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The Partick Thistle thread

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Despite the odd charlatan like Steven Pressley, this league has proven to be a good platform for lots of young and ambitious managers - John Hughes, Jim McIntyre, Derek Adams, Derek McIness and Jack Ross all won it with their first clubs. 

It's too early to say what Caldwell will be like and he might well have a rocky ride until at least January given at least a couple of major, existing structural flaws with the first team, but he'll get time and should offer a fresh perspective on the squad - unlike Archibald who couldn't see the wood for the trees towards the end. 

Having been worried about Jim Duffy being a serious contender for the post and resigning myself to Jim McIntyre as an acceptable appointment, I can get on board with this.

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Not really sure what to think of this appointment. It certainly came a bit left field. We need to be patient as he is walking in to a bit of a mess. He will need to quickly gee  the players up. Those players have just over 2 months to show they want to play for the jersey. Come January Caldwell will probably sign some of his kind of players.

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I'm not really convinced it's that tough a job to lift us.  We were fucking dreadful on Saturday after starting with a team that Archie may as well have picked, but all it took to make us look like the team we are capable of being was putting someone on that can actually run.  A new manager, new ideas, who isn't afraid to change the team, and I think we'll look a lot better.

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Defence aside, there is a decent enough squad there. It's just players who are bereft of confidence, fitness and ideas after working under a management team that had gone stale.

Sign an actual RB, a CB and get the players performing the way they are capable of, we shouldn't be too far off it come the end of the season. The only question is whether Caldwell is the man to do that. Signs are promising so far, though.

Regarding the fitness thing - is Junior Mendes still at the club or has he been punted as well?

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A huge amount of gratitude to Alan Archibald for this squad of absolute shite. 

If the Archibald fan club is out of mourning yet, just think of this result as well as the East Fife result before you shed another tear for him.

Absolute disgrace, and just as well that the board have promised funds for the new manager in January.

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Christie Elliott’s career has come full circle. Started off as a complete jobber, gradually built up to the point where he was genuinely a decent quality top flight RB, and now back to being utterly useless again.

I don’t begrudge him or Doolan (especially not Doolan) a testimonial, but we really need to be ruthless going forward. None of this “but he loves playing for Thistle” bollocks. If someone isn’t good enough any more, which applies to the vast majority of this team, then time to go.

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A dreadful result to start off a tenure. I don’t think i’ve seen any of Archibald’s summer signings play well, apart from maybe Slater at times. I think Caldwell thought if we had a lot of possession today we would necessarily create chances, which didn’t happen.

The whole sorry state of affairs is pretty reminiscent of our 2-relegations-in-a-row of 2004/5. A big part of the problem seems to be attitude, there are a quite a few players at the club who aren’t interested/motivated in making the extra effort to try to win. Which is why any team with determination will beat us.

No more shite chat about promotion, please - Caldwell’s mission is to try to get enough points out of this gang to avoid the bottom 2.

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