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11 hours ago, Gianfranco said:

Grimmy was alright last season but he now seems to have been universally labelled as shite. I kinda feel sorry for him a bit.

For what it is worth I do too. He is a very likeable guy. 

And while I am not saying he is solely responsible for the goal we conceded  v United and 2nd goal v Livi, the reality is that he was a major contributor. He has a great engine and is OK going forward but defensively he is always liable to be caught out.  

For me he is a decent back up player to have for midfield and defence but not first choice. 

All that said I would not be surprised if Robinson plays SOD at left back and Grimshaw retains his place at RB.  It all comes down to whether the gaffer thinks Lamie is poorer at LB than Grimmy is at RB. SOD favoured position is RB but I suspect the reason he mentioned he has played at LB is because the Manager has told he may well be playing in that position. 

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Grimshaw is not only a terrible right back but he's absolutely gash in general. And for a "midfielder" brought through the youth system at Old Trafford his passing is absolutely honking. 

He was consistently the weak link in the team last season but his ability to go on the odd crazy and ultimately fruitless mazy seems to have been enough to distract some Motherwell fans from his overall shiteness. 

Of all the mistakes Robinson has made already this season not replacing Grimshaw from the off is by far the most infuriating. 

Edited by Pepper
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1 minute ago, Lobby Dossar said:

Naw we’ll probably just use one of our centre forwards  or the international right back that we’re playing at left back 

Mugabi? He doesnt need to worry about passes or keeping possesion. Just defend and then punt it up the field.

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33 minutes ago, Phillips455 said:

Theres your Scott Fox out of the season.


Will we be in for another back up keeper?


FFS. Surely he could still sit on the bench? Lucky that he's got a decent contract, unlucky injury wise but I doubt he'd have seen much game time.

SOD seems a pretty damn good signing to me. Especially with the state of the current options. 

RIP Tam Forsyth.

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Its unfortunate for Fox, but its a boot to the bollocks that we're shelling out a season's wage for a player that won't ever be in our squad again. Can we really afford another wage? Aren't we up to about 30 players in our squad? 

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1 minute ago, Desp said:

Its unfortunate for Fox, but its a boot to the bollocks that we're shelling out a season's wage for a player that won't ever be in our squad again. Can we really afford another wage? Aren't we up to about 30 players in our squad? 

Might there be insurance that covers players that are incapacitated?

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4 minutes ago, Desp said:

Its unfortunate for Fox, but its a boot to the bollocks that we're shelling out a season's wage for a player that won't ever be in our squad again. Can we really afford another wage? Aren't we up to about 30 players in our squad? 

Aye it's 30 dead on: First Team

The chat from Robinson in the press conference yesterday was that there's no money left for bring in new players though he went on to talk about actively looking to get the "better" younger players out on loan as there's no Reserve league at the moment. I'd have thought for the most part we'd cover the wages for Development loans but the landscape has changed a bit.

Unsure whether loaning out half a dozen of the young 'uns would free up any money.

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