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Motherwell FC - A Thread For All Seasons

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Fear this thread will never reach these levels again, though I'll get my kicks from Twitter instead today.

There's almost an outpouring of grief from some following Bigi's departure, I can't really get my head around it. 

He arrived with a fair bit of potential and we saw glimpses, but nowhere near often enough to make him anything other than a squad player that has moved on.

There's absolutely an argument for our style of play not fitting his game, but he didn't really adapt either - I wasn't a fan of how Robinson hung him out to dry on occasion, but then again if he'd been willing to track his man or indeed do any sort of defensive work then that probably wouldn't have happened.


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Can only echo what was said about what a laugh yesterday turned out to be - have long since lost interest in deadline day as a bit of a spectacle but that was up there with the great Barraclough trolley dash of '15! 

Over the window, we seem to have settled onto a new formation that you can actually make sense of going into games, and have players that you are genuinely excited about going to watch get on the ball! 

Ross McCormack - On paper, a fantastic coup for us. Him starting that Ross County game however was a bit of a reality check into just how far from fitness he actually is. Also makes for an interesting conversation as to where he fits into this new system, ie, centre forward or on the left and have Hastie/Ariyibi fight it out for the traditional pacey winger position on the other side potentially. A nice problem to have however!

Gboly Ariyibi - Doesn't seem to suffer from the Elliot Frear syndrome of hiding. Quite enjoy the eraticness (for want of a better word) he has where nobody, himself included, knows quite what his feet will do when the ball is in and around him. Sometimes that'll go for you, other times it won't but we seem to have found a more than capable body in terms of pacey, versatile on the forward line and adds a form of creativity in the final third.

Jake Hastie - I'm going to tag him as the 'like a new signing' category here. Just give him the ball and let him run. That ball in for Turnbull against Hibs after his run was a thing of beauty also. Perfectly weighted.

Also a special mention to signing David Turnbull up to 2021. What a player we have on our hands and you'll have to think we'll be receiving some serious money for him when he does move to a bigger stage!

Absolutely no complaints from me on the outgoings. Getting money for Bowman was banter!  Loved the guy, limited ability wise. Nothing that hasn't been said before. Been massively underwhelmed by Bigirimana over his spell, but even in this new system there isn't really a nailed on spot for him with Turnbull having that advanced position, and Gorrin seems to be far better suited to the pivote 6 position than him (Will miss a Robinson interview where he moans about Bigi not tracking a runner and we concede from it). Rose helped contribute to some great results over his stay, so can only thank him and wish him well over in the States. ATS - meh, on paper he seemed to be exactly what we needed at left back. Unfortunately it also seemed like he was made of paper. Plus a few others away, it looks like we're saving a pretty decent wage that we'll be able to play with going into next season.

Could we have done more? Being greedy, a left back would've been great, but Tait more than does a job there and would allow us to ease Livingstone in a heck of a lot easier than the Celtic home game he got. A centre forward as well would've been on my wish list as personally I don't think Curtis Main is the answer for bringing our other players into the game but again that may be one for the summer.

Finally, on Robbo. I would imagine we'd still only be a few dropped points away from well fans 2 going into meltdown over him again, and whether he leads us into next season or not remains to be seen with how the rest of the season goes. But, you have to say to him fair play for acknowledging that he made a mess of things in the summer, and changing it up the way he did.


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11 minutes ago, AndyRoss said:

Fear this thread will never reach these levels again, though I'll get my kicks from Twitter instead today.

There's almost an outpouring of grief from some following Bigi's departure, I can't really get my head around it. 

He arrived with a fair bit of potential and we saw glimpses, but nowhere near often enough to make him anything other than a squad player that has moved on.

There's absolutely an argument for our style of play not fitting his game, but he didn't really adapt either - I wasn't a fan of how Robinson hung him out to dry on occasion, but then again if he'd been willing to track his man or indeed do any sort of defensive work then that probably wouldn't have happened.


Your description is bang on.  A signing that excited me at the time, but ultimately he never delivered on a consistent basis. 

Maybe he'll thrive in a different environment at Easter Road, but when you have the midfielders that Hibs have, I don't really see where he fits.

I'm sure Our Lord and Saviour will keep him right.  

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2 minutes ago, BigTamMuller said:

Finally, on Robbo. I would imagine we'd still only be a few dropped points away from well fans 2 going into meltdown over him again, and whether he leads us into next season or not remains to be seen with how the rest of the season goes. But, you have to say to him fair play for acknowledging that he made a mess of things in the summer, and changing it up the way he did.

Good post that!

I think this is a really interesting point, if we'd continued our poor form after County then maybe Robinson might not even still have been here, but I think the changes he's introduced since going out the Scottish Cup has certainly bought him more time.

Going along to see the likes of Campbell, Hastie and Turnbull, youth academy graduates now doing a great job for the first team is brilliant and I think the fans will really get on board with that. I know players can still go out on loan to L1 & L2 teams during the next month, but it looks like there's the prospect of Livingstone and Scott challenging to get their chance too. 


