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CLYDE FC season 16/17 Thread

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2 weeks to save your "management" career Barry, and more importantly - to save our season.

Wasn't there today (another who's just about had enough) - but it looks to me like he's lost the dressing-room (if he ever had it in the first place).

As I've said before - being a good manager depends on knowing how to motivate your players, and how to change the game when things aren't going for you.

Barry - you haven't a feckin' clue how to do either!!

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Wasn't there today (another who's just about had enough) - but it looks to me like he's lost the dressing-room (if he ever had it in the first place).

That's certainly the way it looked to me. Today had the feeling of the endgame of a manager. Looked to me as if the players gave up. Very little vocal encouragement from them and very little fight.
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1 point from last 6 games is completely unacceptable and we're fast sliding towards the bottom of the league. I wasn't there today and honestly can't see me being back for the foreseeable future. It's meant to be entertainment ffs and I'm afraid watching Ferguson's efforts at building a football team is just too torturous. How many players has the clown gone through since he became manager ? Is he ever going to realise that it's maybe not the players that are the issue but his own inability to coach, organise and motivate ? 

The last few seasons have been a nightmare, the worst I can remember since starting to follow the club in the late 70s. Ferguson will not improve our position. I for one will not waste any more of my time. 

I'll be interested in seeing how much worse attendances become in the next few games. 

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I doubt the Club are anywhere near thinking about changing manager, so for that to happen would take a resignation

The likelihood of that depends how he sees his future career - presumably it's in football management. He knows that if he resigns it's unlikely he'll get a call for a similar role anytime soon, but a coaching role at someone like Rangers isn't impossible

He could decide to stick it out and try and prove himself by turning it around - aware he's had 2-3 years so far

He could walk, pick up a coaching role, learn his trade and get back into management better equipped at a later date - he's still a young man

Or he could go, but in an attempt to pick up a new manager's role quickly, use his public position to describe the Clyde manager's job as impossible due to x, y & z 

I was wrong predicting a Clyde win today. Hopefully the opening sentence above is also

Finally, no Clyde fan is happy at losing the game today for any reason whatsoever. Assume yourself schooled if you tried to suggest otherwise

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Sadly there are still enough fans willing to prop up a regime reminiscent of an old communist regime out of touch tell everyone it's a people's club but suppressing any criticism telling the fans it's their fault nothing to do with them and revising history on any past calamities

It's a fans run club right well if your an owner band together get a majority and insist on sacking the manager if that's what you want ?

Long run won't make any difference

Clear out top to bottom

And I've heard all this if they resign who would take over well let's find out

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Negative reps for unoriginality and just general shite patter.
Guy that once pulled the strings against the Bayern Munichs of this world now taking grief off of shite like this? Cheeky b*****ds.
Not worth it Baz mate.
You're better than that.

Nah but well worth an EBT :)

And remember these guys don't do walking away
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Oh I forgot if you don't say how terrible the board are in every post that makes you an apologist :1eye

Why would you say that you don't think they are doing a bad job do you ? and your fully entitled to think that

Might even get you a seat on the team bus for an away game or corporate entertainment :)
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13 minutes ago, Elementary Penguin said:

Ignoring the blatantly obvious deception which is occurring in front of anyone willing to see it. That's why. As long as you and the other reptiles have a long list of belligrents to blame for the demise of your shitty little version of the football club i and many others know and love, as far as i'm concerned you're the guilty parties. Ram it. 

Do something about it then you whining p***k!

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