the house.

They've probably had more money spent on their house than we've spent over the last 26 years.

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18 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

Your trying way too hard mate. You are literally turning into a parody of yourself emoji28.png

Well he has competition now that the regular troll has given in to its addiction and come back with two accounts.

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3 minutes ago, Antlion said:

Well he has competition now that the regular troll has given in to its addiction and come back with two accounts.

The type of brain melt you need to have to believe everyone that's a Unionist on a Scottish forum is a troll is insanely impressive. Perhaps it's more like a safety blanket for you though. 

Accusing posters of being the same person was and still is utterly hilarious and a heads gone. A part of me thinks you're trolling on this front though as this place can't be that much of a paranoid mess. 

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21 minutes ago, williemillersmoustache said:

The houses owned by people who could afford to buy them had nicer cars in the driveway and had more money spent on them? These are fascinating insights. 

Dorries likes to trot out that shit as evidence that Thatcherism was supercool, so it's of no surprise to see DPB parroting it rote for attention.

It's up there with the Celtgers fans who act as though money has no effect on their club's performance; they're just better than you. Deal with it.

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1 hour ago, BFTD said:

Dorries likes to trot out that shit as evidence that Thatcherism was supercool, so it's of no surprise to see DPB parroting it rote for attention.

It's up there with the Celtgers fans who act as though money has no effect on their club's performance; they're just better than you. Deal with it.

What’s wrong with people having aspirations to better themselves?

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13 minutes ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

What’s wrong with people having aspirations to better themselves?

Absolutely nothing, but when, for example, all the heavy industry around, say, the Dawson Park area closes down and folks become unemployed, might Locke's self ownership ideal become just that little bit more difficult?

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17 minutes ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:

The equation of "financial superiority = better person". Next fucking stupid question.

Oh it's far more cynical than that. There's nothing wrong with owning a home, but there is something very wrong with owning a home that should be available for social rent and that hasn't and won't be replaced. 




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31 minutes ago, The Skelpit Lug said:

Absolutely nothing, but when, for example, all the heavy industry around, say, the Dawson Park area closes down and folks become unemployed, might Locke's self ownership ideal become just that little bit more difficult?

You’re right. Yes, all the ironfounding and aluminium factories closed down as times changed but, in general, with a move to lighter industries and services, people have prospered and working conditions are immeasurably better.

Its called progress.

when I was growing up, almost everyone lived in a council house but that has changed with the desire to get on, better oneself and own property. It’s not all good but, by and large, I have seen massive improvements to living standards throughout all sectors of the population and long may that continue.

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40 minutes ago, williemillersmoustache said:

Oh it's far more cynical than that. There's nothing wrong with owning a home, but there is something very wrong with owning a home that should be available for social rent and that hasn't and won't be replaced. 




Don't worry. The good old private sector wealth creators will provide much needed investment capital and step in to the breach. 

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Fair play to him, he certainly manages to dig out responses.

f**k knows what he gets out of constantly having people fill in his gaps in logic, but we all have our hobbies.

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