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Granny Danger

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It's not what I wanted in any way. I don't see how Scotland being independent would stop the Tories from becoming more right-wing either.

Did you deliver the leaflets with "vote no to keep us in the eu"

Did you tell the grannies they would lose there pensions?

Did you tell the eu nationals they would be chucked out?

Or did you like a good little drone do what hq tell you?

Stop comaining about westminster this is what you campaigned for

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Did you deliver the leaflets with "vote no to keep us in the eu"

Did you tell the grannies they would lose there pensions?

Did you tell the eu nationals they would be chucked out?

Or did you like a good little drone do what hq tell you?

Stop comaining about westminster this is what you campaigned for

Do you seriously believe that because I support remaining in the union that means I support everything about it or everything it does? That's utterly stupid. I also campaigned to stay in the EU but I certainly don't agree with everything the EU does and operates. Both the EU and the U.K. Parliaments have flaws and do things that I disagree with but I support remaining in both because the alternative is worse.
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They can be as right wing as they like doon sooth post Indy, their look out.

I care about my family and friends down south. I've recently moved up here from Leeds and I care very much what happens to them. We are lucky that we are insulated by a centrist government in Scotland but people in England aren't so lucky and when I see the lurch to the right the Tories are making I fear for them.
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2 minutes ago, jmothecat said:


I care about my family and friends down south. I've recently moved up here from Leeds and I care very much what happens to them. We are lucky that we are insulated by a SNP government in Scotland but people in England aren't so lucky and when I see the lurch to the right the Tories are making I fear for them.


I get that and I have genuine concerns (as do they) for my kin and kent in various places. However, we'll get into the business of International Aid & Development based upon adherence to UN directives on access to democracy and human rights, post indy and we'll totally accept refugees.

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Jeremy Hunt trying to act like the decent man, putting patients ahead of those horrible doctors for daring to strike is making my skin crawl.

Like putting Dracula in charge of the blood bank.
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This "you voted for this" thing in reference to the referendum stuff needs to stop. Absolutely nobody seen the Tories getting a majority in the election and so nobody voted for that when they voted no, so stop with the bitter shite.

Consequences of actions. Scotland absolutely did vote to allow this to happen. Forever to our shame.
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1 hour ago, Randy Giles said:

This "you voted for this" thing in reference to the referendum stuff needs to stop. Absolutely nobody seen the Tories getting a majority in the election and so nobody voted for that when they voted no, so stop with the bitter shite.

Generally speaking, this.

But 'I support (present tense) staying in both parliaments' is a statement that deserves derision. Folk may as well say they support keeping Scotland's place at Westminster and the Galactic Empire because it's not happening. The spiteful stuff is unhelpful and pointless but if you support keeping Scotland in Britain as of now, you have absolutely no right to claim to support its place in Europe without getting laughed at.

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Oh absolutely, and there's a lot of responsibility to be had there. But it's false to say they voted for a Tory majority.

Of course they didn't vote for a Tory majority in the referendum but it was always a possibility.

What they did vote to allow is that England can choose whomever they want. So indirectly their vote did allow the Tory government to govern Scotland.

After listening to Mundell today, and as someone that voted leave, it is obvious that the Tories are going to f**k up this opportunity for internal political reasons. Slightly hypocritical of me, as it was for these very same reasons that we got to vote in the first place but the immigration rhetoric is not healthy for our country internally or even as a negotiating position.

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Yeah I for one am shocked that a party who have been in Government most of my adult life are in Government, and that they're not being very nice to people. Who could have foreseen that?

As a No voter this is exactly what you asked for, you and your fellow No voters have an absolute cheek complaining about the big bad Tories.

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Yeah I for one am shocked that a party who have been in Government most of my adult life are in Government, and that they're not being very nice to people. Who could have foreseen that?

As a No voter this is exactly what you asked for, you and your fellow No voters have an absolute cheek complaining about the big bad Tories.

This isn't exactly what we asked for at all. This idea that because we voted to remain in the UK that we therefore agree or tacitly support everything the government does is clearly not true. Why should I shut up and not get angry at the government? If you voted yes, and at the first independent Scottish election you disagreed with the direction the government were taking would you be unable to criticise because 'that's what you voted for'?

I voted against independence because I believed, rightly or wrongly, that independence would be worse than staying in the union. Those were the two choices I had, stay part of the U.K., or leave the UK, and I based my vote on that choice. I then voted for the Labour candidate at the following election (who won) but a different party won the election and now govern the country, one I disagree with. My vote in 2014 doesn't make the slightest difference to whether I can or can't disagree with the governing party, a party I have never supported nor voted for.
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You made the choice that Scotland should remain within a system it's people are exposed to sociopathic Tory policy around 50%+ of the time because SNP bad/Scotland is too wee/poor/stupid. You are indirectly responsible for every person who suffers as a result of Tory policy in Scotland. There is absolutely no way you can weasel your way out of that.

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You made the choice that Scotland should remain within a system it's people are exposed to sociopathic Tory policy around 50%+ of the time because SNP bad/Scotland is too wee/poor/stupid. You are indirectly responsible for every person who suffers as a result of Tory policy in Scotland. There is absolutely no way you can weasel your way out of that.

Except I'm not. I was offered two choices, I had to make one, I made the one I thought would be best. That no more makes me responsible for what the Tories do than it would make your for the whims of any future independent government. I didn't vote
no because I think the current system or government are good, simply that the current set up is better than the alternative offered by that referendum.
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13 minutes ago, jmothecat said:


Except I'm not. I was offered two choices, I had to make one, I made the one I thought would be best. That no more makes me responsible for what the Tories do than it would make your for the whims of any future independent government. I didn't vote
no because I think the current system or government are good, simply that the current set up is better than the alternative offered by that referendum.

I dont get that, its an arguement I have never understood.  The UK system is corrupt, its vile, the UK society is built on class division and selfishness.

Scotland had the chance to go down another road and build a society that was hopefully fair, that did not look to punish the weak.  No voters voted for the current system and rules.  They vote for more of the same, now some of them will get a shock because England can rip up every European Law it likes and impose it on the the Scots.  


Yes I am bitter, we had a chance to change our society and build it on our values.  Instead we are going to be increasing at the whim of right wing UK governments.


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