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Yesterday was 100% great value so well done everyone.

Not including loans (Aldred, Sammon, McCormack & Ariyibi) and u20s (who you think would be getting their deals extended anyway) the out of contract list has been trimmed down a bit. I've added Hastie as he's pretty much a first team player now:

  • Christian Mbulu
  • Carl McHugh
  • Chris Cadden (injured)
  • Elliot Frear
  • Liam Grimshaw
  • Alex Rodriguez Gorrin
  • Craig Tanner (injured)
  • Curtis Main
  • Jake Hastie

There seems to be a lot less deadwood there IMO and a number of them you could imagine we'd be quite comfortable looking to extend if they're up for it.

10 year deal for Hastie next please...

Generally speaking I'm curious to see what we do with the centre forward position though in the sense that Sammon's not our player and presumably we've tried to offload him through the window. You wouldn't imagine we'd be looking at seeing him back next season. The big man seems like a thoroughly good pro but if the rest of the season's going to be about development then you'd have thought getting guys like Scott, Livingstone and possibly Brown on to the bench would make more sense for us going forward.

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28 minutes ago, AndyRoss said:

Good post that!

I think this is a really interesting point, if we'd continued our poor form after County then maybe Robinson might not even still have been here, but I think the changes he's introduced since going out the Scottish Cup has certainly bought him more time.

Going along to see the likes of Campbell, Hastie and Turnbull, youth academy graduates now doing a great job for the first team is brilliant and I think the fans will really get on board with that. I know players can still go out on loan to L1 & L2 teams during the next month, but it looks like there's the prospect of Livingstone and Scott challenging to get their chance too. 


It's strange when you think about it because it's really only been 2 games since County, and both of which on paper could easily have gone the other way with Hibs having  a strong attack and Dundee being even more desperate for points than we were. A strange one on the what if scenario - what if we'd beaten County and started a cup run, but picked up say 1 point of the 6 we did get. That probably would've seen some panic buying, or maybe even a sacking like you said, over the last week.

Ultimately we've come out of January in a position of strength - it would take losing every game from now til May to even think of relegation. We've trimmed the squad to the point we've a pretty safe starting XI - you'd imagine Hartley and McHugh will fight their way back in, and imo McHugh would be better suited as the midfield anchor in some situations - and an XI that most weeks going forward will include  2/3 nailed on academy graduates starting. And then, we've got a couple of prospects in Livingstone and Scott that we can feed in and out of the starting lineup without the pressure of relegation hanging over our heads had we not started the second half of the season off with back to back wins (3 in a row counting Accies in December).

Edited by BigTamMuller
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2 hours ago, AndyRoss said:

Good post that!

I think this is a really interesting point, if we'd continued our poor form after County then maybe Robinson might not even still have been here, but I think the changes he's introduced since going out the Scottish Cup has certainly bought him more time.

Going along to see the likes of Campbell, Hastie and Turnbull, youth academy graduates now doing a great job for the first team is brilliant and I think the fans will really get on board with that. I know players can still go out on loan to L1 & L2 teams during the next month, but it looks like there's the prospect of Livingstone and Scott challenging to get their chance too. 

Strongly agree with this btw. The whole thing about the identity and intensity that pretty much defined the style of play last season was one of the key elements that got (most of) the fans on board. Getting Hastie into the first team in particular seems to have given us the spark and directness that had been missing in the first half of the season.

I mean it may well be the case that getting Scott and a few others out to L1 or L2 on loan will make most sense for the rest of the season in development terms and I'm absolutely all for that but it'll be interesting to see if any of them are given the opportunity to have a shot in the first team before we do that.

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Being a part time Coventry fan, I was absolutely delighted when we signed Bigi and I genuinely would have predicted at the time that he would have been our player of the year. I watched him in several games for Coventry where he seemed to dictate the tempo of games, but unfortunately I rarely seen that when he was here. I thought at the time that he would've been one of our more "marquee" signings and taken a higher wage. Unless he was instantly terrible in training, it seemed strange how quickly Robinson discarded him from his thoughts.

I think it was a relationship where Robinson wasn't a good fit for Bigi, but at times I don't think he helped himself either.  He didn't seem to fit our style of play, but then again there were some elements of his shortcomings that were down to him. Tracking men and putting tackles in isn't a style of play thing, it's an attitude thing.

All in all, I'm very disappointed in how his spell at us has turned out, against how I thought it would go.

In general, a very good window for us. I can't see any player that we've lost having a massive effect on our season.

The first half of the season saw us have a bloated squad or players of similar ability levels. I'm glad we've added a bit of quality, removed some deadwood and are no longer in a place where the manager can keep tinkering our squad with bringing in average players for different average players week after week.

Like others have said, I just hope Taylor-Sinclair, Sammon (I know he didn't go, but we tried to punt him) etc has learned Robbo a lesson for the next window.

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Well...this is an interesting listen. The stuff about not developing other team's young players seems pretty pointed.

