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10 minutes ago, Nightmare said:

The vocal supporters of this PTFC Trust sham seem to primarily come from Cumbernauld, for some reason.

In Cumbernauld Stewart Mac Gregor is carried shoulder high for deceiving the Jags fans ,to the rest of us he’s a con man looking out for number one 

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Im a fairly casual fan these days tbh but on the face of it its still really disappointing to see tjf get strung along + the share transfer getting railroaded through.

Would the executor of the Weir's estate not be able to clarify what they wanted for the club or are they non-commital (either bound or through choice)?

Edit: it should really be immaterial but as has been covered the "its what colin would have wanted" schtick was used by 3bc/the trust/the club

Edited by Thistle_do_nicely
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4 hours ago, Thistle_do_nicely said:

Im a fairly casual fan these days tbh but on the face of it its still really disappointing to see tjf get strung along + the share transfer getting railroaded through.

Would the executor of the Weir's estate not be able to clarify what they wanted for the club or are they non-commital (either bound or through choice)?

Edit: it should really be immaterial but as has been covered the "its what colin would have wanted" schtick was used by 3bc/the trust/the club

The Executor is Murray Beith Murray.

One of the two Directors of Three Black Cats is… Murray Beith Murray.

The firm Peter Shand works for.

He was in the “negotiations” with the interested parties.

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What a weird guy this Macgregor is. A rambling, incoherent mess of an interview and fair play to Cairney for leaving in so many of his quotes so we can all see how much of a narcissistic fantasist he is.

He uses the phrase “I honestly couldn’t be more down to earth” (:lol:) and then the following paragraph he’s trying to justify why he threatened legal action against his friend. Aye, down to earth indeed.

Edited by Nightmare
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“I don’t know what’s coming, I don’t know when it’s coming. I don’t know what their communications strategy is, I don’t know what their engagement strategy is“

Why did you unilaterally decide that this was the best way forward then, Stewart?

He comes across absolutely appallingly in that interview. 

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It's all good though cause we now have an FAQ on the trust answering precisely none of our questions and if anything raising more.

My favourite one being why does it take a vote of the beneficiaries to expand their definition beyond those holding three years season books but it doesn't take a vote to change their trust deeds five times, constantly delay elections and turn your minority shareholding into a majority (by their own admission in their document) with significant tax and liability implications to the beneficiaries.

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6 hours ago, Airija said:

My favourite one being why does it take a vote of the beneficiaries to expand their definition beyond those holding three years season books but it doesn't take a vote to change their trust deeds five times, constantly delay elections and turn your minority shareholding into a majority (by their own admission in their document) with significant tax and liability implications to the beneficiaries.

This. All of this. 

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Juan Alegria had a Nike sponsorship and I’d been on to him to get me a pair of boots because he’s the same size as me

Juan Alegria has, or at least had, a sponsorship deal with Nike

Juan fucking Alegria.

Honestly think that’s a more startling revelation than anything else we’ve had over the last week. 

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It's the money side of things that's the worry to me, particularly considering how much we bleated about not getting the £350k grant during covid yet we've always been able to build a reasonable squad since McCall came back. 

Forgive me if I take the PTFC trusts view that everything is hunky dory with a salt shaker full of salt, particularly when TJF weren't given access to the internal MI. 

Edited by Fuctifano
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They still can’t tell us how much money Three Black Cats put into the Club in the financial years 2019-20, 2020-21 and 2021-22.

They could only answer that question if they were specifically given the answer or, for the most recent financial year, if the management accounts examined covered that period.

Without knowing that information it’s completely meaningless to say we are at break even based on the audited accounts: they don’t and cannot tell you about those specific income sources.

They can tell you what the Covid-related support is (as it was itemised separately from operating income). But you’d be left making educated guesses at best about how credible this year’s budget was because you wouldn’t have a detailed comparison to put it up against.

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16 minutes ago, Ad Lib said:

They still can’t tell us how much money Three Black Cats put into the Club in the financial years 2019-20, 2020-21 and 2021-22.

They could only answer that question if they were specifically given the answer or, for the most recent financial year, if the management accounts examined covered that period.

Without knowing that information it’s completely meaningless to say we are at break even based on the audited accounts: they don’t and cannot tell you about those specific income sources.

They can tell you what the Covid-related support is (as it was itemised separately from operating income). But you’d be left making educated guesses at best about how credible this year’s budget was because you wouldn’t have a detailed comparison to put it up against.

Are you making this post from something other than the Q&A responses ? If not, what would TJF’s review of the same documents have revealed ?

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1 hour ago, IR1970 said:

The song about the Queen last night was embarrassing as were the 11 players. The 2 centre halfs all over the place. Lets hope we dont get to many injuries if we are relying on those players.

Can't agree more about the Queen thing, yes I fully believe in free speech but as the years have moved on there is a lot of things we can't say and rightly so, so in that context if you have a personal view keep it to yourself and hold your own decency rather than offend other people around you. More importantly don't give my club a bad name because of a few mindless idiots.

On the football side we were terrible last night but this further enhances the group/club are more concentrating on the league.

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