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1 hour ago, IR1970 said:

I see an Ayr fan talking about signing McMillan and Milne on there page. And now you saying about Fitzpatrick do yous really think you have the money to sign these players.

We do cos we are a big club. Much bigger than silly wee partick thistle.


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1 hour ago, IR1970 said:

I see an Ayr fan talking about signing McMillan and Milne on there page. And now you saying about Fitzpatrick do yous really think you have the money to sign these players.

No probably not but I think it comes from people thinking you’re on the verge of going bust which isn’t the case at all. We did enquire about Graham last week but nothing came of it so we’ve now moved on to McKay at ICT. Think people just assumed we’d be taking a look at anyone at Thistle worth having. 

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2 minutes ago, Pie Of The Month said:

Big clubs don't have managers celebrating losing 8 (eight) - 0 on aggregate IIRC.


Nor do they throw away 3 goal leads in play offs finals with 20 minutes to go.



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Massive day for everyone who has an interest in the history of this great institution that we all cherish...

...we recently researched the correct birth date of JOHN BLAIR the immortal, whose goal won the Scottish Cup for Thistle in 1921. Today is a perfect day to announce this, together with a big update to his life story... as he was born ON THIS DAY in 1897 in Saltcoats!

John Blair →

To celebrate, the famous letter of 1921 becomes the 20th item in our virtual museum. But what was his Scottish Cup win bonus talked about in the letter? The esteemed Robert Reid reveals all...

The John Blair letter @ The Archive Museum →

We REALLY wanted to secure all the birth days in time for the 100th anniversary of the cup win a couple of years ago, but one player always eluded us. Perhaps it was meant to be, as we'd have been wrong about John Blair back then. FINALLY though, we're ****-a-hoop to have nailed down the birth details for MATT WILSON, the last (and as it turns out, the youngest @ 19!) of our Scottish Cup winners to be ID'd. American immigration docs were the key which unlocked. His 'Bio Extra' entry is greatly expanded upon today...

Matt Wilson →

And so, on the 126th anniversary of John Blair's birth, we're very proud to present your 1921 Scottish Cup winners, the starting eleven now fully aged for the momentous occasion. This is Thistle history being written; better late than never, eh?

Partick Thistle 1 Rangers 0, 16 April 1921 →




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On 26/06/2023 at 21:13, Reid said:

One of the most recent followers of the club’s Instagram is Josh Kerr, ex-Airdrie and Bohemians. Make of that what you want.

Kerr is a player I really like. Really grew into his role the more he played and on his day looks more than capable of being a decent Championship level centre-half. Good defender and good with the ball at his feet, to the extent that we tried to convert him into a midfielder (which didn't work), albeit probably not as good as he thinks he is and as such, has the occasional brain fart. Kerr's problem though is that he's never fit for any sustained period of time. Which is probably why he's not playing at this level already. He played with us for 3(?) seasons and never completed a whole season without getting injured. I couldn't tell you what his longest run of games were but it can't be much more than a dozen if even that. Not sure if he left Bohemians for fitness related reasons. I hope he does find a club and it works out for him as he's too good a player to not be playing the game at all. 

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58 minutes ago, jagfox said:

No signings today? Probably another impending financial disaster, for the fans of the wee teams, in the division, to get their teeth into...

The Thistle falling into the same trap as The Caley I see - the media and fans of other clubs have an insider info on your finances too?

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7 minutes ago, TheScarf said:

The Thistle falling into the same trap as The Caley I see - the media and fans of other clubs have an insider info on your finances too?

Apparently so m9. 

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