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Sunday weigh in club.

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5ft 9".... thought I was a svelte machine until my girlfriend pointed out my beer baby. No idea what I weigh probably 12 stone + a big lunch. 


Aiming for 11 stone 7 ounces (thats 11.5 stone for all the arseholes out there). 

Edited by Cardinal Richelieu
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I am 6ft2. I was comfortably over 15 stone about 18 months ago; I now weigh just marginally above 11. I didn't quite anticipate losing as much as I have done, but I did so by moderating my diet and introducing some fairly rigorous exercise. I feel and look much better for it. 

I'm aiming to add some muscle in the near future, but I'm delighted with the progress I've made in the meantime. 

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Do you have your own postcode at that weight?

I'm sure this was a lot funnier in your head but now you just look like a dick. Sergeant Wilson's effort was better. A swing and a miss.

At 6ft 5, I've always been able to just eat whatever I like and never put anything on. I noticed that changed last summer when I saw a picture in which I had a fairly tight top on and just had the faintest hint of a stomach starting.

Weighed myself and was still within my ideal weight range but at the high end of it, 14 and a half stone. Managed to get myself down to 12 and a half, the low end of my ideal weight range, within about 4-6 weeks by just massively cutting carb intake (soup instead of sandwiches etc) and not eating massive pizzas or snacking on Doritos etc at night. It was piss easy.

Managed to keep that off over the following months and am now trying to get a good flat stomach and ideally some abs to appear by doing lots of floor exercises like sit ups, push ups, planking etc

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Thanks for all the positive messages and for everyone who's signed up to the challenge.    

Today I've had a bowl of mixed fruit for breakfast.  Soup without bread for lunch, and poached Cod with steamed veg for dinner.    I've also walked nearly 1/4 of a mile.   


I think the key for me is planning, so I've already visited the shops so tomorrow's food choices will be healthy.   I'm already craving chocs though, lol.   


#onedayatatime   #onepoundatatime   #doingthisformoira 

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Thanks for all the positive messages and for everyone who's signed up to the challenge.

Good luck Glenn, will be a long hard slog.

Did you see the guy on that program A year to save my Life?

He came down from 400 lbs to about 185lb.

He looked amazing so it can be done.

Though to lose that, and most importantly keep it off has to beyond most people in a year.

Look at it long term, maybe a 2-3 year target.

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Good luck Glenn, will be a long hard slog.

Did you see the guy on that program A year to save my Life?

He came down from 400 lbs to about 185lb.

He looked amazing so it can be done.

Though to lose that, and most importantly keep it off has to beyond most people in a year.

Look at it long term, maybe a 2-3 year target.


I'm looking at getting down to under 300 fairly quickly, like the end of the summer.   250 isn't really *that* large, that would do me for Christmas.   


It's the little things like even going to the football.  I cant go because I can't fit through the turnstiles.   I'm also too large to use buses.   

But I have a car and it's a Toyota!  

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I'm looking at getting down to under 300 fairly quickly, like the end of the summer. 250 isn't really *that* large, that would do me for Christmas.

It's the little things like even going to the football. I cant go because I can't fit through the turnstiles. I'm also too large to use buses.

But I have a car and it's a Toyota!

It doesn't matter how you are Glenn, Nothing's gonna change my love for you.

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I'm 6 foot and 115 kgs.

Put on a fair bit of weight with having a few operations this year and not been able to do much.

I have lost 10kg in the last two months through changing my diet, though.

Today is the first day that I will be getting back to the gym after being layed up for a while.

I'm looking to be getting down to around 100kg.

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I'm 6 foot and 115 kgs.

Put on a fair bit of weight with having a few operations this year and not been able to do much.

I have lost 10kg in the last two months through changing my diet, though.

Today is the first day that I will be getting back to the gym after being layed up for a while.

I'm looking to be getting down to around 100kg.


convert to pounds please.  kgs mean nothing to me.  

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I'm looking at getting down to under 300 fairly quickly, like the end of the summer. 250 isn't really *that* large, that would do me for Christmas.

No expert but that is a bit realistic, just!

Ok you will lose a lot in the short term, maybe 40 lbs in the first 3 months.

Then I'm sure you know after that it will slow.

Exercise my man seems to be the connection with weight lose.

Do it and push yourself through that pain barrier.

Looking forward to your updates on your progress.

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