Talks specifically about James Scott being close to the first team and we pulled Liam Brown out of a loan deal because we decided to keep him here and see if we can get him in the team.


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6 minutes ago, capt_oats said:

Well...this is an interesting listen. The stuff about not developing other team's young players seems pretty pointed.

Talks specifically about James Scott being close to the first team and we pulled Liam Brown out of a loan deal because we decided to keep him here and see if we can get him in the team.


Actually a really good interview, would be interesting to see who we missed out on. Good to see we’ll be giving Scott a good chance and also Brown it seems. Haven’t enjoyed one of his interviews in a long time. *announce Desp replies*

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4 hours ago, AndyRoss said:

Fear this thread will never reach these levels again, though I'll get my kicks from Twitter instead today.

There's almost an outpouring of grief from some following Bigi's departure, I can't really get my head around it. 

He arrived with a fair bit of potential and we saw glimpses, but nowhere near often enough to make him anything other than a squad player that has moved on.

There's absolutely an argument for our style of play not fitting his game, but he didn't really adapt either - I wasn't a fan of how Robinson hung him out to dry on occasion, but then again if he'd been willing to track his man or indeed do any sort of defensive work then that probably wouldn't have happened.


I think this post best sums up Bigi's time with us. For all he was a victim of our 'punt and rush, bypass the midfield' style of play, he didn't really do too much to help his case when he did get his chance. There were times when he looked like he may be the answer to our midfield problems but that never materialised and it's best we part company as he's part of a number of deadwood which will need to be moved on in the coming summer. 

Best of luck to the guy for his future.

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5 hours ago, capt_oats said:

Well...this is an interesting listen. The stuff about not developing other team's young players seems pretty pointed.

Talks specifically about James Scott being close to the first team and we pulled Liam Brown out of a loan deal because we decided to keep him here and see if we can get him in the team.


I would imagine that this season has been a fucking brutal experience for Robinson and the stark fact is that despite the massive whirlwind of signings from the nether regions of English footy in the past couple of years, pretty much any positives in this pretty grim season have come from within the club in the shape of homegrown players. If as seems likely, we have a line-up with Turnball, Cadden, Campbell and Hastie in it before the end of the season - that would be a brilliant thing and a pointer to the way forward for a club with no rich owner and not a lot of well-off supporters.

We are never going to be able to rely on these players alone and we do need good experienced pro's but an acknowledgement that the mix needs to different as Robinson is implying in the interview is a big step in the right direction.

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10 minutes ago, ah-dee said:

does anyome know if there was ever any truth in peter Hartley leaving or was that just shite on here? if there was a chamce he could leave id have been hoping we were in for him

Paging @ITKMarv

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32 minutes ago, ah-dee said:

does anyome know if there was ever any truth in peter Hartley leaving or was that just shite on here? if there was a chamce he could leave id have been hoping we were in for him

Who knows tbh.

The rumour came from Pete O'Rourke on Twitter who unlike the nonsense #ITK accounts and frauds like Agent Scotland at least has an actual name and a face (and is followed on Twitter by our GM and a few of our players) but he also had us, Hibs and United in for Matt Kilgallon from Accies which obviously didn't happen either. So...pinch of salt and all that.

I doubt we'd be pushing Hartley out the door given he's our captain but as was discussed at the time on here it doesn't seem that wild that a loan to the end of the season could have suited everyone.

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Who knows tbh.
The rumour came from Pete O'Rourke on Twitter who unlike the nonsense #ITK accounts and frauds like Agent Scotland at least has an actual name and a face (and is followed on Twitter by our GM and a few of our players) but he also had us, Hibs and United in for Matt Kilgallon from Accies which obviously didn't happen either. So...pinch of salt and all that.
I doubt we'd be pushing Hartley out the door given he's our captain but as was discussed at the time on here it doesn't seem that wild that a loan to the end of the season could have suited everyone.
id also heard it from a mate by txt but he uses Twitter and has a habit of picking up random shite online and trying to pass it off as reliable info he was privy to. sure you know the sort
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Interesting wee bit from McGarry in his piece on Turnbull in the Evening Times here.

I'm pretty sure Robinson said similar this time last year when the deal for McCartan fell through and nothing came of it but the suggestion is we're actively looking at free agents.


Motherwell take on Livingston at Fir Park today, but Robinson still has an eye on the bigger picture, revealing he is actively looking at free agents now the transfer window has closed.

He is adamant though that the pathway for his young players won’t be blocked by bringing in signings for the sake of it.

“I want to take a real stance and say that we have got these players coming through, they will get their opportunities here," he said.

“Yes, there will be ups and downs, and moments when they dip in form, but I’ll continue to do what we believe in.”

#announceAnichebe #welcomeVictor

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Just now, capt_oats said:

Interesting wee bit from McGarry in his piece on Turnbull in the Evening Times here.

I'm pretty sure Robinson said similar this time last year when the deal for McCartan fell through and nothing came of it but the suggestion is we're actively looking at free agents.

#announceAnichebe #welcomeVictor


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