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The Partick Thistle thread

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15 minutes ago, Nightmare said:

Jacqui must be seething at how badly her hand-picked goons have handled this whole thing.

Somehow I feel like she thinks it's all going rather well. Fans singing sack the board after winning 4-1 is always a really good sign. 

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The tweets look to have fair dried up as well. Nothing for days and its really just an echo of retweets from the official club page. All the open and transparent individuals blocking people and going private with their accounts. 

Also, threatening fans with legal action because of getting the number of players under your banner at the club wrong whilst you have bible verses on your twitter bio..... Please tell me I'm missing the point somewhere, but if its as simple as that then, well, somebody go and get the blow torch.


Edited by Benidorm
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The current trustees all had expressed private concerns that the share transfer to fans could be in jeopardy given the tone and content of messaging between TJF & 3BC in April/May 2022.
Whilst they did not all know each other, they were connected via mutual acquaintances. They were brought together by these individuals to discuss potential alternatives to TJF.
Upon meeting each other, it was proposed that the inactive PTFC trust which held almost 20% of the shares in the club would be the ideal vehicle to receive the gift of the shares. It was felt this was appropriate as it would allow a bigger shareholding to be owned by one democratic group (i.e. 74%.)
An approach was made by the group to the PTFC trust to see if they had discussed taking ownership of the shares with 3BC. It was confirmed that whilst a note of interest had previously been submitted, no formal approach had been made.
The group prepared a proposal which was put to the existing board of PTFC Trust for consideration, and after a series of meetings to discuss it, a formal approach was made to 3BC.
No current or former Partick Thistle directors influenced the final proposal, which required their resignations from the Trust.
The proposal put to 3BC required a new board of trustees to be created to become the initial custodians of the club shares. Five new members plus one supporter member of the existing trust board would be the initial trustees. Additional supporter trustees will be elected as soon as possible.
Details of the full governance structure are included within the proposal which will be shared shortly

The latest 'answer' from the Trust. It's impressive how they manage to just create more questions to get answered with every answer they provide.

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I wouldn't be too quick to cry foul. Just because there's a well publicised growth in numbers. There's a lot of unknowns when you sign up to something about what is normal communication. People can use this as an opportunity to socially engineer, at the very least, an organisation that's gaining money from it's members. You don't have to be aligned with the other side necessarily to try to exploit this way.

There's no DMARC set up on thejagsfoundation.co.uk domain. That's something they could look into to increasing safety. You want to do everything you can to avoid being low hanging fruit to nefarious individuals.

Edited by LeodhasXD
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For the avoidance of doubt, we don't know if this was a targeted attack or just a bot successfully brute-forcing their way into spoofing us. There were some yellow flags pointing towards a hack rather than a spoof, but we now think that is unlikely.

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It would have been advisable for some of the TJF board to have tempered their language on this.

And some of the replies about and to the Trust have taken on the air of a feeding frenzy. TJF needs to be careful it doesn't open itself up to accusations of vexatious communications.

They've got the moral high ground. I'd like to see them maintain it while continuing to challenge the process.

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This cap was earned by ANDREW JOHNSTON on the 23rd February 1889 at Powderhall in Edinburgh, the seventh annual meeting of Glasgow vs. Edinburgh. It was Andrew's third and final cap,

We had a great breakthrough on uncovering Andrew's life particulars recently and his great grandson, Douglas Fyfe, took the photograph for us yesterday.  After Andrew's tragic early death in 1905, his second-born, John, took possession of the cap in question. Brilliantly, John lived in Thistle Street; this cap is charmed! Sadly, John died of cancer in 1959 and his wife looked after it until she herself passed away in 1983. It then passed to Andrew's great grandson, Douglas Fyfe, who has ensured its survival ever since.

There's a medal attached to the story too, and you can read all about it today...

Andrew Johnston →


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According to this tweet on Saturday from the PTFC Trust, they were going to be replicating the Q&A session after the Raith game tomorrow. 

The club have now announced that the Aitken Suite will be occupied post-match on Saturday by the PlayerZone, an interview with Ian McCall and then a live music session. 

Have the PTFC Trust’s plans changed? Have they been cancelled? There’s been nothing from then to indicate if they still have plans to meet fans again. No time, no location, no format for their visibility. In fact, since the tweet above they’ve retweeted a couple messages from the club and the Jags For Good and done absolutely nothing else.

Another masterclass in communication from this clownshoes operation which will apparently soon be in control of our club.

Edited by Nightmare
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11 minutes ago, Nightmare said:

Another masterclass in communication from this clownshoes operation which will apparently soon be in control of our club.

They won't even be in charge of the club. They will simply own the club while ceding complete control to the present board without any apparent representation.

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44 minutes ago, Duke Gekantawa said:

They won't even be in charge of the club. They will simply own the club while ceding complete control to the present board without any apparent representation.

Yeah, that’s what my use of the word “apparently” was alluding to, but I probably could have been a bit clearer with that.

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The Trust have stuck this on Facebook, apparently. It’s odd that they’re meeting precisely zero of these values in their conduct so far. Full thing is below - 


Edited by oneteaminglasgow
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The PTFC Trust could make a significant stride towards accountability and open communication by publishing the minutes of the Trust's trustee meetings from March onwards, as requested by more 200 (now more than 300) Jags Foundation members and season-ticket holders on Sunday.

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5 minutes ago, oneteaminglasgow said:


The Trust have stuck this on Facebook, apparently. It’s odd that they’re meeting precisely zero of these values in their conduct so far. Full thing is below - 


That's absolute Facebook maw behaviour right there. 

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